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英文摘要 第6期

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Adjustment of US Global Strategy: Strategic Focus Tilting Further toward the Asia-Pacific Region

SHEN Qiang (1)

Since coming into being, the Obama Administration has made significant adjustments to the US global strategy far beyond those made by the previous administrations. The US global strategy has tilted its geopolitical, geoeconomic and geomilitary focuses further to the Asia-Pacific region from the Europe-Atlantic region, so as to respond to the complex and profound changes that have taken place in Europe and Asia in recent years. At present, the relative superiority of US hard and soft powers over Europe and Asia still exits. By relying on such superiority, the US can conduct macro regulations by managing the European and Asian geo-strategies and enable the situation to develop in its own favor so that it can maintain leadership and dominant position over Europe and Asia. However, in the long run, current US relative superiority will be gradually weakened and its leading and dominant role will meet more and greater challenges in face of the ever stronger hard and soft powers of Europe and Asia.

The Globalization of the World and the Universalisation of Religions Managing Religions in an Information Era

YUAN Yang (18)

This article aims to use neo-liberalist Joseph Nye’s theoretical framework of complex interdependence to study the relationship between the globalization of the world and the universalization of religions in the information era from the angle of the science of international politics. The author attempts to use conceptual tools such as “cyber-feudalism”, “the politics of diaspora communities”, “fragmegration”, “from broadcasting to narrowcasting”, and “the paradox of plenty” to analyze cyberspace religious phenomena that influence international relations. In conclusion, the author believes that simple technology determinism is incapable of explaining the complex interaction between religions, politics and technologies. Multiple methodological approach and cross-section disciplinary training are needed for a more integrated scholarly inquiry.

The RNGOs in Transnational Contention: A Case Study on “Advocates International”

ZHANG Jun (32)

Religion has been “neglected” in the studies of transnational contentions. However, with their increasing activism and involvement in transnational collective actions, the RNGOs (Religious Non-Governmental Organizations) became a key actor in “religious transnational contention”. This paper seeks to explore the role of RNGOs which focuses on “religious human rights” in the transnational contention through a case study on “Advocates International”.

The “Afpak” Strategy of Obama Administration: Challenges and Prospects

WANG Chong (47)

Since Obama administration took office, it has gradually formed a comprehensive and pragmatic “Afpak” strategy by means of policy statements and practical operation. However, the implementation of the “Afpak” strategy will not be smooth. For one thing, it faces the challenges from some countries and the regional international system. Also for another, it faces the counterattack from non-state actors and social levels. From the perspective of the former, the special geo-strategic location of “Afpak” decides that the U. S. will face the power confrontation from Russia and China, particularly in the competition on the Afghan transport corridor. From the point of view of the latter, the Taliban and Al Qaeda and other extremist organizations will bring long-lasting threat to the implementation of the “Afpak” strategy, which is closely linked to the social patterns of Afpak’s border region, especially Pashtun tribal area in northwest part of Pakistan. In the face of the complex surrounding environments and the opponents’ strong counterattack, it is rather difficult to achieve good results for the “Afpak” strategy. The implementation of exit strategy does not mean that the U. S. really gives up its strategic objective established, and it also concerns ultimate success or failure of the “Afpak” strategy.

India’s Evaluation and Response to the U.S. “Afghanistan-Pakistan Strategy”

SHAO Yuqun (64)

India supports the U.S. “Afghanistan-Pakistan Strategy” in part that U.S. resorts to political means in solving Afghanistan problems, calls Pakistan to intensify counter-terrorism and improves Afghan economy through regional cooperation, but India opposes the U.S. strategy in part that U.S. links Kashmir issue to the issue of Afghanistan, withdraws its troops from Afghanistan hastily, and relies on Pakistan too much. In response, India continues to enlist the U.S. support on counter-terrorism, increases its aids to Afghanistan, and strengthens regional coordination. India’s Afghanistan policy will mainly surround four pivots in the future, i.e., to continue its good relations with Afghan government, continue its strategic partnership with U.S., stabilize relations with Pakistan, and coordinate its positions with those of countries and organizations within the region.

A Study of the Impacts on Iran Nuclear Issue of the U.S.-European Military Intervention in Libya

YUE Hanjing (79)

The U.S.-European military intervention in Libya has main impacts on Iran Nuclear Issue which are as follows: Iran will take a much tougher stance on its nuclear issue; the effectiveness of the ongoing international economic sanctions imposed on Iran over its nuclear issue will be weakened; it will be more difficult for U.S and its European allies to put any more practically significant pressure on Iran over its nuclear issue. In spite of all this, the U.S. and its European allies will put greater pressure on Iran over issues like democracy and human rights, and this will affect the Iran nuclear issue indirectly.

US-China Relations in 2011:

From Fragile to Substantive Stability

David Shambaugh (91)

Following a very rocky year in bilateral relations during 2010, the Sino-American relationship has stabilized and begun to make substantive improvements during 2011. Two key events have contributed to the turnaround and improvement in relations: the January 2011 state visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao to Washington, D.C., and the May 2011 Third Round of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED). While ties during 2010 could be described as “unstable” or “fragile stability,” now we are building towards “substantive stability.” Given the functional complexities of the relationship, its global nature, the differing domestic political and social systems, and the sheer size of the two economies and two militaries, and overlapping national security interests, it is natural that there should be a competitive dynamic to the relationship, but it is not a Cold War style competition. The Sino-American relationship is likely to continue to be a mixture of cooperation and competition. Our task is to expand the cooperative dimension while managing and reducing the competitive dimension.

China’s Growing Role in African Post-Conflict Reconstruction

Chris Alden, ZHANG Chun, Bernardo Mariani, Daniel Large

With the rapid development of Sino-African relations, China’s national interests in Africa is transforming from promotion to protection. Along with big challenges of African security and great pressures of international system transformation, this fact calls for greater role of China in African post-conflict reconstruction efforts. Till now, China has contributed a lot to this process by sending peacekeepers, investing into post-conflict reconstructions, and providing other supports. Considering multiple uncertainties, the future role of China in African post-conflict reconstruction will wait and see.