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Tang Li was a schoolgirl. In some quizzes, she got high marks in Chinese, Maths and English, which took her teachers and schoolmates by surprise, for every time she ranked the first among six classes.

However, Tang still kept a sullen look even if she had achieved such admirable exam results. She looked desolate and self-abased in the throng of her beautifully dressed peers. In fact, she had polio, with one leg a little shorter than the other, so she had to walk with a limp. For this, she wept in grief to herself, complaining about the unfairness of Heaven. Thus, she bent her efforts to studies, thinking with exceptionally good exam results, she would earn others’ admiration.

With the best exam results, Tang didn’t take the P.E. lesson without asking the teacher for permission earlier. So the P.E. teacher made a complaint about her absence to the class teacher Ms. Ma. She said in a serious tone, “Tang Li, you are able to do whatever other classmates can do. You will only probably take more efforts than they do. But even if it’s a struggle, you must have a try.”

Tang shrugged off the teacher’s words and went on doing as usual.

When Ms. Ma found Tang didn’t go to the playground to take the P.E. class again, she burst into the classroom crossly, roaring, “Tang Li, how many times shall I try to convince you? You are able to do whatever everyone else does. Get out, now! Go to the playground to take the P.E. lesson as the teacher requires. Or go to another school.”