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A Study of START Model in the Translation Training Workshop

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Abstract. The START model in the translation training workshop is subdivided into five steps, showing the college and enterprise, teachers and students all participate in the class teaching and college-enterprise program, which organizes an orderly training platform in order to fly the student's brain.

Key words: Translation training workshop, START model

1. The Translation Workshop

The theme of 2009 International Translation Day: "From the study -to-workshop" breaks the barriers among translators around the world who participate in the discussions, giving the traditional workshop new ideas and creating new opportunities. Workshop explores a way to communicate with each other, in which people with different opinion and race think, discuss and may even dispute the translation problems, injecting new vitality to the translation altar.

An operational start model derived from the study of translation training workshop extends the teaching space, makes an incentive for students to participate, innovate and find reasons to translation problems.

2. The Definition of START Model

S(Situation)-T(Task)-A(Action)-R(Result)-T(Target) condensed into five steps START model, where the teacher and students take part in the translation activities together in the class teaching and practical training workshop. It is not only the first five letters of the English word combinations, but also symbolizes "the starting point of changing the future." The meaning of every letter in START Model is shown in the following table.

Therefore, the letter each in START is representing a step of workshop organization, which links with one another, recycling in an orderly way.

3. The Implementation of START Model

The best teaching method is to instruct the Student teaching themselves. In START model, the teacher guides students in group to share the learning process as follows:

3.1 Situation. In the class teaching, the teacher selects the case from the enterprise, organizing the whole class in a company translation atmosphere, just as playing video clips and using PPT scene photographs related to business topics.

In the training workshop, students showed in professional translation work atmosphere, sense a translator's responsible role, and understand the translator's task of mission. [1]

According to the functional principle of purpose, the translation process should be based on the target language culture to achieve its expected function as a standard. Workshop activities need to take into account the requirements of readers and customers for the purpose of communication, achieving the purpose of business exchange and cooperation projects. [2]

3.2 Task. The teacher's heavy task is to prepare the topic: digging the background information and explaining the translation theory and skill to pave the way for the translating theme.

The teacher assigns the task to students in group. The groups draw up a co-translating plan in order that every member understand the role and task clearly. They collect the topic-related materials, then discuss together to make PPT, which will be shown in class, recording the background information.

3.3 Action. Teachers explain difficulties in text reading comprehension to guide students into the practice of translation.

Giving full play to students is the theme-centered activity that links the learning with working to increase the learner's motivation, develop knowledge, ability and quality, and carry out the career planning. Specific steps are as follows:

① Trying to translate the text by the members themselves, collecting the questions during the process of translating.

② With a dictionary, parallel texts, Internet text, the groups make a translation.

③ Group discussions and recording ideas of each member, writing down the translog.

④ Making comments and giving suggestion to groups by the teacher.

3.4 Result. Through the translating corporation, students solve the problem; know about the enterprise culture; product safety and ethical requirements, recognizing the translation needs care and patience. At the same time team members learn from each other to improve the gains. Specific steps are as follows:

① Exchanging ideas by e-mail, letters, blog, and online, the groups find out solutions to problems encountered in learning from each other.

② A representative of each group states the problem solved or unsolved, giving inspiration to other groups.

③ The teacher guides students to compare the gaps between group translations and custom requirements, summarizing the translating rule of thumb.

④ Meng Zi warns the generation: "do believe the book is worse than no book," teachers encourage students to identify the merits of their translation, supporting students' creativity.

3.5 Target. Students in group guided in the training place to participate the workshop. Their ability is jugged by the customer's response to inquiry or the orders which change the evaluation bias with teachers' experience on books.

Teachers leave the campus——"ivory tower" to assist the effective implementation of workshop projects, and they will grow into "double ability" type. Steps of Group activities include:

① Customers participate in the report of the translation results, giving suggestion to each group.

② Translation professionals review and evaluate the translation effects according to customer requirements.

③ Groups make comprehensive summary and polish the translation by the proposal to form the translation manuscript.

④ The feelings and gains in the workshop are written by group to record the class translation workshop training activity.

Participants in the START model of the translation training workshop include the training students, leading teachers and translation professionals, all in the real business scenarios. In order to stimulate students' creativity, enhance and test the practical ability of students' translation, the training workshop extends effectiveness of the class teaching and engages students in related translation work.

4. The Applied Effects

Before the implementation of this project, the survey and interview of the translation teaching showed that: the book holds students staying in the cognitive aspects of text translation without active practice, so that they are in lack of interest in the translating job.

The START model of the translation training workshop enables students to participate in well-organized workshop activities with enjoyment.

Again after the implementation of this training project, interviews and questionnaires show remarkable effects achieved. The statistical data tables and analysis are as follows (Fig1).

(1)Connecting the teaching activities with social profession. The translation class extends to the market, in which the training students in the workshop complete the company's translation project. [3]According to the survey data, 81.58% of the students recognize the urgent need for translation training workshop programs.

(2)Exerting the advantage of training workshops. Discussions and consultations aim at an orderly translation workshop, 57.89% of the students in the training project team know their roles and tasks. Students gain knowledge and have a sense of accomplishment, promoting translation workshop conducted by the internal dynamics.

(3)Entertainment in the workshop teaching and learning. Relying on foreign-related industries and businesses, inviting companies directly involved in personnel training, the training program develop comprehensive training curriculum, students in the scene experience the business environment. 71.05% of the students have more interest in learning the subject.63.16% of the students in the workshop enhance the translation project participation together with the team cohesion strengthened.

(4)Applying the knowledge in the training. In order to apply theoretical knowledge learned from books, the training project help students learn gradually, 65.79% of the students develop the professional knowledge and vocational skills; 68.42% of the students receive training skills that will be used for future work; 55.26% of students with confidence in the translation related work after graduation.

(5)Multi-win strategy. College-enterprise cooperation provides colleges for building professional development platform, practical stage for reforming the curriculum, and enhancing the visibility and attractiveness of the college department;

For the enterprise, the human resources are enlarged by tailored training students who not only have the business knowledge and ability, but also the practical experience and potential talent. Enterprises enhance their competitiveness and expand foreign markets by reducing training costs and wastage;

For the students, the training programs exclude the lower level and short time work, which has nothing to do with the student's learning in school. It opens access to training credit and certificates, reducing run-in period with the company to improve the employability and competitiveness.

5. Problems and Reflection

The following problems found in the research of translation training workshop results:

(1)Less than half of the training students' answers in the questionnaire are in favor of innovation translation, which show students want to learn the company experiences more than to innovate the reference text.

It is because business materials are in need of departmental document to meet social style. Considering efficiency, translation has to adapt the contemporary fashion style to the readability of clients and readers with flexibility. Just as a saying: "the language fits the environment while the text fits the style". [4] Only in the context is the style compatible with the language of the case, so that the social function and language complement each other.

(2)26.31% of the students make good use of the translating knowledge learned in class in the training workshop, but 15.79% of the students think that the classroom did not play the role expected. In the questionnaire, the highest proportion of negative answers is selected in the opinion. The reason is that translation is a highly skilled subject, which is not only based on the classroom-learning theory, but also through a large number of practices makes perfect.

The data sounds the alarm for the traditional translation teaching class focusing only on conveying the keys, ignoring the communication function of translation and professional ability of the job. In order to apply the learned knowledge, it is necessary for exploring a variety of workshop to carry out training activities.

(3)The pursuit of business is to maximize economic benefits, the college is seeking to optimize operating efficiency, the students are in pursuit of employment facilitation. So colleges focus more on building a substantial double-ability teachers, constructing practice base and clearing channels for student employment needs, not from the perspective of the professional skilled personnel for meeting the business demands; companies believe that the college has the task of personnel training, they are more inclined to recruit experienced staff, while they do not want to spend time and resources to develop internship students.

Interdependence between the two sides in contradiction seeks cooperation point. Considering long-term cooperation and bilateral interests, it is recommended by government departments to promote the coordination of college-enterprise cooperation projects, give some support to schools; give incentives to the enterprise; pay a part for the expense and set up a special coordinator, who will be the introduction of college-enterprise cooperation among the virtuous cycle of development.

6. Summary

The START model in the translation training workshop broadens the class teaching to practical teaching in the college-enterprise cooperation. Students' translating capability effectively meets the needs of translating post. The training target is reached by combining the market demands with the practical training steps. Problems encountered timely are fed back to the teaching reform to make up the class teaching limitations with a theoretical and practical significance.

7. Acknowledgement

Research fund: 2011 annual project of Hebei Province (No: 201104047); 2011annual project of the Education department (No: GZGZ7611-341); 2011 annual education project of Hebei Province (No: sz2011447)


[1]Li Ming, Zhong Weihe. The Translation Workshop Teaching Exploration[J]. Chinese Translators, 2010, (4): 32

[2]Christian Nord. Translating as a Purposeful Activity [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001:28

[3]Li Ming. The Translation Workshop (Chinese-English)[M].Wuhan University Press. 2010.98

[4]Li Dazhi. Business Writing Rhetoric Comparison [M]. National Defense Industry Press.2008:2.