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Zoe Chace: First, the “3-D printer” is the biggest misnomer[误称] ever. Do not think printer. Think magic box that creates whatever object you can imagine. Just imagine for a second, everything you would want custom made[定做的], super cheap. And this has already happening. You fly in planes from Boeing and others with parts in them that have been 3-D printed. Right now there are 30,000 people walking around with 3-D printed titanium[钛] hips[臀部] inside, way[远远地] less expensive than they used to be.

Terry Wohlers: And they’re just getting started. The possibilities in orthopedic[整形外科的] manufacturing really is almost limitless[无限的].

Chace: In the future, analyst Terry Wohlers says forget about titanium or even cotton. Try human tissue[组织].

Wohlers: You lose a finger, you print out a new one. Chace: Yeah, like, actual body parts, printing out new fingers using your cells.

Wohlers: Bones and bladders[膀胱] and eventually kidneys[肾] and so forth.







Chace: There’s another thing to keep in mind though, about the arrival of 3-D printing. If the industrial revolutions that we know centralized things gave birth to enormous[庞大的,巨大的] companies that make a massive[大规模的] amount of things, 3-D printing kind of reverses[反转] that process.

Chris Anderson: What’s new is the fact that the most advanced, you know, machines are now as accessible[容易取得的] to regular people as they are to the biggest companies.

Chace: Chris Anderson is not strictly a regular guy. He’s the former editor of Wired Magazine注1, now the CEO of a robotics[机器人技术] company. He says the 3-D printer democratizes[使民主化] who gets to be in manufacturing. Anybody with a good idea can have a pretty good prototype[原型] really cheaply, and then bring that product to the masses.

Anderson: Taking a product from one to many; taking a product through its entire cycle from invention to creation and marketing and building a company around it, that just wasn’t possible in most of the 20th century because manufacturing was just so hard and inaccessible[达不到的].

Chace: So if you want to go into business manufacturing stuff, there’s a much lower barrier[栅栏,屏障] to entry. Soon enough, Anderson says, you might see 3-D printers showing up at Wal-Mart or Barnes & Noble注2, on desktops, in the office, whatever. That doesn’t mean everybody will do it, but the fact that it is now so easy to be the boss of your own factory; that is a pretty revolutionary[革命性的] idea.

Anderson: You know, Karl Marx’s line that, you know, the power belongs to those who own the means of production, and regular people didn’t own the means of production.

Chace: And isn’t it funny how it’s working out? It’s capitalism[资本主义] that’s taken the means of pro- duction and turned it into a point-and-click[点击鼠标] experience for anyone.








