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【摘 要】这篇文章主要从法律与价值观两方面探讨电影刮痧》中所表现出来的中美文化差异。由于历史、文化、以及习俗等的不同,不同国家之间差异的存在是毋庸置疑的。因此,研究各国间的文化差异是非常有必要的。这不仅可以帮助人们了解更多异国文化,还可以避免交流时误会的产生。


After I saw the film of Gua Sha, I was deeply shocked by the cultural conflict between China and America as the film showed. It is extremely amazing that different cultural belief can arise from both misleading and even failure of life. While, the root of misunderstanding is right culture conflict. There are some anti-Chinese racism in the film, such as the misunderstanding of Chinese folklore about the Monkey King, Sun Wu Kong. While, the root of misunderstanding is right culture conflict.Thus, there is no denying that the invisible culture belief absolutely plays a significant and influential role in our daily life, because it is hard to explain clearly when happened . What we can do for the cultural differences are not only to tolerant these conflict but to get more information about the other culture. Therefore, I will do a brief comparison between the culture of Chinese and American from the aspects of law, medical treatment system, and belief and value according to what Gua Sha told me .


Actually, every country has its own law system and they are all different from others. But, what difference I get from Gua Sha is that American' s law tend to protect young people , on the contrary, Chinese pay more attention to the old. As we all know that, the oldest people is the most respectable one in Chinese family. All the family members should admire she or he whose place is supreme. There are also some adages about the old, such as, Who will not be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock (不听老人言,吃亏在眼前),"Filial piety goes before all the other welldoings. "(百善孝为先) and "Expend the respect of the aged in one’s family to that of other families." (老吾老,以及人之老). In addition, it is illegal if you don't support parents in China when they are old. While, America's law about kids' protection is far more than the older's. There are Child Protective Services in every state of American and adults, even children's parents, mustn't beat kids for any reasons. That's why, in the film, the American people were astonished when Da Tong slapped his son. In America, All the kids have right to accuse of adults who "bully" them. In 1974, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act established that mainly emphasized that parent cannot do physical attack to kids including slight scratch on body and kids under 12 cannot leave alone at home without parents' company. These two points are totally shown in the Gua Sha. It is not serious and even common that we leave child at home, but which is illegal in America. Thus, to know the differences of law between two countries are of necessity so that we can avoid some illegal action owning to our neglect.

2.Belief and Value

"All men are created equal " was put forward in the Declaration of Independence (1863) at the first time and it also cried out all American 's value. With this good will, America came into the world. They regard everyone, kids and adults, equally. That's why the American, in the film of Gua Sha, was unbelievable and amazed when the deliver nurse of Jane said Da Tong prefered saving his wife to saving baby. American cannot understand Chinese motto "Where there is life, there is hope.(留得青山在,不怕没柴烧)" because they thought that wife and baby should be treated equally. While, in the Chinese culture, wife can give birth to another child if the baby unfortunately die. So, it is more necessary to save the wife when the dilemma situation happen.

In addition, American are not human like Chinese. That means, Chinese more value personal relationship. If we can say American deal with things by rules, Chinese, then, by emotion. That's why Da Tong lied on the court to shield his father without any hesitate. He didn't think of the result because son should do anything for father in Chinese belief. But, his boss finally "betrayed" him because of American's rule. The boss just knew that he cannot lie on the court and must tell the truth although the truth was harmful to Da Tong. Because of "hate" for the boss, Da Tong decided to resigned his job, which made the boss incomprehensible as well. Actually, the different belief and value between Chinese and American were really too complex to explain.

There are no right and wrong to judge when the cultural conflict exists. What we can only do are to respect each culture and improve our own knowledge. The culture conflict need our tolerance and understanding. The film of Gua Sha told me it is absolutely essential to learn cross-culture communication and apply the knowledge into reality. Culture is everywhere and it companies us from womb to tomb no matter where we are. Culture is everything and communication is understanding. Intercultural communication is knowing more. Daily communication can reflects culture although we chat with our families. Thus, the value of culture are priceless. All of us cannot communicate and even live without culture. In all, culture is as important as air for our life.