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首先我们来了解一下什么是劝说信。劝说信(persuasive letter)是常见的书信形式之一,它主要是用来说服对方接受某一观点、想法或建议。在形式上它和其他信件一样,通常由信头、称呼、正文、结束语和落款形成。


1. 格式要正确。信的结构包括信头、信内地址、称呼、正文、结束语、签名、附件等部分。如果是私人书信,则没有必要写信头和信内地址,一般在右上方写上发信日期即可。

2. 语气和用词要得体。要用协商性、试探性的语气提出建议,避免生硬说教的口吻。

3. 要传达特定的信息:首先要点明写信的目的是提建议,然后简要描述问题,提出建议并具体分析所提出的建议,最后真诚地希望对方能接受自己的建议,并礼貌地结束全文。

4. 组织和结构要合理。要合理安排所有内容,使文章有条有理,符合逻辑。


1. 引入话题要自然。在正文开头要找准话题的切入点,自然引入自己想谈的话题。在写信之前要了解对方的情况,有的放矢,提高写信的针对性和实效性。

2. 提出建议要中肯。通过提出中肯的建议,让对方易于接受,从而达到写信的目的。

3. 列举或分析时要理据充分。尽量换位思考,站在对方的角度谈问题,必要时要用事实说话,以增强说服力。

4. 说话语气要委婉。在阐明自己的看法时,语气委婉,不能强加于人。晓之以理,动之以情,让对方自己考虑和决定。


I’m writing to persuade you to...

First of all, I think it would be better if...

Here I’d like to give my advice on .../I would to suggest that...

If I were you, I would...

Please take my advice into consideration and make a final decision.

I’m writing to give some suggestions to ... / I will try my best to make some constructive suggestions.

In my opinion...

Please take good consideration of my advice. (请认真考虑我的建议。) Thank you.

These are my suggestions and I hope they could mean something for a better future of...


Dear ______,

I’m writing to persuade you to______ . First of all, I think it would be better if______. Secondly,______ . Last but not least,____________. I do hope you can take my suggestion and make a final decision. Looking forward to your reply.




1. David善于交际,熟悉伦敦的情况,适合做志愿者;

2. 做志愿者是锻炼自己的一次难得的机会;

3. 要抓住机会,争取做一名优秀的奥运志愿者。

注意:1. 120词左右。2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear David,

I’m more than glad to hear from you but surprised to learn you want to give up applying to work as a volunteer for the 2012 London Olympic Games. After all, you have many advantages. First of all, you are a native of London and thus know it very well. In addition, you’re easy to get along with, which is especially useful to a volunteer. Most importantly, it’s a good opportunity to improve yourself and help display a good image of your country. Therefore, I sincererly hope you can seize the chance and make every effort to become a good volunteer.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua




假如你是李明,学校领导和教师因为担心同学们浏览不健康的网站,关闭了教室内电脑的网络浏览功能,你们感到很难过。请你给校长写一封信,劝说校长同意开通教室内的网络。注意:1. 信中要包括下表中的所有内容;2. 词数:120左右;3. 信的开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总词数。

Dear Headmaster,

I’m writing to persuade you to let us surf the Internet in the classroom.


Looking forward to your reply.


Li Ming


Dear Headmaster,

I’m writing to persuade you to let us surf the Internet in the classroom. We know you’re afraid that we may be exposed to unhealthy websites. Actually every coin has two sides. We still think that surfing the Internet can bring us much more advantages.

First of all, I think it would be better if we can surf the Internet, because there is a wide range of learning resources on the Internet. We should make good use of it. Furthermore, we can broaden our horizons by reading various news online. Last but not least, as high school students, we are building up our sense of judgement. Given chances, we are sure that we will learn how to stay away from unhealthy websites.

I do hope you can take my suggestion into consideration and make a final decision.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Ming