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开着的门 第6期

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"Mom, can we please leave the door open?" Jack asked.

"No, we need to keep the door shut," Mom said.

"But I want to let the wind in," Jack said. "Please, Mom. It's so nice out today."

"I guess it will be okay. It is nice to have a cool day for a change."

Jack smiled. He loved having the doors and windows open after the long hot summer in Louisiana.

Jack and his mom were busy fixing peanut butter sandwiches. Going to school made Jack hungry. The sun was shining through the doorway, and the fresh air made Jack even hungrier.

Jack's mom stood at the kitchen sink peeling an apple when Jack felt something touch his leg. He looked down, and shouted. "Mom, there's an Egret in our kitchen. "

"Out, out egret. You cannot have a snack with Jack."

So the egret fluttered out the open door. Jack sat down at the kitchen table to eat his apple and sandwich. He felt something touch his foot. "That egret must be back," He said. He looked under the tablecloth.

"Mom, it's not an egret. It's a rabbit!"

"Shoo, shoo, rabbit. You can't come inside," Jack's mom said.

She chased the rabbit around the kitchen and back out into the yard. Jack finished his snack and took his dishes to the sink. He felt something touch his foot.

"Not again. What could it be this time?" Jack looked down.

"Mom, it's not an egret and it's not a rabbit, it's a turtle", said Jack. "May I keep him?"

"Well, we'll have to find out what he eats. Do you know what kind of turtle he is? Do you know what he likes to eat or where he likes to live?" Mom asked.

"No, but I know how to find out. I'll use the computer.Will you help me?" Jack asked.

"That sounds like a good idea, Jack."

"I have another good idea,"Jack said. "Let's close the door before an alligator strolls in."

















