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恪守诺言 第10期

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Peter MacLean age 16

彼得・麦克林 16岁

IT WAS A COLD NIGHT and I was breathing heavily as we climbed above the tree line towards the top of the mountain.

When we reached the summit, we sat down and looked towards the canopy of stars that glittered above us.Every star held in place by the laws of nature, each kept on its course by principles that even the greatest mathematician and the most powerful computer could not calculate.

Newton had tried;he had discovered the laws of gravity. Einstein and Schroedinger had tried.Yet still the universe held its secrets; still its laws were not understood.

Yet as we sat there, looking towards the sky we were sure that there were laws that governed the motion of the starry heavens above, as surely as there were laws that governed the action and interaction of atoms and molecules.

I am a Scout.I was at Glen kin, camping with my friends of the 4th Port Glasgow troop.As we made our way back down the mountain I was thinking about what we had seen.Living in town we don't normally see the stars very clearly, but out here in the wilderness of mountains and locks the whole sky seemed ablaze with tiny pricks of light. "The starry heavens above, and the moral order within"(Kant).

I don't know what put these words in my thoughts, but somehow they struck home and my friends and I began to talk about the Scout law and promise, and wondered whether they were like the efforts of physicists to unlock the laws of the universe.

What if the Scout law and promise was an effort to unlock the laws that govern human society. "Put some force here and the effect will be seen over there." In science cause and effect are direct, often predictable.We wondered whether society worked like that: "Act kindly here and the effect will be seen somewhere else." Or even, "Do an unkind thing here and the effect will be seen in suffering somewhere else."

Sometimes ideas float in and out of my mind without leaving any footprint, but this idea wouldn't go away.When I became a Scout I made a promise:

On my honour I promise that I will do

my best to do my duty to God and to

the Queen, to help other people and to

keep the Scout Law.

I remember having thought how important it was to be making a promise that would be the basis of decisions I would make, possibly for the rest of my life.

Not all Scouts have a Queen, but they still promise to fulfill their duty to the nation and to God and to live in obedience to the Scout Law.Sometimes Scouts find the principles hard to keep, but the promise is "to do my best." Even if a Scout fails, if he has done his best he has done enough.

"The starry heavens above and the moral within." Unlike the laws of the universe, this law of life lives not in the stars, but in me.I am bound to the promise, because I chose to be.The promise refers to Scout Law and this sets out seven standards by which each Scout is able to judge his success or failure as a Scout. Maybe these also set a standard by which everybody can judge their success or failure as human beings.

A Scout is to be trusted--A Scout is loyal--A Scout is friendly and considerate --A Scout belongs to the worldwide family of Scouts--A Scout has courage in all difficulties--A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property--A Scout has self respect and respect for others.

I threw myself around in my sleeping bag, unable to sleep. Still these words went through my mind,"The starry heavens above and the moral order within." I got to thinking about the laws in the Bible.The Ten Commandments are respected by Christians, Jews and Muslims as the laws given by God.

It is as if God had done two things: He had placed a knowledge of what is right in the centre of everybody, and then He had given a law that is outside each of us so that we could judge how well we understood what it ought to be like to be completely human, completely in touch with the "moral order within."

Back at home, I flicked through the encyclopedia and found that some Hindus also believed in a God-given law.They call it the Law of Manu, and it shares much of the Ten Commandments, even including a rule "to honour your father and mother so that your days in the land may be long."

My mind again raced back to the hillside and I remembered the Scout promise "to do my duty..."

















