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There are a series of protection treaties and declarations about the reproductive rights of females, which emerged in the later 19 century when feminists requested to have the rights to “volunteer to be a mother”. After 1970s, some documents or treaties of related international conferences began to take the reproductive right into consideration. And reproductive right is regarded as one of the most basic human rights and marriage is not a necessary constrains. Under the restrain and guidance of these treaties and declarations, many countries have provided policies of support and welfare for unwed mothers.


USA: Provide Usual Benefits and Additional Subsidies for Unwed Mothers


The USA is not a typical welfare-state, so the usual benefits of American unwed mothers often overlap the benefits of poor family. Nevertheless, these benefits are relatively abundant. Merely in the decade from 2000 to 2008, the social benefits for the poor increased by 89% and the expenditure increased from $342.4 billion to $647.5 billion, among which the biggest increase was the child tax credit. In other words, the poor are not afraid to have babies because the more they raise the more subsidies the government will provide.

Besides the usual benefits from the government, there are also additional subsidies for unwed mothers in USA. The federal government also allocates funds to unwed mother programs. At present, the American government owns about 900 programs that aim to help unwed mothers. They are categorized into two types, including housing, medical care, foods, vocational training and education subsidies.



The American government thinks that the unwed mothers often have to face enormous financial burden in daily life, so they subsidize them. Not only they have to pay for daily life spending but usually need to take on other responsibilities such as childrearing, care, nursing and education. For unwed mothers who receive poor education and do not have living skills, they may not have the ability to meet their obligation. Moreover, as custody is a basic human right, it is the duty of the government to help these incapable parents to raise their children so that they can grow healthily.



UK: Generous Subsidies from the Government

UK is different from the USA as a typical European welfare-state and the government meets all the living needs of an unwed mother and her child, so basically she doesn’t have to spend additional money on their living. In UK, unwed mothers can get access to government subsidies in public services very easily without any threshold. The UK government thinks that unwed mothers must ensure that their children should grow up safety and healthily. But it is a great difficulty for an unwed mother, so the government should take on the burden.

The subsidy for unwed mother includes four parts: temporary Assistance for needy families: the country has exclusive management program to help unwed mother with daily expenditure such as sanitary products, foods and clothes; food stamps: help unwed mother with food expenditure; health insurance: provide unwed mothers with Children's Health Insurance Program and all the premium is paid by the government; add nutrition provision for females, infant sand children: offer additional milk, juice, bread, beans, rice, cheese and infant food which are all in home delivery service.



Besides, the UK government also pays allowances to unwed mothers directly. Those allowances are mainly divided into income support, disability insurance, child tax benefit and housing allowances. The volume is depends on the number of children. A family with four children can get 30 thousand pounds at most, which is superior to the average income of UK families of 21 thousand pounds.


China: No Clear Laws and Regulations to Protect the Rights and Benefits of Unwed Mothers


Compared with the welfare policies in western countries, even though China also protects females’ right of reproduction and specify it in the Marriage Law that “illegitimate children enjoy the same rights as legitimate children, which no one shall be subjected to harm and discriminate”, so far we don’t have exclusive regulations for the protection of unwed mother in operation.

All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) declares that ACEF will provide timely consulting services about related laws and regulations when unwed mothers seek help from them. Besides, they also will help unwed mothers to strive for alimony and get in touch with their families so that they can go through the hard days. At the same time, it encourages unwed mothers to learn to be independent and distinguish between right and wrong. However, even though the number of unwed mother has been increasing in recent years, ACWF frankly says that there are very few unwed mother coming for help. At present, as unwed mothers are a group lingering on the edge of laws and morality, many of them choose to take in on their own when facing living difficulties.



While the government can not take any steps, civil organizations also have troubles. “Litter Bird Worker’s Hot Line” is one of the earliest civil organizations which tried to open hotlines for unwed mother searching for help. But, limited by funds, some plans are still lying on the table. “Their behaviors are illegal and not protected by any law. This group is a headache and no organization helps them”, said Wei Wei, the founder of “Litter Bird Worker’s Hot Line”. “The society discriminates unwed mothers naturally and illegitimate birth is considered as a mere moral problem. And this group is always not transparent to both the authority and the public. Moreover, civil organizations often need the coordination of the government to do their job like helping an unwed mother find her child’s biological father which is rarely successful. If the problem can not be solved by a NGO, we cannot expect a woman with a child to solve it.”

Depending on post bars, Yiyi, who is also an unwed mother and the manager of the unwed mother post bars, and some familiar members also have considered to build a public assistance platform for unwed mothers. But as most of the members in the bar are not able to protect themselves, public activities are not that on large scale.



Experts: the Vacuum beyond the Mainstream Needs Protection


“In China, because people are limited by traditional thinking and family-planning policy, the group of unwed mothers is ignored by the mainstream all the time. But it is the time we should examine them. Women’s right of reproduction should not be decided by marriage or be abused to cause social problems like having a baby but avoiding the custody”, said Yang Juhua, a professor working the in Demography Department and Research Center of Population and Development in Renmin University of China.

Yang holds that adolescents are often precocious now, while more and more young people choose to marry in a older age, which means that from getting mature to marriage they have to experience a period of 10 years without marriage. “However, most of the government care and services for childbearing are only available to females who have got married. As a result, as people’s attitude toward sex is getting opener in the “vacuum” decade, the increase of unwed mother is inevitable. ” Yang said that females have the right to birth without marridge in the western world and the government and civil organizations provide those who are in great difficulty with perfect public services.



How can we identify birth without marriage? How can we protect the rights and benefits of this group from the angle of protecting women and children? Our reporter has asked many departments of the National Health and Family Planning Commission for the answers to those questions. But we haven’t yet got any response from them. According to relevant persons from several departments, as limited by the statistical measures and traditional concepts, we still do not have official statistic of the number of illegitimate birth.

Yang also said that from the benefit of children’s growing and education as well as the acceptance of the society, illegitimate birth should not be advocated. But our laws also specify that illegitimate children and legitimate children enjoy equal rights and moral evaluation should not arrogate the protection of women and children. Our society should tolerant and take a right attitude toward them. On the other hand, relevant departments should face up to the various social problems that may be caused by illegitimate birth and fulfill their job of education, giving guidance and support.

