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盘中餐 第6期

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“食物和烹饪于我是极富激情的所在,烹饪的艺术性完全可以媲美绘画和雕塑。我想尽量吃得健康,但也不排斥美味的超级汉堡、炸薯条或者烧烤。我觉得安排吃食就像安排生活,有时要对自己负责,吃得营养、健康;有时则要允许寻欢作乐,由得自己松散下来做一些大胆的事情,即使你知道那不是对你最好的选择。”-艺术家Andrea Bricco如是说 。

1.ZEST:对你来说什么是好的艺术作品 ?

Andrea Bricco:好的艺术品让我们受到启迪和感悟,我对同时含混了悲喜双重意义的艺术品尤为青睐。家里的墙壁上挂了一副哭泣女人的肖像,多数人也许会排斥让如此形象每天面对自己,因为忧伤的脸孔会令他们产生负面情绪,但我例外。我面对着她,为其感怀,思索是着什么使她涕泪俱下,也许是喜极而泣;也许是脱离苦海迎来新的开始。这副作品让我学会全角度地观察事物,而非主观臆断。

ZEST: Where is your beginning of these fantastic art work?

Andrea Bricco:Something that makes me feel. Something that inspires me.

I most often times like art work that makes me think and can make me happy and sad all at once. I have a portrait of a woman on my wall and she is crying. Most people would not want that image on their wall, they might not want to look at that everyday. They would see crying and think negatively but not me. I look at it and feel sympathy for her. I want to know why she’s crying. Maybe she’s even crying out of joy. Maybe she’s crying about the end of something that will in turn create a whole new, magical beginning for her. This portrait reminds me to look at all angles, all sides to a situation.


Andrea Bricco:很多人根本意识不到完成这样一个艺术系列要花费多少时间。通常要1-2个发起人从一个创意生发开去,再来召集大家头脑风暴,互相激发灵感。多数情况草图和灵感板集成一体,而思绪总是峰回路转,我们也要时常面对整个计划的骤然转向。“四季盘中餐”这个系列是我和食物造型师Diana Perrin的合作结晶,我们的出发点就是要用食材来创造风景系列,而最重要的准备过程就是去农贸市场采集各种“零件”,之后就是一整天漫长的摆盘拍摄。“插图系列”是我、Diana Perrin和插图师Alicia Buszczak三人的协作成品,Diana写下食谱并确定主题;我负责决定呈现哪些元素;而插图师有时要反复绘制才能得到我们理想的画面效果。

ZEST: Generally, how do you complete your work? Is there any interesting experience to share?

Andrea Bricco:Many people don’t realize how long it takes to create projects like these. They usually start out with 1 or 2 people coming up with an idea and then the team sort of works off of each other to brainstorm and inspire each other. Many times sketches and inspiration boards are put together. Once I’m in the studio things often change as well. I might think I’m going in a certain direction and then all of a

sudden the project takes a turn. I try to recognize this and go with the flow.

The 4 Seasons Plates were a project between myself and food stylist Diana Perrin. We started with the idea of wanting to create a landscape out of food.Then we added that we wanted to show the 4 seasons. We went to the farmers market together and shopped for all of our little ingredients. It took us a full day to create all 4 pieces. The illustration/photograph series was created with food stylist Diana Perrin and artist, illustrator and prop stylist Alicia Buszczak. Diana wrote recipes that had a central theme and then we decided on what ingredient should be drawn or shown on the paper. Sometimes the drawings had to be done more than once to get the proper scale we wanted.


Andrea Bricco:我完全同意,因为食物和烹饪于我是极富激情的所在,烹饪的艺术性完全可以媲美绘画和雕塑。我想尽量吃得健康,但也不排斥美味的超级汉堡、炸薯条或者烧烤。我觉得安排吃食就像安排生活,有时要对自己负责,吃得营养、健康;有时则要允许寻欢作乐,由得自己松散下来做一些大胆的事情,即使你知道那不是对你最好的选择。

ZEST:Someone said that you are what you eat,what do you think about it?

Andrea Bricco:I agree completely. Food and cooking are very passionate things to me. Cooking can be just as much of an art form as painting or sculpting. I try to eat pretty healthy but I also love a great hamburger and fries or a delicious pork belly taco. I think I eat similar to how I live life, there are times to be responsible and healthy and there are times to have fun, let loose and do something daring or dangerous even if you know it might not be the best thing for you.