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Analysis of the Emergency Remedy for Special Events Happened Inside Secondary an

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[a]Master Degree, Lecturer, Secretary of Youth League Committee of Law School in Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, China.

[b]Lecturer, Incumbent Office Director of Student Work in School of Economics and Management, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, China.

*Corresponding author.

Received 10 March 2014; accepted 17 July 2014

Published online 26 September 2014


As the social environment is developing and the reform is deepening from time to time, the campus environment is also changing in a profound way. Varies types of emergencies could happen on campus occasionally, yet with the tendency of getting more and more frequent, which have brought severe effects to both the development of universities and the stability of the society. Therefore, the precaution and disposal toward campus emergencies should be the top priority for the university counselors. This article has mainly analyzed the causes for the frequency of campus emergencies nowadays, and further came up with some possible solutions to dealing with such incidents for university counselors who ought to be the first to handle these problems.

Key words: Campus emergencies; University counselors; Emergency remedy

Jiang, L., & Liu, K. (2014). analysis of the emergency remedy for special events happened inside secondary and Tertiary Campus. Higher Education of Social Science, 7(2), -0. Available from: URL: http:///index.php/hess/article/view/5479

DOI: http:///10.3968/5479


Emergency is first defined by Posenthal, a Dutch expert on crisis theory, from the perspective of social system. He said : “Emergency is a severe threat caused by social established basic value and behavior standard. It is a kind of incident which needs to be decided under the situation of limited time and incomplete information.” The features such as happening suddenly, violating common rules, affecting widely and endangering social stability are all the internationally common understandings toward emergency.

Campus emergencies refer to those incidents which are aiming for or aimed at students and faculties on campus, they usually coming down to ruin and break the order of campus and society as well as causing person and property loss. For instance, the explosion case happened in Tsinghua Heyuan and Peking universities’ Nongyuan dining halls at noon on February 2, 2003, the fire case happened in dormitory buildings of Shanghai Business School on November 14, 2008, the Ma Jiajue murdering case happened in Yunnan university in 2004, the case of claiming “my father is Ligang” happened in Hebei University on October 16, 2010 and some other undergraduates issues such as committing suicide and hurting others concerning with psychological health problems, and loving problems, etc..


In 21st century, the campus emergencies are tending to increase. We can always hear or see some emergencies happened on campus from news, media, newspapers and Internet. As a university counselor, such incidents could always happen around us.

A. China is experiencing the transforming social period, which would cause the varieties of social structures and further lead to more and more pressure on universities undergraduates.

Chinese society has already been into a high-speed development period, which the economy is speeding and the standard of people’s life has become more and more prosperous as well. However, there are also many social issues turning up at the meantime. The society has the feature of becoming more variable, so does the thought or mind of undergraduates. The reform has been in the assault fortified positions, the production has faced plenty of systematically obstacles while developing, which means the pressure comes from social competition has become more and more tough. For college students, although there are on campus, they have already deeply tasted the multiple pressures came from economic, study, employment and so on. All these burdens would be highly possible cause the mental pressure and confusion. One thing that needs to be acknowledged is that college students are not really mature enough, they are forming their value of world and life bit by bit. Thus, they can be easily misled or affected by the bad social mood and inappropriate social behaviors. Once they come across challenges of their lives, the pessimistic, anxious and hatred emotions would easily attach on them. Some of the students finding themselves difficult to fit in the society, difficult to integrate into the mainstream community, and even heading to the extreme eventually.

B. Universities are expanding blindly, which cause the imbalance between the development of the school and the provision of the education resource.

Some universities expanded their school scale blindly, constructed new campus blindly, and resulted in financial crisis at the end. The infrastructure and schooling condition cannot be improved properly, the education resource is severely lacking in supply, and resulted in the dissatisfaction of their basic needs in studying and living lives on campus from undergraduates.

Apart from that, problems such as weak consciousness of service and low quality of service existing in the universitie’s management have also revealed the fact that the idea of students come first is missing. Some administrative staff hold huge bureaucratic attitude and lack the basic respect towards their students. The wills and requires from students are difficult to be told for the revealing channels are few. Most dissatisfactions focus on the poor standard in dining halls, dormitories and limited education facilities. All these matters could cause the discontent from students toward school. The mass emergency could easily burst out if the school cannot give out a quick and satisfied answer or solution in time.

C. The precautionary plan for campus emergency has already became a mere formality, which shows the awareness of danger and unexpectedly is weak.

Recently, as campus emergencies are getting more and more, the relevant university management departments have paid special attention to it, they have made all kinds of precautionary plans and emergency actions of different levels. However, many of the plans are just a format, only on the paper, and the necessary training about knowledge like how to survive and prevent the danger during the emergency are rare, which on the other hand, reflected the fact that the school haven’t done enough publicity work about the emergency towards students and teachers. Besides, due to the fact that people are always paying more attention on the learning from books in our country’s education, and overlooking the importance of a wide range of safety knowledge, life consciousness and precaution awareness, so that the students and teachers have little awareness of danger and unexpectedly. Even if the school has some activities like related training or drill periodically or irregularly, students don’t seem to have much passion on that and always fooling around. During the regular group lives, some students are quite aware of the dangerous result that their behaviors may lead to, they still have a strong mind of taking chances. Things like that can happen from time to time. However, when the things are really coming up, the consequence of that would be beyond imagination. From the fire case happened in Shanghai Business School in 2008, we can see that the existing of potential safety hazard and the lacking of safety knowledge is the main causes of this accident.

D. The contemporary college students would be affected by family atmosphere and personal characteristic, which may cause mental problems easily.

The fast social development, the crash between western and eastern cultures and the fierce conflict between different values have all caused the variable minds of contemporary students. Meanwhile, the high-speed expansion of universities has also caused the unevenness qualities of college students.

Most of the current 90’s college students are only one child in their families, which makes them may have a relatively strong self-consciousness. However, due to the effect of living surroundings and the over-protection and caring from their parents, these kinds of students are very likely to rely on others and have a fragile mind, unable to fight against the pressure, and the mental problems are highly occurred. Yet, it is also the situation of lacking sisters and brothers, severely spoiled by parents has caused the problem that undergraduates nowadays are not good at getting along with others. When they live in a group all of a sudden, they could not find a way to fit in properly, and the interpersonal disorder, even the anxiety and depression would come along with them. If the above circumstance couldn’t be concerned in time or improved effectively, the emergency would be very likely to occur after the long-term accumulation.

Because of the current education system in our country, there is no student who enters into the college without the fierce competition and heavy burden of study and examinations. They brought bright wishes and family hopes to go to the university, yet as soon as they get into the college, they will suddenly find the huge gap between the reality and dreams. Plenty of students could not suit themselves quickly in a group life, and have poor ability of controlling themselves, learning themselves, they know too little about themselves to choose their favorite subjects, then after some time, they will be weary of study. Some students even start to doubt themselves about their former choices, and even use a distrusted, disappointed attitude to treat everything around them. While they may have very serious mental crisis and even want to end their lives when they come across the depression and difficulties in life.

E. In addition, the financial circumstance, marriage life of their families and students’ illness history would all affect students’ emotions. And the psychological crisis would easily happen if there is no proper adjustment and persuasion in time.


Most of the campus emergencies are bursting out in ways that people cannot predict or because of some accidental reasons, which have brought huge negative effect to the development of universities and the stabilities on societies. Working as a university counselor for so many years, I deeply think the university counselor should hold and active attitude when facing emergencies on campus. Treating emergencies properly, which means taking precautions, nipping things in the bud beforehand; having courageous and prudent, work on the details during the emergency and finally get used to sum up, avoiding the next one. Or else the emergency would change, and get more serious, which may further influence the development of universities and the stability of societies, it would also block the way for many youth students to become a talented and superior person in return.

2.1 Taking Precautions, Nipping Things in the Bud Beforehand

There is a word like this in book of “golden mean of Book of Rites”: “Everything stands in advance, does not abolish in advance.” It emphasizes on the importance of preparation beforehand. Dealing with emergencies happened on campus, we must insist on the idea that precaution is first and control the stability of the issue at the same time. The effective measures should be carried out since the emergency is not occurred yet, do a good job of preventing, nipping all the possible emergencies in the bud and maintaining the stability of both schools and societies from the very beginning.

2.1.1 Put More Efforts on Improving the Education of Students Ideology and Thoughts

University counselors ought to keep the spirit of Document No.16 in mind and mind their manners according to the document, which requires enforcing and deepening the ideological education for students. The action of minds from leading manners will only be effective in decrease the rate of emergencies caused by unnatural reasons in realty if the work of ideological education is done thoroughly and effectively. University counselors should pay full attention on leading students’ ideology during their everyday work, and inspire their students with optimistic, valid and objective attitude in order to make students can treat and react properly as well as rationally when facing some emergencies, especially those politically sensitive incidents. For instance, the “March, 14th case”, the “Carrefore case”, the “July, 5th case” and the “Diaoyu Island case” etc.. The experience of dealing with all these emergencies have reminded us that only we pay attention and put efforts on students ideological education in our daily lives and works, improving the education of students’ dreams and believes, solving their difficulties and confusions, then the university counselors would have the capacity to stabilize their students during urgent moments, and the students, in return, are willing to stand by us at the same time. Or else, the ideal result could never be reached if we could only use our force to control the students when emergencies happen.

2.1.2 Firmly Establish the “Human Oriented” Idea of Work

University counselors should firmly establish the idea of human-oriented and serving for students during their work. The emergencies happened on campus are highly related to the students’ daily lives. The causes of those incidents are extremely complex as well, such as the unstable prices in dining halls, the changing of student dormitories, the physical matches, the traffic accidents, the charge of education, the political events, the arguments concerning with money, the cultural reasons etc, all the causes listed above may lead to mass incidents burst out all of a sudden. Thus, in our daily work, we should pay much attention to students’ emotions, difficulties and requirements, listen carefully and patiently about their needs and wishes. When there are some issues which are reported by most of the students, then such kind of issue should be paid special and much more attention and use appropriate method to solve the problem. Remember not to be simple, rude, forcible and further firing the conflict when dealing with students’ problems. In addition to that, the school should also improve the construction of making more ways for students to reveal their problems to teachers, and try to make students can report their problems and wishes to teachers and schools effectively when they have ones as well as getting an immediate solution. Only if the students’ problems can be solved quickly and effectively, then such kind of emergencies could be avoided to a large extent.

2.1.3 Establish and Improve Every Mechanism of Emergencies

Make precaution plans for emergencies, strengthen the school disciplines and the publicity of law and rules. Make perfection of publicity and drill for every mechanism of emergencies. Departments from every level have asked each university to set relative precaution plans of every possible issue at present. As university counselors, we should implement the rules in realty during the work, we should also regard the practice and drill for the precaution plans and emergencies as a daily routine and be really serious about them in order to promote its lone-term effectiveness. For example, we should widely publicize these precaution plans and measures at the beginning of students enter into the colleges, regarding them as one of the most important content for the freshmen education and hold varieties types of drills for precaution regularly, and make students bear the consciousness of prevention, self-aid in mind as well as further learn some relevant methods or measures to save themselves. If we do not treat the measures of handling and coping with campus emergencies as a long-term mechanism, then any precautionary plan would become just a paper without real meanings and values. Letting every student really gets involved into the actual and practical drill and letting our students be fully aware about how to react and how to protect themselves when danger is around the corner.

2.1.4 Making Efforts to Boost the Self-Quality of University Counselors

You have to rescue yourself first before you want to rescue anyone else. Here, the self-rescue or self-save means to keep rational and clear of your mind, guarantee your ability of rescuing others rather than some behaviors such as “teachers who running away in no time.” During our work, if we want to keep training every kind of abilities in order to strengthen ourselves, we should first guarantee those common knowledge and capacity of dealing with all kinds of emergencies that a university counselor supposed to have. Not only having strong and solid ideal or belief mentally, but also having enough physical quality to protect the students. Making sure that once the emergencies come up, we could be calm in the hour of peril and dealing with them effectively.

2.1.5 Giving Full Play to the Important Impact of Student’S Backbones

During our work, we should form solid and deep relationship with students in order to make them feel the affection and love from us toward them, make them truly understand the spirit of “being a teacher, being a mother” from university counselors. Besides, providing report system of every kind and every level information and paying special attention to raise the consciousness of responsibility from those student leaders during the training and managing toward those student leaders, which means whenever they come across problems, they should deal with them properly and report them in time. If so, the university counselor could be able to receive the message of any potential or tending emergencies from students, and the counselor could also be ready for the coming emergencies. Before the mass incidents occur, we should be highly attached to the information provided by students and make preparation for the students work as soon as possible.

If we have already tries our best to do the precaution work, but the incident has happened anyway, then what should we do? To start with, we should not be frightened or flurried. During the incidents, we should be able to have the courage and prudent, work on the details during the emergency.

2.2 Having the Courage and Prudent, Working on the Details During the Emergency

Once the emergency is happening, no matter what kind of causes, accidental or daily, we should be aware of the following features of campus emergencies:

a) Accidental incidents might be transformed into mass incidents.

b) Daily incidents might be rose into political incidents.

c) Partial incidents might be developed into completed incidents.

Therefore, we should obey the following rules when dealing with such incidents: First, better early than late, second, better scattering than gathering, third, better agreed than outrageous. And we should promise to discover earlier, handle better, control tougher, dealing nicer, and further remind to proper treat, proper handle as well as proper solve.

Once the emergencies happen, we should be prepared in advance and keep proper contact with certain government departments as well as other organizations. Further knowing the guidance of public opinion and eliminate the negative effect. The happening and developing of mass sudden incidents have huge connection with the spreading of public opinion and atmosphere. Poor leading of public opinions would lead to prevailing rumor and distorted truth, intensify the development of mass incidents. Good leading of public opinions would lead to truth restoring and preventing the rumor in order to avoid malevolent utilization from some ulterior motivations. Controlling the expansion of mass sudden emergencies could keep those incidents stay in control from time to time and further create proper conditions for handling emergencies legally. Especially during the process of dealing with students, there are countless types of emergencies happen on campus, the causes of those incidents are complex as well, either the positive or the negative ones, some are even wrong completely. We should analyze the cause properly, make a clear distinction between right or wrong. People involved in the issue are all youth students, they are still in the process of forming their value of life. So we should be based on the principles about the education comes first, combine education and management, handling problems properly in order to fulfill the purpose of education.

2.3 Summarizing in Order to Prevent for the Next Time Afterwards

2.3.1 Dealing With the Aftermath of Emergencies Properly

We must go to the students, to the classes and to the dormitories so as to make sure our work is done effectively and to win the support of students, parents and society. Activities such as “Chatting Program” allow students and teachers to speak their mind and express opinions from their own perspective. The university counselors can therefore lead the opinions in a positive way.

2.3.2 Learning From Past Experiences

After the emergencies, it is useful to learn from the past experiences. If emergency plans have been used, we must improve them according to what have happened. Meanwhile, we can make use of the opportunities after the emergencies to education the students so as to prevent similar problems from happening.

2.3.3 Enforcing the Accountability System and Responsible Investigation System

The people who fail to fulfill their responsibilities during the emergencies must be held accountable, their mistakes exposed. Everyone on campus must realize that each one is responsible for the safety of the campus and every teacher and staff member must become a member to prevent and deal with campus emergencies.


All in all, college emergencies result from complicated situations and pose great threat to the development of colleges, the stability of society and the growth of students. Therefore, students’ counselors have to be concerned about campus emergencies. They must improve their own abilities to prevent, deal with and handle campus emergencies, sparing no effort to foster the development of society, colleges and the students.


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