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On the degumming prints and out—of—print Taose woodcut symbol study

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Abstract: This article by carding the association between print chromatic woodcut printmaking language and unglued printmaking language to analyze the infuluence of Printmaking language to the development of the Printmaking ,present contemporary print development free and bound of comparison.Not be copied out of print chromatic the woodcut and unglued prints the breaking down of traditional printmaking understanding that it is the most important replication and expression in the form of more free, more rich texture. Print chromatic woodcut unglued in the form of ruined version, will make of the creative process reflect the strangeness of the ruined version, can be another way to understand the prints to try to figure out the prints.

Key words: printmaking;the degumming copy;chromatic woodcut;ink

中图分类号:J227 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5312(2012)29-0182-02

Printmaking is an ancient art, it carries the subtle context to define the way of life and ideology of the different periods in the evolution of world civilization thousands of years in the social history of great change. Perception of art, it is impossible to deny the value of the prints, but merely define it in a replication level that is not right. By combing print chromatic woodcut printmaking language and unglued printmaking Language correlation, this artical to analyse the the impact of the degumming of Printmaking language to the development of printmaking, point out the contrast of the contemporary printmaking between freedom and bondage.Wang Zhaowen also proposed a pit one against ten, this point of view.printmaking as a mass media, since ancient times, have strong ideological, artistic and philosophical, but as an artistic creation,it is the most fundamental life involved to take material from grabbing the cultural spirit, technical operations to complete the works, so it also has a profound reality.

In the creation of language, print chromatic woodcut or with traditional wood version of a printing the unglued prints the form of a hand-painted, so that you need a certain painting skills. In painting formally, chromatic woodcut print or mainly knife flavor degumming the printmaking major focus its imprint sense. Techniques and use of materials, out of print chromatic woodcut or engraving on the woodblock, to be produced using traditional woodcut knife, mainly using ink or ink and oil paint combined degumming prints directly on the drawing paper painting primarily with oil paints. Even though they are in a creative language, painting, forms, techniques and materials used on many different, their common characteristics.

Contemporary society, more and more people started trying to find a new language to express the idea that they want to express. Printmaking development today, highlights from the earliest woodblock the Vajra Prajna pineapple dense Sutra to now such as lithography, screen version of the integrated version prints replication and production. This expression will fetter, so that some people even say that prints itself is "wearing shackles dance. More artists began looking for more more freedom of expression.

1. The unglued chromatic woodcut prints and print can not be copied

Unglued printmaking major application film layer separated to produce traces of language, freedom of organization material to the performance of the work force is more pronounced. The degumming printmaking production technology is the use of water and oil repel stencil principle, flush with water screen, the film was washed away, caused ruined Edition, which is independent amplitude printmaking. Out of print chromatic woodcut his scientific name should be the original mimeographed taose woodcut as a chromatic woodcut printed form, it is portrayed in the above with a piece of board, generally start with a large area of light colored, printed and then carved a version heavier color, once engraved into the heaviest color painting, the final version of the child no longer repeat printed.

Era prints from an aesthetic point of view alone pieces enough to express the intention of the author and the author's way of thinking, and prints replication feature seems to have started to weaken. People began to focus on printmaking language fun and it expresses the central theme.

Kollwitz has been advocating in his writing career emotional knife ghostwriter expression, her prints on the organization of the knife high attainments, to build their own prints spiritual world with unique performance practices in the creative processthe human art prints open up a new world. Chromatic print woodcut is the use of the wood grain itself has the texture effect and its own wood taste, the knife flavor, unglued printmaking use body language, because unglued printmaking in the creative process must be finger painting human body language more direct application more able to reflect their own life experiences. In short, all the materials are of a bold creative media, if the good will to do more with less. This is out of print chromatic prints and the degumming prints after the jump replication framework with a deeper meaning, and so can no longer be copied to appraise printmaking has artistic value.

2. The unglued chromatic woodcut prints and print the free expression of language

"The new Art of the some of the points of this art is to reflect the views is an expression of understanding art different from the characteristics of science is the art of understanding the importance of using the concept of the image of the thinking that artimagination, art is reality typification, is a recognition of reality from phenomenon to essence. " print chromatic woodcut in technical and formal expression to explore the relationship between color and visual color symbols to study peopleacceptance of visual power and endurance, and real life things with color summed explore the direction of which can not be ignored in printmaking. Degumming the prints also use the expression of divergent thinking, our most familiar with the most common things that used an unusual method of production will show different taste out. Spanish surrealist painter and printmaker Salvador Dali, is a bizarre unconscionable ordinary images distorted, deformed. Express a new idea. He said that "the difference between me and a madman is that I'm not crazy" in the creative process to continuously deepen their own understanding, let your mind to achieve greater heights and better improve their artistic accomplishments and connotation.

The artist Bo Fa said :unglued prints can "recognize traces of language, free to organize material, he thinks printmaking language necessary expressive, rather than one-sided expression. Unglued printmaking language mottled vague image seems better able to express the emotional painter inner sadness and depression. Bo Fa "on stage" finalists of the 19th edition of the 2010 National Exhibition, in the form of more free expression, a strong sense of form, the corners of the screen the mottled handling feel even if the stage dressed according to people in the heart is the lonely . This is exactly the feelings of people Print chromatic woodcut color can do richer break through some of the limitations of the traditional chromatic woodcut engraving and printing process, the traditional multi-printing concentrated on a board, not only not likely to cause such problems as wrong version, but the the mimeographed chromatic woodcut pushed a relative freedom of expression, so that relative movement design into the creation of a movement. Richer colors and creative thinking, creativity is more simple. This is a breakthrough in concept and production procedures. Out of print drawings chromatic woodcut does not require strict, the whole engraved gravure incised converted to letterpress carved with randomness, chance in the engraving process. The degumming prints in the creative process in the same randomness, chance. Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Professor Yang Feng, the unglued prints mainly its unconventional ability. In this process, the beginner can not completely grasp chemical retting process material. The physical properties, so that depict rely on the use of the material substance to produce interesting.

The production of degumming printing requires flexible fingers and some drawing ability. Rub painted even in kindergarten when we are often in the face of her mother's lipstick depict a variety of patterns, this instinct event. It comes from life ,but seems strange in the use of them ,because you find a difference meaning from a different angle. Production unglued printmaking process is unfamiliar, something like exploration. Out of print the chromatic woodcut in the stop retouching inking process but also the exploration of the unknown, printmaking in the creative process is always with the chance the degumming prints and print chromatography woodcut is to use this chance. Life too familiar, too skilled expression even in an instant stifle this inspiration. When the expression of art with new materials and new techniques, artists will inspire new ways of thinking.

Conclusion: Printmaking is a great emphasis on artistic ability and practical ability, in order to use the printmaking skilled ,think deeply and make a diffrence, we must continue to practice hard techniques continue to sublimate their own creative ideas, followed the history-based realitybold and innovative. Contemporary printmaking to break the traditional boundaries, to continue to move forward.


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