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1.对于优等生的作业,往往要多加赞扬:Very good!Wonderful!Perfect!Welldone!

2.对中等生的作业在评语中要多督促:I am so glad to see your great progressin your homework,but would you please pay more attention to your handwriting?

3.对于差生的作业要先肯定其优点,然后以委婉的语气指出错误:You'vemade so many mistakes but do better next time.I think you can do better if you work alittle harder.

4.对于不注意书写格式规范的学生,要提出问题和严格要求:You are veryclever.It will be better if your handwriting is a bit larger and clearer.

5.对于学习一般,但书写漂亮工整的学生,要充分肯定表扬:Your handwritingis really a feast to my eyes.Please keep on.I like your handwriting very much.It’sbeautiful.

6.对于学习取得进步的学生,应及时提出鼓励和表扬:What great progress youhave made!

7.对于作业中出现错误的学生,应明确提出改错要求:You’ve made so manymistakes here



1.在节假日时写祝愿:Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!Happy Bidhday!

2.在学期初始写期盼:Well begun is half done. If you work hard,I think youwill succeed.

3.在考试之前写评语鼓舞斗志:I wish you great success in the coming exami.nation.

4.在某个学生考试不及格后,可用下述评语激励其争取进步:Tom,I’m sorryto know you’ve failed in the last examination.I hope you won’t be too sad.Your class-mates and I all want to help you.Remember.failure is the mother of success.I thinkyou can do better next time.

5.对在考试中有进步的学生,应及时提出鼓励和表扬:Congratulations on yourprogress!Please keep on trying and you'll succeed.

6.对学习失去信心、有畏难情绪的学生,则应及时送去安慰和鼓励:I am sorryto hear that you didn't pass the exam.I hope you are not too disappointed.Failure isthe mother of success.Nothing is hard if you put your head into it.

7.对于在课堂上不认真听讲的学生,教师则可以提出劝告和委婉的批评:如:Tom。you don't know how to do these exercises.In fact,they aren't so difficuh.Thereason is that you didn't listen carefully in class 1

8.对想学好英语而迟迟未付诸实际行动的学生,可写上:Better late than nev.er.

9.对于因生病缺课而影响功课、导致作业写得很差的学生,教师则应进行安慰和帮助:Sandy,you’ve made some mistakes in your work.I think it very natural.Don't lose heart.We are aⅡready to help you catch up.

10.当学生作业中出现了审题、判断等学习方法上的问题时,则应给学生提出建议和指导:Discuss with your partners and you'll surelv work out the problem.




