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“There is no Santa Claus in Italy,” my Nana[祖母] told me when I was a kid. I had nightmares of how awful

Christmas must be over there. Nana said she had to wait until January 6th, the Feast of the Epiphany注1,

to get gifts. The presents came from an ugly old woman who rode around on a broom. She was called

La Befana注2.

Many years later, I’m at the Piazza Navona in Rome, at the Epiphany Fair. It’s two weeks after Christmas, but the celebration is still in full swing. The Fountain of the Four Rivers is surrounded by stands[摊位] selling sweets, ornaments[装饰物] and sandwiches.

La Befana was famous for spending her days in the kitchen, cooking and sweeping. On the first Christmas,

the Magi注3 stopped by her house, asking directions to Bethlehem. She made them dinner and they told her, “We’re going to see the Christ child, want to come along?” “Impossible,” she replied. “There are all these dishes to wash and the kitchen to sweep!” So the kings went on their way. Then, as the old woman was

sweeping, it hit her: did those guys say they were going to see Jesus?

She ran out of her cottage with her broom to follow them…but no kings in sight. She kept running, until her broom lifted her into the air. Ever since, La Befana has flown through the night sky on the eve of the Epiphany, delivering goodies to children, hoping one of them is the Christ child.

Tonight, January 5th, is La Befana’s special night. Anticipation[期待] is in the Piazza Navona air, as kids hurry home to hang stockings and set out a glass of wine for La Befana. She knows no child has been

perfect all year, so tomorrow morning they’ll find their stockings filled with a mix of treats[款待] coal (actually, black rock candy[冰糖]), maybe onions[洋葱], olive oil and finally they’ll dig to the bottom and find chocolates and caramels[(含焦糖的)糖果].

Who could not adore this ordinary woman, caught in the midst of her everyday world, suddenly struck by the Epiphany, dropping everything to run and be a part of it? I think of my friends in Los Angeles, who have already hauled[拖曳] their trees out to the curb[路边] and are back at work, feeling guilty about weight they’ve gained from holiday partying.

We don’t feel guilty at all. We’re in Rome and we do as the Romans do. We go to our favorite cafe and order ice cream.

The nightmares Nana gave me so long ago are gone. We buy our Los Angeles friends Befana dolls, wanting to share with them the spirit of this Christmastime bonus[意外的礼物], wanting them to believe as Italians believe, as we believe: that La Befana will fly through the sky tonight, sweeping away last year’s troubles with her broom, bringing us the hope of a sweeter, brighter new year. Anything is possible.











注3:“the Magi”指东方三博士,又作“the Three Wise Men”,“the Three Kings”(东方三贤)。据《圣经・新约》记载,东方三博士在一颗星的指引下前往伯利恒探望初生的耶稣,他们为耶稣带来黄金、乳香和没药。