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Everyone knows that in China, September 10th is Teachers’ Day. On this day, the students will send presents to their teachers, such as cards and flowers. But do you know what the festival is like in foreign countries?

Albania’s Teachers’ Day is the annual March 7, just the day before Mothers’ Day. On that day, the Albanians will have a one-day holiday.


In Czech, Teachers’ Day is a holiday, which is scheduled for March 28. The day is Jan ámos Komensky(Comenius)’s birthday. Children will send flowers to their teacher on that day.

捷克教师节是一个假日,定于3月28日,这一天是Jan ámos Komensky (Comenius)的生日。学童们会在教师节这天送花给他们的老师。

In India, September 5 is the Teachers’ Day, and at the same time, November 14, the Children’s Day is also claimed to be the day of children educators in India.


India’s Teachers’ Day is September 5, and it’s also the commemoration of India’s second president Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who is also an educator. Traditionally, on Indian Teachers’ Day, the higher grade students are responsible for the teaching work in school in order to let their teachers have a rest.

印度的教师节是9月5日,这一天同样也是印度第二位总统Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan的纪念日,他是一位教育家。按照印度的传统,在教师节这天,学校上课的工作是交给较高年级的学生负责,以便老师们能够放假休息。

Teachers’ Day in Latin America is September 11. The festival was established in Panama in 1943 the, Inter-American Confer ence on Education(Inter-American Conference on Education on the set.) That day is also the anniversary of the great Argentina educator Domingo Faustino Sarmiento’s death.

拉丁美洲的教师节为9月11日,这个节日是在1943年巴拿马所举行的泛美教育会议(Interamerican Conference on Education)上所制定的。这天也是阿根廷教育家Domingo Faustino Sarmiento的逝世纪念日。

Many Latin American countries also establish their own Teachers’ day according to their own nation’s history. In Brazil, Teacher’s Day is the annual October 15; Mexico’s Teachers’ Day began in 1917 in September. which is enacted by the National Parliament, May 15 as Teachers’ Day, and the first celebration was in 1918.


In America, Teachers’ day is the second Tuesday in May, a festival with one-day holiday.


Korea’s Teachers’ Day is May 15, on this day, carnations will be given to teachers, and teachers and students will spend the day together.


Venezuela―January 15 is the Teachers’ Day. In addition to the General Assembly to celebrate this day, there are other activities to show the respects towards teachers.

委内瑞拉――每年1月15日定为教师节。这天除庆祝大会外,还会有其他敬师活动。 Thailand―January 16th is Teachers’ Day. This day is the national school holiday, and is grandly celebrated. On local ceremonies, both retired teachers and new ones are awarded with flowers.


Germany―June 12 is Teachers’ Day. Activities to respect teachers are widely held all around the country.



You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you.


The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet.――James Angel
