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BBC:Chinese Author Mo Yan Wins Nobel Prize for Literature

The 57?year?old is the first Chinese resident to win the prize.

“He has such a unique way of writing. If you read half a page of Mo Yan you immediately recognize it as him,” said Peter Englund, head of the Academy. He said Mo had been told of the award, adding,“He was at home with his dad. He said he was overjoyed and terrified.”

Born Guan Moye, the author writes under the pen name Mo Yan, which means “don’t speak” in Chinese.

Favoring to write about China’s past rather than contemporary issues, Mo sets his works in those time ranging from the 1911 revolution, Japan’s invasion to the Cultural Revolution. “He has a very impressive oeuvre(作品),” Michel Hockx, Professor of Chinese at the University of London, said. “He has a large readership and he addresses the human condition in a way in which the Nobel Committee likes to see.”





Big Breasts and Wide Hips: Set in a country with patriarchal favoritism and the primacy of sons(重男轻女), this epic novel is first and foremost about women, with the female body serving as the book’s central metaphor. The protagonist(主角), Mother, is born in 1900 and married at seventeen into the Shangguan family. She has nine children, only one of whom is a boy—the narrator(叙事者) of the book. As a spoiled and ineffectual child, he stands in stark contrast to his eight strong and forceful female siblings.


莫言获奖,使得将莫言作品带到瑞典的瑞典翻译家陈安娜(Anna Gustafsson Chen)也成为网友的关注焦点。此外,莫言作品的英语翻译葛浩文(Howard Goldblatt)也对其作品的世界影响力居功至伟。

A Back?stage Hero behind a Nobel Laureate

Swedish translator Anna Gustafsson Chen has translated three of Mo Yan’s works, including The Red Sorgum(《红高粱》), The Garlic Songs(《天堂蒜薹之歌》)and Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out(《生死疲劳》) into Swedish.

And her personal favourite, Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out, is a tale of one man’s repeated reincarnation(重生), during which the man always goes back into his family and home, but not always as a human being.

Anna Gustafsson Chen said, “There are many novels that write about a family, a generation or several generations of people, the story of a father and his children. But his writing is unique. In his novel, a character takes on life as a human, a donkey, a pig. It’s humorous and sometimes cruel. It’s so different. No one can write like that. So I like it very much.”


Howard Goldblatt: Faithful to the Original

“I love to read Chinese; I love to write in English. I love the challenge, the ambiguity, the uncertainty of the enterprise. I love the tension between creativity and fidelity(忠实), even the inevitable compromises,” said Howard Goldblatt.

Howard Goldblatt was a Research Professor of Chinese and is a translator of numerous works of contemporary Chinese fiction. Goldblatt did translation work for Chinese writer and 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature winner Mo Yan. It is because of his successful translation of Big Breasts and Wide Hips: A Novel(《丰乳肥臀》) and The Republic of Wine: A Novel(《酒国》)that Mo Yan’s works are better known by English readers.




On October 11, 2012, the Swedish Academy announced that Mo Yan had received the Nobel Prize in Literature for his work “with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary”.

莫言获奖之后,很多中文媒体迅速地将颁奖词翻译成“他很好地将魔幻现实主义与民间故事、历史与当代结合在一起”。对此,诺贝尔文学奖五人评选委员会成员之一谢尔·埃斯普马克教授颇有微词,他说:“我觉得翻译错了。我们的颁奖词里没有提到过魔幻这个词。我们用的词是‘hallucinatory realism’(幻觉现实主义),而避免使用‘magic realism’(魔幻现实主义)这个词,莫言获奖最重要的一点就是他对现实的描写,他观察整个中国社会的传统和现代,这是他的特色和创新。”


(邹 璆 整理)