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非洲的纳古鲁湖被称为“大火烈鸟的天堂”。这里每年最多的时候集结有300多万只火烈鸟。每天,湖水之上总是浮动着一条条红色的彩练,如落英逐逝水,似朝霞映碧池,给雄险的大裂谷平添了几分优柔妩媚的韵致。它们身披白中透红的粉红色羽衣,两条长腿悠然挺立,远远望去,周身红得就像一团烈火,两腿则红得就像炽燃的两根火柱。一旦成千上万只大火烈鸟集聚在一起,一池湖水顿时被映照得通体红透。纳古鲁湖的大火烈鸟群,历来被称为世界上“火光永不熄灭” 的一大奇观


(本文摄影 夏富祥 吴常云)

A Spectacle of Flamingos

By Li Xiangtao

I consider myself lucky for visiting the world’s largest colony of greater flamingoes in Africa. To be lyrical, what I witnessed was an expansion of blazing flames.

Hidden in the west Kenya where the Great Rift Valley cuts down into the Earth and zigzags, the 62-square-kilometer Lake Nakuru is 2-3 meters in depth. The paradise-like lake is home to about 4 million greater flamingos.

The first time I faced the huge flocks of the pink wading birds, I was totally amazed. The red legs resembled a huge forest and the slender necks moved in a fascinating way. They made deafening noises.

Their plumage looked impressively pretty. I learned that the red is not a disguise the birds adopt for self protection. It comes from the food on which they feed: shellfish in the lake that contains a large quantity of coloring matters such as carotene, and spirulina that contains erythrophyll, which is also red.

Greater flamingos are mild creatures. The shy birds are always on alert against possible dangers. They are good swimmers. In flight, they stretch their legs and neck in one straight line. When one flamingo takes wings and soars into the sky, others will follow suit immediately, forming a vermilion belt against the azure sky.

Though they gather together in large flocks of hundreds or even thousands while mating, flamingos are “monogamists”. Their genders can be distinguished only by the time they are in the process of mating. Those on the top are male.

Greater flamingos build their nests once a year. Most new nests are erected on the old ones. Usually these nests rest on some peninsular mounds above water. Some nests are in the water protected by plants and mud. These nests look like blockhouses, sturdy and well-built against storms. The mates take turns incubating one or two eggs. The baby flamingos are able to walk as soon as they get out of eggs and swim the next day. They don gray-color feathers and their bills are straight, unlike the hooked bills of adults. After two and half a months, baby flamingos are able to fly and in a year they are as large as their parents. But they have to wait till they are three years old before their plumage turns red.

Greater flamingos on Lake Nakuru are a spectacular scene that pulls in more than 100,000 tourists from all over the world every year.

(Translated by David)