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Guardian of Hangzhou’s Ancient Culture

By Ge Xuguo

Ding Yunchuan enjoys a moderate reputation among local collectors and donators of cultural treasures in Hangzhou. An enthusiastic collector, he is frequently seen hunting cultural relics through the old downtown, antique shops and hills in suburbs. When he spots something valuable and affordable in an antique shop or market, he will not hesitate to buy it. However, Ding does not buy valuable things for his own collection. He donates them to his hometown Hangzhou.

His first donation occurred in the early 1990s when he gave away a stone monument of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) to the government. The 33.5-cm-long, 24-cm-wide stone stele is actually a talisman carved with a painting and an inscription, believed to hold a magic power to keep fire disasters away. According to historical records, the city had three such talismans established respectively at the Drum Tower, the Water-Star House and the Temple of Lord Guan. Two of them were destroyed respectively in the Great Leap-Forward years in the late 1950s and in the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). The one Ding Yunchuan rescued was for the Temple of Lord Guan. When the temple was being dismantled as a nearby street was undergoing an expansion project, the stone stele was found in a wall of the temple. Learning that Ding had acquired the valuable antique, a businessman from Taiwan offered to buy it. Ding turned down the proposal, saying that the talisman should stay with the city because it was part of the city’s history. Ding donated the ancient stone monument to a city-sponsored establishment specialized in protecting local ancient stone steles. Experts evaluating the monument confirmed that it is the only one of its kind in the country.

Among Ding’s large collection of antiques were a few ancient books about the Academy of Ten-Thousand-Pines, an academy in Hangzhou,which he had purchased at a second-hand bookstore more than 30 years ago. A few years ago, the local government wanted to rebuild the academy. The books Ding acquired played a pivotal role, for one of the books had a detailed map marking all the buildings on the campus and all the architectural drawings of these buildings. Ding later donated the books to the city’s administration of parks and cultural relics.

In 2005, Hangzhou wanted to build a West Lake museum and asked local residents to offer information on the basis of their private possessions and collections so that the preparatory office could know more about the city’s past. Ding Yunchuan donated books, paintings and inscriptions, stele rubbings, couplets and ancient pagoda bricks to the museum. Ding heaved a sight of relief because, he believed, the museum was the best home for these precious relics.

Over centuries, numerous celebrities were buried around Hangzhou, the once capital of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). With the palaces and many representative buildings of the dynasty and later centuries nearly all gone, the graves are the only remnants of the past glories and memories. That is probably why many people like Ding believe these tombs are where the city’s history was buried. Ding is one of the guardians who have searched for and taken care of these tombs.

One of the most important tombs he has rediscovered is one of Shen Kuo, a great scientist of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), who authored Dream Stream Essays on many scientific subjects, presumably the greatest illustrated encyclopedia on science and technology of the ancient China. Shen was born in Hangzhou and later retired to Anxi Township, Yuhang District. The scientist mentioned in his essays that he wished to be buried at the Peace Hill in Anxi. Before the Qingming Festival in 2002, Ding Yunchuan went to the town in search of the tomb. It was raining. He asked around and finally in a valley he found the tomb in a tea garden. The tomb was in miserable repair and covered by messy weeds. Ding took photographs and later reported his investigation results to the city government. The tomb was immediately put under the city-level protection and it has now been repaired.

With textual researches on tombs of historical personages in Hangzhou, Ding has conducted field researches on many of these tombs and made suggestions for protection to the city government. Most of these suggestions have been adopted.

Ding Yunchuan’s passion for protection of the city’s cultural relics came from his father, a learned man who knew a great deal about the cultural past of Hangzhou. The junior remembers vividly how his father one day showed him a roadside stone monument in old downtown and talked enthusiastically about its history and anecdotes.

Ding Yunchuan’s earliest personal probe into the past occurred when he was sixteen. On a summer day, he and his classmates were working on a farm in the northern suburb of Hangzhou. He picked up two bone implements from a farming field. Back to the city from the farm, he asked experts at the provincial museum to take a look at the two bone implements. He was referred to Ma Yifu, a master of history and ancient literary classics. The master examined the bones and said one was a scraper and the other ornamental article, created by the ancient ancestors of Hangzhou. The master praised Ding and encouraged him to do more for the protection of cultural relics. The meeting with the master had a profound on him.

Another influential personage Ding met was Qigong, then curator of the Central Research Institute of Culture and History and a senior member of the State Committee for Cultural Relics Authentication and a professor with Beijing Teachers University. It was in April, 1987 when Master Qigong came to Hangzhou and met with Ding Yunchuan. Qigong talked about the social significance of cultural relics, saying ‘Collecting cultural relics should not be done purely for the sake of collecting; it will be most ideal if collecting is for the general public. If something from the past becomes useful again for the society of today, then collecting efforts pay off.?Qigong’s remark becomes Ding’s motto and years later he began to donate the antiques he had collected.

(Translated by David)