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If your kids are older, or you have a taste for such things yourself, perhaps you know that the grisly[恐怖的] horror film Saw Part III is the champ[冠军] of the box office. And, if you need convincing that at least some Americans

are obsessed with[被迷住] scaring themselves, look no further than the new generation of haunted

houses[鬼屋]. Definitely for adults only. Gigi Stone has a sign of the times[时代的征兆].

Say goodbye to skinned grapes as eyeballs and spaghetti[意大利面] for brains. Haunted houses aren’t just for kids any more, as the fright[惊骇] business

increasingly tries to figure out what really scares adults.

Stuff: You think this is party, huh?

Visitor A: My biggest fear? Er, rats.

Visitor B: Definitely like a creepy[恐怖的] man, like outside my windows.

Visitor C: White clowns. They have that happy face where you think like everything’s happy, but, deep down, there’s like something scary or suspicious[可疑的] about them.

The new grown-up haunted houses use actual psychology[心理学] to exploit[开发] people’s innermost[内心的] phobias[恐惧症], like aquaphobia[惧水症] - fear of drowning, coulrophobia[小丑恐惧症] - fear of clowns, or domatophobia[居室恐惧症] - fear of being in a house alone.

Visitor D: Help, help me...

Theater director Timothy Haskell used psychological research to design his giant haunted houses in New York City. They attract tens of thousands of visitors.

Haskell: I’m surprised at how elaborate[精细的] people’s fears were. I mean, we have some real simple one-word answers, or one- or two-word answers. And then, there were some that what I call the “story fears”, where they just go on and on and on, like they’ve been thinking about this all the time. And it’s like what their journeys are…

Gigi: (laughs) Funny that you asked that question, because I have a litany[反复复述] of phobias to tell you about.

Haskell: Oh, is that right? Ya...

Visitors to Haskell’s House of Horrors shell out[支付]

up to $50 a head for this terrifying experience, and some of them apparently think the whole thing is actually therapeutic[治疗疾病的].

Visitor E: It’s something that runs through your blood, a blood that kinda gets, gets you going, you know, like raise you up.

Why the real-life fear factor? Well, with horror everywhere, these days - in the movies, violent video games, and even the news - the houses, like this elaborate production in upstate New York, have to reach new heights to compete in a horror-soaked[浸湿] world.

The haunted house makers only responded to the most popular fears. Some of the answers would’ve been a little more challenging to construct[建造]. Some people said, they were most afraid of politicians; others said, their mother-in-law.

I’m Gigi Stone, for Nightline in New York.

Stuff: Happy Halloween!

















