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A Visit to Tea Master Tange Meigeisu

By Du Xiaoying, Wang Xidong

In November 2005 we paid a friendly visit to Japan for half a month at the invitation of Shizuoka Japan-China Friendship Association. Entrusted by Wang Jiayang, honorary president of China International Tea Culture Research Institute, we visited Tange Meigeisu at her home in Kamakura.

Tange Meigeisu is a celebrated Japanese master of tea ceremony (Chado) and guest professor of Zhejiang Shuren University. Kamakura is a city that shares the name of Kamakura period (1192-1333) in Japanese history. Today, the ancient city attracts a lot of tourists with its enchanting scenery and a great variety of historical and cultural interests such as Buddhist temples and shrines. It was in the early years of Kamakura period that a Japanese monk came to China for studies of Zen and brought Chinese tea rituals to Japan. The monk wrote a book and introduced Chinese tea ceremonies and rituals to his fellow countrymen. The popularity of Chado (Japanese and Chinese pronunciations are highly similar) started in those years. Today tea and Chado are an important part of Japanese culture.

When we arrived at Kamakura, Tange Meigeisu and her husband Tateyama Shomei were waiting for us at the station. The delight of meeting friends was beyond description. Mr. Tateyama Shomei drove along the seafront highway and pretty soon we arrived at their home.

The house was located in Bright Moon Valley in north Kamakura, far from the noise of the downtown. At first sight the house did not looked special from the outside. But once we went through the hall, we felt it was extraordinary. Through the windows of the study we were able to glimpse into the courtyard in rich autumnal tints. The Chado site was at the foot of the hill. A winding path extended up into the hill. The courtyard was neatly arranged: seats under the lush trees, lanterns on the trees, slabs thickly covered with green lichen, a script pillar and a pond. They took us around the courtyard and told us how often they would enjoy nature and tea there.

As a tea master who presides at a Chado school with a large international following, Tange Meigeisu has visited China many times.Her daughter, an associate professor as well as assistant to her mother, prepared a big dinner for the occasion. During the dinner, Tange Meigeisu talked about the origin of Japanese Chado and that of her international Chado.Many Japanese women take lessons from her.

She explained to us that Japanese people attach great importance to tea rituals because they understand that any meeting between any two persons may occur only once in a lifetime. On such an occasion, tea is a passport to understanding each other and showing respect to each other. She further explained Chado in terms of Zen: “Tea is an extension of Zen. The purpose and highest significance of Chado is to provide an interpretation of Zen.”As an ambassador of tea culture, she often says. “Tea is universal. If people of all countries can sit down to enjoy tea together in peace and equality, there will be no dispute in the world.”She believed that tea could exert profound influence on all cultures and that as a symbol of peace, tea culture can direct people to a path to world peace.

Tange Meigeisu regards Mr. Wang Jiayang as her elder brother. She talked of him with reverence. We also talked about tea events in Hangzhou. Having a cup of tea with family members or friends in a scenic rural environment is now a vogue in Hangzhou, home of Dragon Well Tea. At weekends, local residents go to Dragon Well Village and Plum Valley Village, two most favorable sites, and enjoy tea there. She was excited to learn that Hangzhou, the tea capital of China, was doing its best to promote tea as the national drink.

After dinner, gifts were exchanged. We presented the master with a tea caddy that was custom-made in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Cultural Dialogue and an anthology of articles published in the periodical in the past 20 years. The anthology has a story written by Tange Meigeisu. She told us that she read every issue of Cultural Dialogue and all the issues were kept well in her library. She recalled her special visit to our editorial office when she was in Hangzhou in 2004.

(Translated by David)