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Sofi Collis knows about journeys.A long one brought her from a Russian orphanage2 to her new home and family in Scottsdale, Arizona not so long ago.

So it's fitting that Sofi named the two NASA rovers3 landing on Mars in January, 2004.

"Spirit" and "Opportunity" were named in an essay4 Sofi entered in a Lego Company contest. Sofi wrote about her dream of coming to America as she looked up at the stars from an orphanage in Siberia. "At night, I looked up at the sparkly5 sky and felt better," she said in her essay.

The rovers will bounce to a halt6 on the Martian surface, protected by huge airbags7,then roll out and begin exploring two areas on opposite sides of the planet -- Gusev Crater for Spirit, and Meridiani Planum for Opportunity.

They will carry instruments8 to test the air, soil, and rocks for water and radio the results to Earth. Scientists want to learn about the history of water on Mars. The planet seems mostly dry today, but may have been much wetter in the past.


1. galaxy n. 银河系,星系

2. orphanage n. 孤儿院

3. rover n. 漫游者,流浪者

4. essay n. 小文品,随笔,散文

5. sparkly adj. 活泼的,生气勃勃的

6. halt n. 停住,停止

7. airbag n. (空)气囊

8. instrument n. 仪器,仪表


因此,由她来命名美国国家航空航天局 (NASA)那两艘于2004年1月登陆火星的探测器是再合适不过的了。


