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Life is comprised of change. Beginning a life abroad can be described almost entirely through that word “change”. There are big changes; stepping outside of the 1)confines of what is familiar can lead to a whole different perspective on life. I’ve experienced a lot of big changes, but I’ve also been noticing that I’ve experienced smaller changes, as well.

a “nieuwe fiets”

The first time I came to 2)Ghent it was clearly evident that I would need to pull my twelve-year-old bike-riding skills out of the depths of my knowledge base, gain some courage and do as the locals do. It was night as we stepped out of the train station and onto the streets of Ghent for the first time together and I immediately found myself among a sea of bikes. My friend Christophe had been preparing for me to visit and bought a bike for me from a second-hand website. A couple of days after arriving we decided it was time to give the bike riding a go. The first matter of business was to lower the seat of the bike to 3)accommodate my lack of leg length. Now, you see, even with the seat as low as possible my feet only barely reached the pedals. I was 4)adamant that this would not be a problem for the days that I was there, so off we went.

That is until we came upon the 5)Gravensteen. It’s a beautiful castle and it draws a lot of tourist activity, it also is a big 6)intersection for the 7)tram system. Christophe had instructed me to use caution while going across the tram track with the bike and I was trying to follow his advice. Unfortunately, I didn’t do this well enough and the tram track 8)snatched up my bike tire and rendered me helplessly suspended for a few seconds until I executed what one might not deem the most graceful dismount ever. It certainly won the attention of all the passersby that happened to be enjoying the Gravensteen at that time. I picked myself up, picked my bike up, and then tried to gather all the bits of pride that remained. After that experience I was motivated to be more careful when crossing the tram tracks but apparently even the most delicate caution might not be enough. A few days later, I found myself in a similar situation in nearly the exact same location complete with all the onlookers and 9)embarrassment that came with the first experience. This is when I decided that the bike is simply too big or that perhaps I am simply just too small. Whichever way it is, a nieuwe fiets (new bike) is needed.





the swear word losing its strength

Belgians are superior language learners. It’s common to be walking down the street or sitting on the tram and hear an English swear word thrown in among a string of Dutch words. The preferred expression of girls between the ages of 12 and 25 is, “oh my god.” Because I had a relatively 10)conservative upbringing, these words still don’t often cross my lips. I was made aware at a young age that people can be easily offended by this expression. The choice not to say this expression, in my eyes, has nothing to do with religious preference, but rather a common 11)courtesy that I take in order not to offend someone.

The strongest of English swear words, for which we Americans have many silly 12)substitutions (such as “freaking”,“flipping”, “fudge”), is very commonly heard. When I first moved here, I always felt taken aback when I would hear young people saying this so freely in public. Likewise, sometimes from the mouth of my boyfriend comes the swear word “shit”. Although, seemingly less strong of a 13)cuss word to me than the “f” word, it still always makes me look around quickly to see what 14)catastrophe has occurred. I hate it when he says this while we’re in the car because my automatic reaction is to think that something is going terribly wrong.


比利时人精于语言学习。行走在街头或是坐在有轨电车上听到一连串的荷兰语中蹦出个英语脏话是件寻常事儿。12到25岁的女孩子们爱说的是“oh my god(我的天啊)”。因为我所受的教育相对保守,很少让这些词句脱口而出。小时候,我就被教导说,这种表达很容易冒犯他人。在我的眼里,选择不用这样的表达法与宗教偏好无关,而是一种为了不冒犯他人而持有的基本礼节。

在这里时常能听到那些最冲的英语脏话,我们美国人有很多傻气的替代说法(比如“freaking(该死)”,“flipping(可恶)”, “fudge(胡说八道)”)。当我刚搬到这里来时,每当我听到年轻人在大庭广众之下如此随意地说出这些脏话时,总是吓一跳。同样地,有时从我男朋友的嘴里也会蹦出“shit(混账)”那种脏话。尽管在我看来,这词的语气要比那个“f”开头的脏话轻一些,但还是总会让我迅速四顾,看看有没有发生什么灾祸。当我们驾车出行时,我很讨厌他这么说,因为我下意识的反应就是想到什么要命的事发生了。

This brings me to my point that as these English swear words cross the barrier of language they seem to lose some of their strength. Belgians, specifically Belgian youth, throw them around with reckless abandon while I still choose to use them more 15)sparingly. Although I hope to someday be able to switch languages as easily as these amazing Belgians do, I don’t want these ugly words to become part of my daily vocabulary. After all, damn it, when I say “shit” I want to mean it.

Second-hand language

During the past summer I finally had the opportunity to return to the US and visit my much-missed family for the first time in two years. Quite honestly, it’s been a worry of mine that my language and vocabulary have been 16)deteriorating with all of the foreign words I’ve been trying to cram into my brain during the last few years. It’s no secret to me that my vocabulary and speech have changed. I notice it myself sometimes. It always shocks me when a strange word 17)tumbles out of my mouth. For example, in the US the word “super” only existed in my memories as a red-penned affirmation of an 18)exceptional job on a spelling test or perhaps preceding the word “man” on a pair of children’s pajamas.

In Europe, it’s a perfectly normal 19)exclamation and I’ve noticed it jumping off my tongue before my American brain has the chance to stop it. In addition to“super”, many Belgian people, while having a conversation with me in English, have asked me why I keep saying “ja” instead of “yes”. This is a change that I’ve been completely unaware of, as I always think I’m saying the English “yeah”. Could it be that Belgians don’t know of the word “yeah”or perhaps it’s that my pronunciation has undergone a slight transformation into the Dutch “ja”?

Nevertheless, I notice these small but strange things quite often. It’s a bit of an 20)unnerving experience when I find myself doubting words I’ve known nearly my entire life, but I’ve learned to laugh at these strange occurrences, try to conceal my astonishment at myself when they happen, and to come to see them as one more bizarre 21)quirk of living a life abroad.




