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1. The pig planted an apple tree. When autumn came, it bore many big and red apples. He was very happy.小猪种了一棵苹果树。秋天到了,苹果树结满了红彤彤的大苹果。小猪可高兴了。

2. One day, A bird found the apple on the tree. She cried out excitedly: "Great! Great!The pig's apple tree has so many apples." 一天,一只小鸟发现了苹果树上的苹果,叽叽喳喳地叫了起来:“太好了!太好了!小猪的苹果树结了这么多的红苹果。”

3. A fox heard the bird's acclaim,and came up the tree too. He said to the pig, "The apples must be very sweet. Could you give me some to eat?" The pig looked at the greedy fox. He refused: "No, if you want to eat apples, you should grow some yourself."狐狸听到了小鸟的叫声也来到了树下。他对小猪说:“你的苹果一定很甜,能给我几个尝尝吗?” 小猪看着狐狸的馋样儿,摇摇头说:“你想吃苹果,还是自己种吧!”

4. But the fox was very lazy, he would never grow an apple tree himself. Then one day, he got a wicked idea. He tied some red balloons on a tree, and then ran to tell the pig. " I have planted a new kind of apple tree. It beared apples in just few days.They are all both big and red."狐狸很懒惰,也不想自己种苹果树。一天,狐狸想了一个坏主意。他把几个大红气球拴在了树上,然后跑去对小猪说:“我种了一棵新品种的苹果树,几天就能结苹果了,而且都又大又甜。"

5. The pig was surprised about it, so he went to have a look. There really were some big apples on the tall tree. He said to the fox, "Let's change an apple, I want to make it seed." "I can only change one with you, but you must give me much more for one. " 小猪听了很好奇,就去看狐狸的苹果。高高的树上挂着几个又大又红的“苹果”。小猪说:“请你换一个“苹果”给我吧,我想拿它做种子。”狐狸说:“换是可以的,但是你要拿好多苹果才能换我一个“苹果”。”

6. Then the pig took three baskets of apples. The fox was going to climb up the tree to pick up his apple, all of this was seen by the bird,"little pig. Don't be cheated by the fox." She said to herself。 小猪拖来了三筐苹果。狐狸也准备上树去采他的“苹果”。小鸟看到了这一切,心里着急地想:“小猪,你可千万不要上狐狸的当啊!”

小朋友,小猪怎样才能发现狐狸的苹果是假的呢?善良的小鸟会帮助小猪吗?写下故事的结局,寄给我们吧!来信请寄:长沙市八一路227号 小天使报社 小蜜蜂收。邮编:410001
