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Analysis of the relationship between character and destiny—from Robinson Crusoe

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Abstract(摘要):The paper is devoted to the discussion from robinson crusoe to analysis the relationship between one’s character and fate. The purpose of this paper is from Robinson Crusoe to judge the decision effect of people’s character on the fate and to reveal the deep nature of Robinson in Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe by taking his social background, family environment, experiences that he underwent and the 18th century British moral standards and conception of value into consideration. Through analyzing Robinson’ character, which had both positive elements as bookishness, kindness, curiosity and so on and negative traits as occasional cowardice, cruelty, defiance and so forth, indicating that character itself has neither good nor bad points but lies in how to handle it properly.

Key words(关键词): Robinson Crusoe; experience; decisive effect; character; fate

Ⅰ. Reasons for How Robinson’s Main Character

Robinson said there was a kind of mysterious force made him go forward, and he attributed all of this to God’s will, he showed his aggressive character that he did not want to obey the traditional life style, his so-called “mysterious predestination” just reflected spirit condition of denying the bound of modern tradition and demanding the development of primate freedom, his strange thought just reflected his courage and lofty quality of opening up new world, all of which formed his bourgeois character.

Robinson Crusoe was creative in the period of formation of Western Rehabilitation Empire when the European bourgeoisie had a strong fantasy to conquer the Western world. It is the rigid family education environment that resulting in the formation of Robinson’s character.

Ⅱ. Robinson’s Final Fate Resulted in His Character

Robinson Crusoe was reduced to be a vagrant, but finally he came back to human being. His strong mind, kind heart, aggressive temperaments help him achieve the utmost of his life.

Through the above discussion, we have been informed that what Robinson Crusoe faced was almost all difficulty and dangers that a common people can hardly deal with, even dare not confront with, but Robinson Crusoe faced them bravely. That’s the reason why ordinary person cannot have the fate that Robison had.

Ⅲ. The Important Role of Character in The Daily Life

In the people's living environment, social climate, social life, seen and heard, others example the role of a person's character plays a subtle role. We only have an accurate grasp of the character determines the behavior of law, profound understanding of the relationship between personality and the success of the full grasp of the character of the inherent characteristics and the changes caused by the postnatal environment, in order to accurately grasp the person's character.

Character is the psychologist feature in the attitude and behavior when a person deal with people and matters, such as reasonable, stable, and frank. But character is not just simple, for every kind of character has its different sides.

Ⅳ. Conclusion

We can see the frontal and the contrary sides of people’s character from the above introduction; we can also know the importance of our temperament in our daily lives and the competition. A frontal character could help us live easily in the world, while a contrary one just could increase our burden. Robinson Crusoe saved himself by working hard on the isolated island positively and did not design to the difficulties. So he lived a happy life after he was saved, he was the winner of his fate; his character decided his fate finally.


[1]Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe[M]. Penguin Press, 2008

[2]Daniel Defoe. Moll Flanders[M]. Random House Press, 1989

[3]William Golding. Lord of the Flies[M]. Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2006

[4]Chen Jia, A History of English Literature[M], Commercial Press, 1986




[8]夏飞华.《The Character and attitudes about Robinson Crusoe》[J],载《青年文学家》2011年第10期,第28页