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1. 正确使用关系代词

(1) that既可以指人,也可以指物。指人时用法同who和whom,指物时用法同which,在从句中作宾语时都可以省略。当先行词是指人的名词且关系代词作主语时,who用得较多;如果关系代词在这种情况下作的是宾语,用that或省略不用时多。

e.g. The doctor (that) she visited yesterday is famous.(指人,作宾语,可省略)


e.g. They are talking about the school and the students that they visited yesterday.

(2) 关系代词作从句的主语时,从句谓语动词的数与先行词保持一致。如果先行词是one of +复数名词短语,从句谓语动词用复数;如果是the only one of +复数名词短语,从句谓语动词用单数。

e.g. The study of ecology is important for everyone who cares about our world.

(3) 当集体名词指人按复数对待时,作主语的关系代词用who /whom;当集体名词指一个整体按单数对待时,作主语的关系代词用which,从句的谓语动词保持数的一致性。

e.g. A family who quarrel amongst themselves.

(4) 当先行词是非指人的all, few, little, much, any, everything, anything, nothing等时,无论关系代词作主语还是宾语,多用that(作宾语时可省略)。

e.g. I appreciate all you’ve done for us.(宾语,省略that)

(5) 当先行词(短语)中,有“形容词最高级”、“序数词”或“all, no, only, any, every, little, much, the very”等修饰时,无论关系代词作主语还是宾语,多用that (作宾语时可省略)。

e.g. This is the best film (that) I have ever seen.

(6) “there be” 结构作定语从句时,不用 “wh ” 形式的关系代词,而且几乎永远是省略形式。

e.g. The number of mistakes there are in this homework is simply astounding.

(7) 先行词是主句的表语时,一般不用 “wh ” 形式的关系代词。

e.g. That’s the knife and fork (that) I eat with.

(8) 当同一个先行词后面出现两个定语从句时,不论它们之间是并列还是非并列关系,常常是第二个关系代词用 “wh ” 形式。

e.g. These are forms that occasionally occur but which should not be taught.

(9) 在存在句 there be… 结构中和It is /was… 强调结构中,作主语的关系代词(严格说,强调结构中仅是个连接词)在口语中常常省略。

e.g. There is a train (which) leaves at nine o’clock.

(10) 当关系代词在从句中作介词宾语时(与介词一起作从句的状语,或该介词是充当谓语部分的短语动词中的介词),介词可以移至关系代词前,构成“介词+ which(指物)”或“介词+ whom(指人)”引导的定语从句,此时which /whom 不能省略。

a. 此结构中,“关系代词”指代“人”时,须用whom,指代“事物”时须用which,并且不能省略。

e.g. The man to whom I spoke just now is our manager.(whom 不能换,不能省)

b. 但是,将“介词”移至“定语从句中或结尾”时,whom 可换用who 或that,也可省去;which 可换用that,也可省去。

e.g. The day (which /that) she arrived on was Wednesday.

c. 注意:限制性定语从句”中,即使将“介词”移至从句中或结尾,“关系代词”仍不互换,亦不能省去。

e.g. The day, which she arrived on, was Wednesday.(which 不换,不省)

d. “介词+关系代词”在从句中作状语时可换成相应的“关系副词 when,where,why等。”

e.g. Do you know the reason for which she left? = Do you know the reason why /that she left?

e. 在从句中作“方式”状语的 “ in which” 可换 “that” 或省去,不能换用 “how”。

e.g. This is the way in which he did the experiment = This is the way (that) he did the experiment.

1. 作定语从句谓语的成语“短语动词”中的介词,常常不能与动词拆开,也不放在“关系代词”前,如 “look for, look after, go over” 等。

e.g. 这是你要找的书吗?

× Is this the book for which you are looking?

√ Is this the book (which) you are looking for?

g. “Whose +名词”有时可改写成“the +名词+ of which /whom”后者较为正式。

e.g. I’d like a room whose window looks out over the sea = I’d like a room the window of which looks out over the sea.

h. 全句开头已用疑问词 “who, which” 等提问时,其后所需“关系词”常用 “that”。

e.g. Where is the place (that)she used to hide? (that = where)

2. 正确使用关系副词

(1) 由关系副词引导的定语从句修饰一些表示时间、地点或理由的名词(短语),而本身在从句中担任状语,相当于“介词+关系代词”的作用。

e.g. Those are the two months when hotel rates are highest. (when = during /in which)

(2) “关系副词”在“限制性定语从句”中作“状语”时,在非正式语体中常可用that 替换,也可省去。

e.g. The factory (where /that) Tom works is near here.

(3) 表“方式”的“关系副词”不用 “how” ,只用 “that /in which”,或省去。

e.g. I dislike the way /manner (that /in which) he spoke to me.

(4) 在先行词是介词宾语时,倾向于用关系副词,而不用“介词+ which”引导定语从句。

e.g. In the days when Santa Fe was a Spanish city, a number of Spanish families founded village in remote parts of the mountains.

(5) 修饰time,moment, day, way, direction, distance, reason等名词的定语从句常常不用关系词,有时也可以用关系副词that或“介词+ which”等。

e.g. This is the only way some boys from poor family with no intellectual background can get to college. (也可以用that或in which 引导从句)

(6) 在 “the same… as /the same as”,“such … as” 结构中as是关系代词,在从句中可以作主语、宾语或表语。在 “in /at the same … as” 结构中as是关系是副词。

e.g. I have never met such kind people as they are.(as 在从句中作表语)

(7) 此外,than和but亦可用作关系代词,引导定语从句。

e.g. You spent more money than was intended to be spent.


1. 非限制性定语从句与主句的关系没有限制性定语从句紧密,对先行词起补充说明的作用。关系词的使用方法与限制性定语从句类似。“关系词”不能用that充当,也不能互相代换,不能省去,可用which 或as 指代“主句全句或部分内容”。


I want to buy the house, which has a garden.

I like the book, which I bought yesterday.(which 不换不省)。

Do you know Tom, whom we talked about?(whom 不换不省)

凡是与of 短语连用的不定代词也可以与 “of which” 或 “of whom” 连用,构成:

all /some any /many /much /most /few /little of whom (指人) /which (指物)

e.g. There is a temple on the hill, in front of which stands a lot of green trees.

2. 修饰全句的定语从句

关系代词as 和which可以引导定语从句,修饰一个完整的句子或句中的一部分。用as 引导的定语从句可置句末、句中或前首。用which 引导的定语从句不能位于被修饰的句子前。


The earth is round, which is known to all.

As is known to all, the earth is round.

与as 作关系代词不同,as作从属连接词可以引导评述性的状语从句,句中往往有it。如as it appears, as it happens, as it seems, as I see it等。

但是上述的it有时省略,没有 it的结构可能插入一个 it,此时两种结构就没什么区别了。如as (it) seems likely, as I remember (it)。