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D.H.Lawrences Creation and Descriptions of Male Characters in Lady Chatterleys

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Abstract:Lady Chatterley’s Lover is a famous work of d.h.lawrence.The theme of the novel is that the world was on its way of destruction because of the industrialization,and only a harmonious relationship between men and women could save the world from this destruction.However,by leading into the four main male characters,we can get the conclusion that they all fail this task.

Key words:lady chatterley’s Lover,male characters,theme

Michaelis— sexual desire

Michaelis is a young Irishman who has already made a large fortune as an American playwright in America.Michaelis flirts with Connie and they have sexual relationships several times.In Michaelis’ eyes,women are just tools they could use.Money is taken as the most important thing by Michaelis,for it stands for success.But money has removed his man-hood away.And what he did was just a display.This implied his hypocrisy in his nature.In the relationship with Connie,he never tries to communicate with her,because “Connie never really understood him.”(P33)The harmonious relationship of men and women is the key to save the world.We could see this theme in many of Lawrence’s works.So Michaelis’ materialization and hypocrisy makes him not want to accomplish the harmonious relationship,which determines that he fails the task to save the world.

Tommy Dukes –Utopian love

Tommy Dukes is another intellectual who is invited to Wragby by Clifford.It seems that he is a person of foresight who could see the destruction of the world.What he thought is in accordance with the theme of the novel.He knows that the world is on its way of corruption,but there is no man to save it because there have no real men.Even he could not take the task,because he also could not have a harmonious relationship with women,as he just wants to talk with women,not has sex with them.“But there it is! I like women and talk to them,and therefore I don’t love them and desire them.The two things don’t happen at the same time in me.”(p67)This is what Tommy Dukes said when Connie talks the relationship between men and women with him.Actually,Tommy Dukes is just the opposite of Michaelis,both of them fails the task to save the world.

Clifford-crippled both mentally and physically

Clifford Chatterley is Connie's husband.He is a young,handsome baronet who becomes paralyzed from the waist down during World War I.As a result of his injury,Clifford becomes pared with Michaelis and Tommy Dukes,Clifford is impotent both physically and mentally.

Actually,Clifford’s disabled body is the symbol of the destruction of the industrialization,which has no energy.In Connie’s eyes,Clifford is just a creature having broad shoulders and no real legs.

Not only does Clifford have a disabled body,but also a disabled mind.Clifford has a strong deep concept of classes.He thinks the miners works for him because he gives them money which makes them not starve.It is his burden to oppress the world because he is the ruling class.This ruling mind is considered to be meaningless by D.H Lwarence.At the beginning of the novel,this meaningless nearly drive Connie crazy.She becomes thinner and thinner.This kind of meaningless and nothingness not only destroys himself,but other people.And when connie divorces him at last,he collapses completely.He becomes childish and his man-hood disappeares completely.So we say that Clifford also couldn’t save the world because of his disabled body and mental.

Mellors-a lonely and desperate man

Oliver Mellors was the lover in the novel's title.He was born near Wragby,and worked as a blacksmith until he ran off to the army to escape an unhappy marriage.As we read the novel deeply,we could find that he was also not the hero that Lawrence chose to take the task.

Firstly,Mellors is lonely.It is surprising that we learn from different characters' accounts that Mellors is in fact finely educated in his childhood,has good table manners,is an extensive reader,and could speak English 'like a gentleman',but chooses to behave like a commoner and speaks broad Derbyshire dialect.All of his behaviors are caused by his loneliness and disappointment for the society.

Secondly,Mellors is disappointed with women and the world.In Mellors’ mind,the harmonious relationship of men and women is that the two sides both take part in the process of making love and both sides get pleasure from it.But he never accomplishes this kind of harmony,even when he has sex with Connie.He thinks that Connie just wants to achieve her own self-important.He is disappointed about the world too:he also predicts that there would be black days coming for all the human beings,but he could do nothing.

So Mellors is also not the hero that could save the world from the destroy of the industrialization even he could see the destroying clearly because of his loneliness and disappointment about the world and women.

In D.H.Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover a hero is hoped to turn out to save this hopeless world,but as we have analyzed that none of the male characters in the novel could take this burden:Michaelis just wants to have sex with women and not communicate with them; Tommy Dukes wants to talk with them and not wants to have sex with them.Clifford is disabled both mentally and physically.He became childish at last; it seems that Mellors is the hero,but he is loneliness and disappointed of the world.So we get the conclusion that none of the female characters could take the burden of saving the world.(作者单位:天津师范大学外国语学院)

Works cited:

[1] Lawrence D.H.,Lady Chatterley’s Lover.Foreign Language Teaching and Researching Press,1994.