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大红大紫之前的Top Chef

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Sooner or later Jacky Xue will end up in a European-style house with a nice garden and terrace in Shanghai’s prestigious French Concession. His Italian restaurant might still be called “Top Chef”, as the current one on the humble Mengzi Road. But the new restaurant won’t be so easily accessible. We might have to wait for three months for a table, even if we are happy to swallow an astronomic bill, for Jacky’s will almost certainly be a Michelin one-star or two-star, even three-star restaurant hotly pursued by movie stars, celebrities and everyone else who wants to be seen at the right place. It is unlikely that Jacky will come to pick up the phone himself and humor our willful dining habits anymore. Before that day inevitably comes, let’s “Occupy Top Chef” for the moment.

A restaurant that might delight a TV playwright

I have watched a lot of Japanese TV dramas and I think Jacky’s restaurant on Mengzi Road in Shanghai might delight an observant Japanese playwright. One walks in and can immediately sense that there are many stories going on, and there are many colorful characters with interesting life stories coming to this place. But why Mengzi road? Why not the French Concession, Xintiandi, the Bund and Lujiazui?

“This is my first own restaurant and I don’t want to start with an exorbitant rent,” admitted Jacky, “But I know guests would find out and come, for my dishes are simply too good,” he was quick to add. Indeed, the restaurant broke even in three months. Don’t take your chance with Top Chef – you need to book in advance to secure a table.

“Out of 100 guests, 96 come back frequently, 4 regret that they don’t live in Shanghai. They always take away a large pile of cards to distribute to their friends,” Jacky proudly told me.

“Your guests seem to be rich guys of leisure?”

“Probably, I don’t see a lot of young couples.” Jacky has a lot of Japanese guests, who seem to be particularly fastidious on the one hand and extremely appreciative on the other. There is this Japanese guy who either eats in or goes to Jacky’s; there are no other options. He often takes a taxi at midday, coming all the way from Jiangsu Road, has a full course for two hours, and leaves with great satisfaction.

Our conversation was frequently interrupted, for Jacky had to stand up to say hi to guests constantly walking in. The reason he knows his guests so well because he spends half of his time chatting with guests and finds out what they really like, so he can serve better.

Jacky is at the restaurant for 365 days a year. In principle he doesn’t take days off. When he did, he went away for a month to Europe. His guests were supportive, knowing he would come back with great new ideas. Some told him, “Don’t worry about the restaurant, we will watch it over for you and make sure your staff work as hard.”

Jacky had an unforgettable meal in Tre Caci on the outskirt of Florence. He had lobster grilled at 450 degree with sea salt. He loved it so much that he put it on his menu as soon as he went back to work.

Senior expatriate executives sometimes beg Jacky to offer catering services for their corporate functions for 200, 600 people. Jacky summons his part-time crew, his old pupils and protégés. The crew would often have to work for 24-hour in a row for a large event. They work hard but are always gratified.

Jacky is not thirty yet. Top Chef cannot quite conceal the purity, innocence, energy and excitement of the young chef and his young crew. As the Brits love to say, Jacky’s is the best-kept secret of the town.

“Not talented”

I watched Jacky making a new dish in his small kitchen - lamb sausage. Jacky used New Zealand lamb and took the part on the leg with some fat. An assistant put the lamb in a grinder for half an hour, adding a dozen of imported spices – sea salt, black pepper, shredded onion, garlic powder, olive oil, button, cumin and locally-sourced rosemary. Jacky took a spoon and put it in the oven. He tasted it and added more salt to the grinder. He then used his fingers to carefully open the small intestines of the goat and added some olive oil, to make the inside smooth. He inserted grinded lamb into the intestines and had a knot at every 6cm interval.

“Once clients have ordered, we would cut three sections and put it into oven,” explained Jacky. “This is a classical Spanish dish, and we are probably the first restaurant in Shanghai to offer it.” said Jacky.

“Jacky, is top chef born or trained?”

“I had no talents whatsoever,” Jacky was very honest. “I grew up in an ordinary family and was happy to be fed with whatever available. I started to appreciate fine food only after I studied with my Japanese master. I was the dumbest one and was scolded more than anyone else. But nobody worked as hard and eventually I turned out to be the best.”

Jacky wouldn’t tell me the name of his Japanese master, except that he was the No. 1 Italian chef in Japan and rather low key. Jacky studied under him for four years, including two years in a Ginza restaurant in Tokyo. He had to put in 14-15 hours of work every day, but he never complained and it simply never occurred to him to give up. Nevertheless Jacky is extremely grateful to his master and for his experience in Japanese. He said it proved better than spending 6-7 years in Italy. He had learned the Japanese work ethics and pursuit of excellence, which is extremely important.

Jacky did eventually go to Italy, spending two years at ICIF, a famous cooking school in Turin. Before graduation, the principal recommended him to the chief executive of the Italian Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010. The chief executive had asked him to make two courses as an exam. Jacky made a simple mixed appetizer and the chief executive said, “Don’t bother making the second one. You are superior to us Italians.” Jacky ended up working for 6 months at the Italian pavilion, working on Berlusconi’s 1600-people banquet, the Ferrari reception and all the other high-profile events.

“Jacky, why are you so great?”

“I learn the best of three worlds – the exquisiteness and dedication of the Japanese, the artistic expression and fine tastes of the Europeans and the flexibility of the Chinese. I simply put it all together.”

Jacky told me chefs need to be extremely sensitive about the quality and possibility of ingredients. Without best ingredients, all the skills in the world lead you nowhere. That’s why some Michelin chefs came to Shanghai and eventually left in dismay.

In a business with notorious high turnover, Jacky’s team is remarkably stable. Jacky said his employees would not leave for double the pay. At Top Chef, it is not just a job; it is a dream, a stage where you can change your life with your hard work, just like the boss that you adore.

Michelin star not a dream

Mainland China doesn’t have a Michelin three-star chef yet. Will Jacky be the first one?

“It is certainly my dream, but let’s take one thing at a time.”

Jacky dreams of opening a premium restaurant in an old European house with a garden in the French Concession; one that serves 60 people at maximum at the same time. To be awarded Michelin one star, two stars and even three stars, Jacky thinks his cooking skills are more than enough. But a top restaurant “worthy of a special trip” offers more than food. Everything needs to be perfect, interior décor, table setting, lighting, fabric, cellar and services. “I want to focus on what I am doing now, building up a fantastic team. I am not into making fast money quick. I will focus on quality and my dream. And to make finest cuisine, one has to be freed from financial considerations. This is in conflict with economic interests.”

Isn’t some wise woman saying that after London in the sixties, and Hong Kong in the seventies and eighties, it is Shanghai having the best of times now? They will be balls, parties, weddings, receptions for those who have made it. Jacky will have enough clients who are more than willing to pay for his ingenuous creations regardless of costs. But that will take him away from his restaurant more and more. I am a bit lost at what we eaters really want, masterpieces or delightful, relaxed and above all affordable dining experiences? Jacky speaks Japanese like a native. He also speaks English and Italian fluently. How long can the unassuming Mengzi Road keep this unstoppable rising star?

几年之后,也许要不了那么久,Jacky会藏身于上海曾是法租界的花园洋房,他的餐厅门口挂上米其林的标牌。那个常来餐桌边跟客人聊天,亲自接客人电话,满足他们各种任性要求的主厨,也许就此消失。而我们这些在他大红大紫之前支持他的本埠客,大概也要每次等上3个月的时间,才能定到一张桌子。趁他被美食界、媒体、名流追捧之前,一定要多去几次蒙自路上的top chef意大利餐厅,让美味和幸福,绽放你的齿尖和心尖。


蒙自路虽然在上海市中心的卢湾区,但怎么也挤不进大上海的美食和时尚地图。老上海的外滩、法租界、西郊,虽历经沧桑劫难,仍不失排场、贵族品质和风情,自有怀旧客流连;新上海的新天地、陆家嘴、联洋,引领潮流新概念,是雅皮士们see and to be seen的地点(“看别人,被人看”)。自称Top Chef(顶级主厨),为什么要屈身蒙自路呢?

“因为我对我的菜品有绝对的信心,不怕真正懂得美食的人不上门。”Jacky(薛哲君)这样回答。果然,由于租金压力小,Top Chef的性价比极佳,开店3个月就盈亏平衡。如今,中午和晚上客人随便走进已不会有空桌,必须事先订座。



“可能是这样,小年轻是没有的。”Jacky答,经常光顾Top Chef的客人很多。有位久居上海的日本客人,从来不去上海的日餐厅,外出就餐只有Top Chef一家餐厅。他住在江苏路,常常中午叫辆出租车来,吃上两个小时,从前菜、主食,一直吃完整个全套才心满意足地离去。



Jacky去了佛罗伦萨郊外的Tre Caci(三兄弟餐厅),吃了一份一开二的海盐胡椒450度焦香烤龙虾,感动不已。回沪之后,整只烤龙虾果然上了菜单。





“客人点菜后,剪下三段进烤箱,然后就可以装盘了。这其实是一道西班牙古典菜,我相信我们是上海第一家推出这个菜的餐厅。” Jacky向我介绍。











Jacky的员工都把老板视为偶像,对他们而言,Top Chef不只是一份工作,而是实现梦想、靠双手改变生活的舞台。





