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Today, schoolgirls are already one of the main forces in beauty contests. But even though their charm is part of China image, their pursuit(追求)of beauty has changed over years.

1993: Beijing Youth Daily has a cover story on Peking University girls refusing pageant(选美比赛). Beauty contests were meaningless western culture and contestants were lacking self-respect and spiritual pursuits,according to Gao Jing, who wrote the story.

2001 to 2002: Fudan University and the University of Science and Technology in Beijing hold contests to choose the most beautiful students as school images. The actions cause a debate. Opponents say it is destroying academia(学术界).The organizers counter by saying Modern college students should be leaders in campus culture. They need to know how to exhibit themselves. The goody (虚伪的) student is out .

2002: Xu Yafei, freshman studying journalism at Beida puts the school in the spotlight again. The top CET scorer(记录员)in Hunan Province takes part in a TV Pageant on Hunan TV. Her father says: I don want my daughter to grow up only with a lot of knowledge from books and nothing about society

2003: Jiang Ximong, a third-year college student causes a media stir(轰动)when she named Miss China and gets the title of Cultural Personality roof that vanity(虚荣)and academia can coexist(共存). This time there no debate.

2005: Li Yuchun, Zhou Bichang and Zhang Liangying won Happy China 2005 Super Girls , the real-life singing show from Hunan TV ending on August 26, 2005, their beauty in appearance and style struck almost all the Chinese.


How schoolgirls?pursuit of beauty has changed over years







Refused to attend beauty contests.

Contestants were lacking self-respect and spiritual pursuits.


Fudan University and the University of Science and Technology in Beijing.


Some people supported it, but some people fought against it.


Xu Yafei

She took part in a TV Pageant on Hunan TV.


Jiang Ximong


There was no debate.


Li Yuchun, Zhou Bichang and Zhang Liangying

They won “Happy China 2005 Super Girls”,the real-life singing show from Hunan TV.



1. Peking University girls

2. Two Universities held contests to choose the most beautiful students as school images.

3. Her father supported her.

4. She was named Miss China and got the title of“Cultural Personality .

5. All the Chinese were almost struck by their beauty in appearance and style.








Until the doctor told me that I might go blind, the future spread before me in all directions. My paintings had been shown in New York galleries (艺术馆). I enjoyed the hours in my studio. But now everything was shadowed with fear.

One day, after I showed photos of my paintings to Ron, who was an eye doctor and sculptor (雕塑家) , he asked me to go to his school and show slides of my work to his students with developmental disorders.

The next day, when I arrived at the school, I found one student, a young man in a wheelchair, was in the art room already waiting. His head was held up by wires. His fingers were bent backward. When I came in, his eyes met mine. A burst of voltage (电压) passed from him to me.

Two other students arrived, one of them wheeled in by Ron, who had invited me. This boy’s arms were tied to his wheelchair.

Tim is a professional artistRon told the group, and is here to share his ideas.Ideas? Getting free of the limitations of the physical world―that was the point of my paintings. Was I supposed to share this with people in the wheelchairs? Nervously I showed slides of my paintings. You make art to say something you can’t say with words , I explained. These paintings might be about being held down, and getting free.

After I showed the last slide, Ron said,Maybe Tim will come and visit again. What do you say?he asked me. I looked at the man with the wired head. When our eyes met, he nodded with a slight movement of his head.

The next few nights, I lay awake thinking about the million things these people could not do: climb a tree, hold a spoon, turn the pages of a book. Yet there was that light in their eyes. What would they tell us if they had the power?

Then I called the school and reached the director of the arts program.I was there a week ago, showing slides of my paintings in Ron’s class. I was wondering if I could come back. To help with the class?she asked.

No,I said. To start a new one.

How was the hero’s original feeling?


What do you expect him to do?


How is the hero’s present feeling?


What caused his change of feeling?



1. Everything was shadowed with fear.

2. Get rid of bad feeling and have confidence in life.

3. He feels confident again.

4. The disabled students?hardship and confidence.









The lady with the white fence taught me to leave the gate to life open...

When my husband died of a brain disease, I became very angry. Life was not fair. I hated being alone. One day, as I was driving down a busy street in town, I suddenly noticed a new fence, which was being set up around a house. I pulled off to the side to really admire the fence. The carpenter had done such a good job that my eyes almost welled up with tears. I could not tear myself away. I stopped the engine, went over and touched the fence. It still smelled of fresh paint. I could hear a lady was trying to start the lawn mower(割草机) in the back garden.

Hello!I shouted and waved at herWell, hello!She stood up and wiped her hands in the apron.I―I came to see the fence. It is so beautiful!I said.

The fence is not there for my sakethe lady explained to me in a matter-of-fact voice.I live alone. But so many people drive by every day, and I thought they might be glad to see something really nice. People see my fence and wave. A few stop like you and come up to the veranda(走廊) to have a chat.

But weren’t you sad when they expanded the road and everything changed so much? I asked.

Her reply changed my life.Change is a part of life and takes part in making us who we are. When something we do not like happens to us, we have two choices: to become a bitter person or to become a better person.

I carefully left the gate open and drove on with a new feeling inside me. I could not tell what it was, but I could feel the thick stone wall around my angry heart breaking off. And instead a pretty white fence was built. I decided that I would keep the gate open for everything and everyone that came my way.

The use of the first sentence.


The use of the last sentence.


What is the rest about?



1. Give the theme: Leave the gate to life open.

2. Stress the theme: Keep the gate open for everything and everyone.

3. How the lady with the white fence taught me to leave the gate to life open.