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迎送宾客 第7期

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1.May I inquire about the arrival of the flight No.5438? 请问5438航班何时到达?

2.It will be due at 19:00 today.应于今晚7时到达。

3.Will the plane land on schedule?飞机将按时降落吗?

4.The flight is being announced. It’s comming in in a minute.正在广播这趟班机,它马上就要到达了。

5.Welcome to our city!欢迎你来我们城市!

6.It’s very kind of you to meet me.谢谢你来迎接我。

7.We’re glad to be here in Chengdu.能来成都我们很高兴。

8.Did you have a good trip?旅途顺利吗?

9.Yes, a most pleasant journey.是的,一路非常顺利。

10.Not bad on the whole.总的来说还不坏。

11.We had to wait several hours because of a violent downpour before we could take off.由于一场暴雨,我们只得等了几个小时才起飞。

12.You must be very tired after such a long journey.如此长途旅行,想必你一定很累了。

13.Shall we go to the lounge for a little rest?我们是不是去休息室稍微休息一下?

14.Let’s go to the waiting-hall and wait for our luggage to be brought in.让我们到休息室等候行李的到来。

15.We hope you’ll have a pleasant stay here.我们希望你在这里过得愉快。

16.We hope you’ll find your stay here satisfactory.我们希望你此次逗留会感到满意。

17.Our car is waiting outside. Shall we go to the hotel?我们的汽车在外面等候,我们现在去旅馆好吗?

18.Please come this way. Our car is parked over there.请走这边,我们的汽车停在那儿。

19.So you are really going to leave us.啊,你真的要离开我们啦!

20.You don’t know how bad I feel at parting from you.要和你们离别,我们感到多么难过呀!

21.We’re terribly sorry to see you go.看到你离去,我们非常难受。

22.Not half so sorry as I am to leave.我要离你们而去,感到加倍难受。

23.I can’t help feeling sad at leaving my old friends.同老朋友告别,我不能不感到悲伤。

24.We shall miss you terribly.我们将非常想念你。

25.How kind of you to come to see me off.你来送我,真是太客气了。

26.You have been most helpful since my arrival here.自从我到这里来,你对我帮助太大了。

27.Thank you very much for all the trouble you’ve taken.多谢你为我付出的种种操劳。

28.Thank you for the help you’ve rendered me during my stay here.谢谢你在我逗留期间所给予的帮助。

29.It has been a pleasure to be with you.跟你在一起很愉快。

30.I’ll never forget the hospitality I’ve received during my stay here.我永远不会忘记在这里受到的款待。

31.Everything here has left a deep impression on my mind.这里的一切都给我留下了深刻的印象。

32.I’ll think of you often and I’ll write to you as often as I can.我会经常想念你,并尽可能常给你去信。

33.Please accept this little present as a souvenir from me.请接受我这个小礼物留作纪念。

34.Thank you. The lovely gift will always remind me of the happy days I spent here. 谢谢你!这可爱的礼物将经常让我回想起我在这里度过的美好日子。

35.Give my best regards to your family.请向你全家转达我衷心的问候。

36.May we meet again some day!但愿我们后会有期!

37.Oh, there goes the call for the flight. I must be off now.哦,班机呼唤了,我得上飞机了。

38.Goodbye and good luck!再见!祝你一切顺利!

39.I wish you a pleasant journey!祝你旅途愉快!

40.A good trip to you!Bon voyage!祝一路平安,一路顺风!