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一、 单项选择

A) 从A、B、C、D中选出与划线部分意思相近的选项。

1. People in that building rushed out.

A. moved slowly B. moved quickly

C. moved quietly D. moved suddenly

2. The firemen put the fire out at last.

A. started the fire burning B. stopped the fire from burning

C. set fire to D. gave fire to the fire

3. The neighbours of mine are very friendly.

A. friends B. people living near you

C. classmates D. parents

4. That sounds boring.

A. funny B. uninteresting

C. important D. fine

5. That sounds dangerous.

A. not safe B. safe C. important D. unhappy

6. It’s very rude of you to say so.

A. polite B. impolite C. kind D. ungrateful

7. Fire can be dangerous if we are not careful.

A. care B. careful C. take care of D. careless

8. It is impossible for Mr Lin to get out because he hurt his leg.

A. very possible B. can

C. not possible D. unbelievable

9. I can work it out within five minutes.

A. more than B. less than C. out of D. into

10. I recommend Lin Tao to be our monitor.

A. suggest B. remember C. repair D. mind

B) 从A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案。

1. He is very__________. He often helps other people.

A. careful B. brave C. unkind D. helpful

2. I________a cold last Monday.

A. catch B. was catching

C. catched D. caught

3. ―What’s your father?


A. He is 38 B. He is a driver

C. He is at home D. He likes fishing

4. ―Your new hair style is beautiful!


A. Don’t say so! B. I don’t thind so.

C. I love it! D. Thank you!

5. I__________play the violin last year, but now I___________.

A. can’t, can B. couldn’t, could

C. can’t, could D. couldn’t, can

6. ―They lost_________way in the hill.

―That sounds dangerous.

A. theirs B. their C. they D. they’re

7. He can write___________both his hands.

A. by B. in C. use D. with

8. Please don’t_____________anything at the monkeys.

A. thrown B. throwing C. to throw D. throw

9. The man was_________because he lost his job.

A. happy B. unhappy C. polite D. kind

10. The trees can keep the sand from__________by the wind.

A. being blown away B. be blow away

C. be blown away D. being blow away

二、 阅读理解


Jack and Sally are brother and sister. They are twins. They like to swim and ride a bike. They like to fly kites, too. They often run with the kites near a river. The kites are very high. They look very happy.

But not all of their favourite games are the same. Jack likes to play football and Sally likes to play basketball. Jack likes to jump high, and he thinks it’s easy, but Sally thinks it’s very hard. Sally likes to make things, but Jack can’t . Sally can sing very well and Jack can throw the yo-yo very well. Sally wants a go and Jack helps her.


1. Jack and Sally are good friends.

2. Jack and Sally often fly the kites near a river.

3. Their favourite games are the same.

4. Sally likes to jump high.

5. Sally can sing very well, but Jack can’t.


Mrs Green is going to give a birthday party for Kate. Kate is her daughter. Kate will be fourteen years old. A lot of Kate’s friends will come to the party. Mrs Green will go shopping. She will buy some fruit and a big cake for the party. It’s three o’clock now. Everything is ready. Kate is wearing her new dress. It’s a white dress. Now the doorbell is ringing. Kate’s friends are outside the door. The party is going to start at three twenty.


1. Kate is Mrs Green’s_________________ .

2. Kate is__________years old now.

3. Kate’s_______________will go shopping.

4. Kate is wearing a new___________.

5. The party is going to start at three _______________.

三、 连线题 根据句意,用线段把它和相应的图画连起来。

What can you do to help others?

1. You can give seats to the old people.

2. You can help the blind to cross the street.

3. You can clean up the street after a big snow.

4. You can open the door for people with things

in both their hands.

5. You can help your mother do the cooking

四、 改写句子根据上句,完成下句,要使上下两句意思基本相同,每空填一词。

1. He felt sorry about what he said.

He_____ ______ ______his________.

2. I could play the piano when I was young.

I was_____ ______play the piano when I was young.

3. They didn’t go skating. They went skiing instead.

They went skiing_____ ______skating.

4. I received a letter from my pen friend yesterday.

I _____ _____my pen friend yesterday.

5. He could not go to the party because he was busy.

It was not_____ _____him to go to the party because he was busy.

五、 单句改错从A、B、C、D中找出错项并加以改正。

1. He was ill yesterday, but he didn’t go to school.





2. Is there few milk in the fridge?





3. He can makes model cars by himself.




4. Nancy is a careful girl. She often makes mistakes.





5. He received a award for his bravery.





六、 汉译英将下列句子译成英语。

1. 你能做那件事吗?

2. 李明不喜欢那件绿毛衣。

3. 我已经很久没收到他的信了。

4. 我五岁时就会画画了。

5. 请在教室里等我一会儿。

七、 书面表达



一、 A) 1-5 BBBBA6-10 BDCBAB) 1-5 DDBDD6-10 BDDBA


B) 1. daughter2. thirteen3. mother4. dress5. twenty

三、 1. C2. E3. A4. B5. D

四、 1. felt, sorry, for, words2. able, to3. instead, of4. heard, from

5. possible, for

五、 1. B。 butand2. B。 fewany3. A。 makesmake

4. B。 carefulcareless5. B。 aan

六、 1. Can you do that?

2. Li Ming doesn’t like that green sweater.

3. I have not heard from him for a long time.

4. I could draw pictures when I was five.

5. Please wait for me for a while in the classroom.

七、My name is Ann. I’m Chinese, and I’m 13 years old. My birthday is November 3rd. I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning. My favorite subject is history. It is interesting. I play sports in the afternoon. I go to the movies on weekends.