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A Young Star’s Untold Story

By Zhou Pengcheng

Before I interviewed Nicholas Tse, a Hong Kong-based movie star and pop singer, I didn’t think I was a fan of him. But now I am. The interview changed me. When I came back to the office and admitted to my colleagues that my heart ached for him, they burst into a guffaw. But probably they didn’t know what I had just learned from the interview.

That interview was to take place in a sales outlet under the SDX Joint Publishing Company on Hennessy Road in downtown Hong Kong. Glancing again and again at a piece of paper upon which the bookstore’s address was scribbled, the cameraman kept complaining that it was a big mistake to meet Tse there. I did not grouch, for I knew I was not in a position to be picky about the venue. Instead, I regarded it as my fortune to get such an opportunity to interview the young hotshot, who just had starred in a few blockbuster movies.

We finally figured out where the bookstore was. Pushing into the air-conditioned space, I spotted Nicholas Tse at the first glance. He politely apologized for the venue. He had planned to meet us at the Emperor Group headquarters, but since he intended to buy some books, he thought it would be convenient to meet us at the bookstore.

I stole a glance at the books in front of him. The Da Vinci Code and some cartoon books. Noticing my curiosity, Tse explained that cartoons were his best bedtime readings. “The world in cartoons is pure and simple, while reading them I feel relaxed and thrust my regrets to oblivion.”

Regrets? How come a successful twentysomething could have any regrets worth bragging? I thought to myself.

Tse explained and the interview went in an unexpected direction.

As a kid, he hated to appear with his star parents for the New Year cover photos. The practice started when he was only one year old. He would be spanked if he forgot to smile toward the camera. The negative feeling toward photograph worsened as he grew up. In his school days, sometimes, he would be summoned to the principal’s office and got chided because his photo had appeared in a showbiz magazine even though he knew nothing about the cover appearance. He hated pictures since early childhood years but now paparazzi are inescapable part of his daily life.He had a lot of strict dos and don’ts to abide by so that he could look like a good boy. And he was forbidden to play games.

Nicholas Tse did not realize how much fun he had really missed until one day toward the end of 2004 when he was shooting a movie entitled A Chinese Tall Story on the mainland. A colleague came to his hotel room and suggested playing Rich together. Tse was totally confused when he heard the name of the game. The colleague simply couldn’t believe his eyes and ears. How come this young man didn’t know such a popular game? Then Tse and his friends played the game together in Tse’s room. That night Tse was sleepless for a long while. He was grateful to the colleagues for introducing him to the childhood innocent pleasure and fun he had missed. The movie shooting lasted three months and Tse enjoyed playing the game with other actors for the three months.

He was also grateful to his friends for making the generation gap between them disappear. The gap did not refer to the age, but to the things they knew but he didn’t. Tse had worried about how to pay debts, and how to get more rents from his house in Hong Kong. He did not have time to enjoy the fun of skiing and the carefree talks about LV, Nike, and NBA.

The gap was understandable because Tse started making money at 16 in order to pay back the debts his father had made due to a business loss. The youngster was resentful and rebellious for a while. He smashed a guitar in a performance, he lost temper with journalists on a few occasions, he refused to accept work assignments arranged by the company, and he ran away to Canada and hid himself there for a while. He resented the responsibilities he was forced to take up. He yearned to lead a normal life: go to university, date a girl, etc. Then, one day, he came to realize that he was the eldest son of the family and he couldn’t shun the family responsibilities.

An almost tangible sadness hanged over the interview for a while. A girl working at the bookstore came over to refill our teacups. Tse chatted with her, asking about the bookstore business and her work there. This made the tension vanish. Knowing Tse’s early stories made me understand his compassion and sympathy behind the small talk with the shop assistant.

The year 2006 was Nicholas Tse’s good luck year. He married Cecilia Cheung, another Hong Kong-based movie star. He won the best supporting actor award from the China’s One Hundred Flowers Awards and Golden Roost Awards in September 2006.

(Translated by David)