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Number sense is not the ability to count. It is the ability to recognize a 1 in number. Human beings are born with this ability. 2 , experiments show that many animals are, too. For example, many birds have good number sense. If a nest has four eggs and you remove one, the bird will not 3 . However, if you remove two, the bird 4 leaves. This means that the bird knows the 5 between two and three.

Another interesting experiment showed a bird’s

6 number sense. A man was trying to take a photo of a crow (乌鸦) that had a nest in a tower, but the crow always left when she saw him coming. The bird did not 7 until the man left the tower. The man had an 8 . He took another man with him to the tower. One man left and the other stayed, but they did not 9 the bird. The crow stayed away until the second man left, too. The experiment was 10 with three men and then with four men. But the crow did not return to the nest until all the men were 11 . It was not until five men went into the tower and only four left that they were 12 able to fool the crow.

How good is a human’s number sense? It’s not very good. For example,babies about fourteen months old almost always notice if something is taken away from a 13 group. But when the number goes beyond three or four,the children are 14 fooled.

It seems that number sense is something we have in common with many animals in this world,and that our human 15 is not much better than a crow’s.

1. A. rise B. pattern

C. change D. trend

2. A. Importantly B. Surprisingly

C. Disappointedly D. Fortunately

3. A. survive B. care

C. hatch D. notice

4. A. generally B. sincerely

C. casually D. deliberately

5. A. distance B. range

C. different D. interval

6. A. amazing B. annoying

C. satisfying D. disturbing

7. A. relax B. recover

C. react D. return

8. A. appointment B. excuse

C. idea D. explanation

9. A. fool B. hurt

C. catch D. kill

10. A. reported B. repeated

C. designed D. approved

11. A. confused B. gone

C. tired D. drunk

12. A. gradually B. luckily

C. strangely D. finally

13. A. single B. small

C. local D. new

14. A. seldom B. temporarily

C. merely D. often

15. A. sight B. nature

C. ability D. belief


1. C 本空在开始时很难确定答案。阅读完第一段甚至全文后,此题才能豁然开朗:Number sense不是指计数的能力,而是具有辨认数字变化的能力。因为For example中提到,鸟类发觉窝里的蛋减少1个,并不会有什么动静;减少了2个,将会有所行动。因此“数觉”指的是识别数字“变化”的能力。属于因果关系推断。

各选项意思:A. 增长 B.样式 C.变化 D.趋势

2. B 此空前面讲述人类生来具有数觉,空格后面讲通过实验证明动物“出人意料地”也有数觉。此处体现转折和递进关系。

各选项意思:A. 重要地 B. 出人意料地 C. 令人失望地 D. 幸运地

3. D 后面一句讲拿走两个鸟蛋就会惊动鸟类,而如果只拿掉了一个,鸟类是不会“注意到”的。此空格前面的句子与空格后面的句子形成转折关系(通过However体现)。结合第三段,可知notice是原词复现。

各选项意思:A. 幸存 B. 介意 C. 孵化 D. 注意到

4. A 此题较难。这句话讲鸟类“通常”在不见了两个蛋时会离开。而D选项deliberately作为超强干扰项“故意地离开”,总是觉得很别扭。(注意:generally 这个词在2009年第30题作为答案选过,也是错得最多的一道题;deliberately这个词在2012年第8题也作为干扰项出现过)此空格的副词修饰“如何”离开,其实也属于语意逻辑推断。

各选项意思:A. 通常 B. 真诚地 C. 漫不经心地 D. 故意地

5. C 这就意味着鸟类能够辨别2和3之间的区别。属于上下文的逻辑推断。

各选项意思:A. 距离 B.范围 C. 区别 D.间隔时间

6. A 此题需根据整段文字表达的意思来确定,后面讲的是乌鸦非常难骗,数觉非常强,这无疑是“令人意想不到的”,属于上下文的逻辑推断。amazing与上文的surprisingly和下文的good是近义词复现。

各选项意思:A. 令人惊异的 B.使人烦恼的 C.令人满意的 D.令人不安的

7. D 后文稍显曲折,反复提到有多少人来了、又走了;乌鸦走了,不回来。假如考生这时紧张了,很容易就会绕进去。在本段倒数第2句出现“the crow did not return to the nest until ...”,可以确定第7题“直到那人离开塔,乌鸦才飞回来”,return是原词复现。

各选项意思:A.(使)放松 B.恢复 C.起反应 D.返回

8. C 人想要试验乌鸦的数觉,想出了一个点子。下文即是这个点子的具体内容,属上下义复现。

各选项意思:A. 约会 B. 借口 C. 主意 D. 解释

9. A 根据本段末句“当进来的人数达到5个,离开了4个时才把乌鸦糊弄住了”。fool是原词复现。

各选项意思:A. 愚弄 B. 伤害 C. 抓住 D. 杀死

10. B 空格前文提到人数少的时候骗不了乌鸦,后面增加人数,做的都是一样的事情,因此是重复做实验。逻辑推断。

各选项意思:A. 报导 B. 重复 C. 设计 D. 赞成

11. B从逻辑关系理解,跟前面讲的是同样的情况:人不走,乌鸦就不回来。即乌鸦直到所有人都离开才会回来。这里的were gone与第7空后的left是同义词复现。

各选项意思:A. 糊涂的 B. 离去的 C. 疲倦的

D. 醉的

12. D 在前面试验了两个人、三个人、四个人,当增加到五个人时出现转折性的一幕,乌鸦“终于”被骗。 也是逻辑关系判断。

各选项意思:A. 渐渐地 B. 幸运地 C. 不可思议地 D. 终于

13. B 此句讲14个月的婴儿具有一定的数觉,根据后一句But when the number goes beyond three or four,“当数字超过3或4时”。前后是对比关系,即此处明显比三或四还少,small group是“少于三四个”的概括说法,即上下义复现。

各选项意思:A. 单个的 B. 小的 C. 当地的

D. 新的

14. D 由But可知前文是“可以注意到区别”,说明此空格是“注意不到区别”,即“经常”被糊弄。often与but前的always是近义词复现。

各选项意思:A. 很少 B. 暂时地 C. 仅仅 D. 经常

15. C 根据整篇文章,人与乌鸦等动物相比,并不具有更好的数觉能力,呼应首段前4句。ability属于原词复现。

各选项意思:A. 视觉 B. 天性 C. 能力 D. 信念





责任编校 蒋小青