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More Food for Thought

By Rudi Lynes

Looking back at last month's article I noticed that I ended with "to be continued". Strange. It's as if there was no continuity between all these articles; as if this column was not one long babbling brook of boll...er, observations. Anyway, I was talking about restaurants and eating and that's what the topic is this time too. I like this topic because I am always hungry to one degree or another. Honestly, I have never been so full that I couldn't eat more. I can be satisfied...but if put to the test I can always go further. It's a good thing that I am also extremely lazy otherwise I would have gone the same way as Elio, my (now deceased) goldfish, a long time ago.

What I actually want to talk about is how people from different parts of the world mix up how to eat foreign foods. Like, sometimes in Europe you will see people eating Chinese food in a Western way. They will each order and eat one dish each. They might even have starters and a main course. Worse still, they have soup for starters. The same thing happens the other way around in China. A lot of Western restaurants here cater mostly to locals and therefore serve Western food in a Chinese way.

Usually, a Western meal consists of several courses. To take a basic example, people start with something small like soup, salad or a snack. When this is finished the waiter will take the plates away and bring the main courses. Each person has their own main course, which will contain a type of meat or fish, some vegetables and a form of carbohydrate such as potato, pasta or rice. When this has all been chewed and swallowed up some diners will order a dessert. Dessert is not really a dish. It exists merely to sweeten the taste buds after a hearty meal. In many ways eating dessert is similar to the way Chinese people might eat fruit after a meal, except fruit doesn't have as much capacity to break your weighing scales and stop your heart from pumping.

If you see a Western restaurant in China in which there are a lot of foreigners eating, it will more than likely serve food in this way. Most don't. Quite often customers will order dishes communally. Starters, main courses and desserts will be served at the same time and be placed in the middle of the table and shared. Diners will try to break off pieces of fillet steak with chopsticks and will (this I find really weird) follow a mouthful of penne carbonara with a spoon of chocolate mousse. Menus offer incomplete main courses. Chicken means just chicken with no vegetables. They have to be ordered separately.

What I'm not sure of is whether Western restaurants in China serve food and their customers eat it in this fashion because they don't know how to do it the Western way or they don't want to. At the end of the day who really cares? As long as you enjoy yourself it doesn't matter if you lick your food off the ceiling. However, I find that I appreciate Chinese food a lot more when I eat it the Chinese way. I presume it works that way for all types of cuisines.

Speaking of eating food the Chinese way, it strikes me as odd that when you see a list of great things that were invented by Chinese, Sichuan hot pot is never included. It should be up there with paper money and gunpowder. Nothing exemplifies the joys of communal eating more than a group of people sitting around a boiling pot of food and nothing starts the weekend off better than a good boozy hot pot shared with a rowdy bunch of friends all eager to shake off the dust off a hard week of work. I've been eating it regularly for years now. Nonetheless, on a Friday afternoon when I get a text message that reads "hot pot?" I still get a tingle of anticipation down my spine.

Another great thing about hot pot is that it never gets boring because you can always experiment with different ingredients. My latest discovery was carrots. Sounds strange but it really works. As I'm on the subject, what about that ma lasoup they use? Isn't it amazing? On one hand it could easily function as an alternative to Novocain or, perhaps, a chemical weapon (can you imagine having scalding ma la soup dropped on you?). Yet on the other hand there isn't anything else known to man that has as much flavour.

Right, I promise to write about a non-food related topic next issue. In the meantime eat Western food, eat Chinese food and if you go for hot pot spare a moment to give thanks to the genius that invented it.










1. ...as if this column was not one long babbling brook of boll...er, observations.

Rudi在文章第一段写下了这句话,好像有点儿让人看不太明白。其实,搞清楚两个地方就容易理解了:首先“babbling brook”就是那种在流淌过程中不断与岩石相撞,发出许多噪音的小河或小溪;其次,“boll...”是表示Rudi本身想用“bollocks(胡说八道)”但又觉得不好,便又改词了,之所以没有把“boll...”删掉是想起到一种幽默的行文效果。所以,前后一联系,就知道了Rudi其实想要表达“as if this column were not just one long meaningless stream of rubbish”的意思,只不过是用一种幽默的方式来表达的。

2. ...but if put to the test I can always go further.

在文章第一段中,出现了这句话。有个地方需要注意一下――“put to the test”。它说的可不是参加什么考试或比赛,而是说有人在Rudi已经饱餐一顿之后用话激他能不能再多吃一点儿。

3. my (now deceased) goldfish

在文章第一段中,我们注意到Rudi在括号中用到了“now deceased”。“deceased”本身是一个表达“过世”之意的委婉语,但在这里却用到了一条金鱼身上,似乎不太合适。其实,Rudi是故意这么用的,是为了营造一种幽默效果。

4. ...a rowdy bunch of friends all eager to shake off the dust off a hard week of work.

在文章倒数第三段出现了这句话,其中“shake off the dust off”可能让人不能一下子明白其意。这个词组来源于人们的一种行为:过去,人们是在土路上骑马出行,当他们到达目的地之后,就会发现身上沾满了灰尘,因而就会“shake off the dust”。所以,就用“shake off the dust”来表示在长时间出行或工作之后,找个机会放松一下,恢复一下精神。