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苹果雨 第2期

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度系数: 词数:293 建议阅读时间:5分钟

After a series of storm warnings, drivers in the evening rush hour were prepared for almost anything. Except, that is, for it to start raining apples.

Scores of them battered car roofs and windscreens before landing in the road at a busy junction(枢纽) in Coundon, Coventry. The deluge(暴雨) of fruit brought traffic to a standstill at 6.45 pm on Monday.

One motorist, who was travelling with her husband, said: “The apples fell out of nowhere. They were small and green and hit the bonnet(车盖) hard. Everyone had to stop their cars suddenly.”

The phenomenon(现象) is believed to be down to a mini tornado(龙卷风) which touched down elsewhere, sucking apples from the ground or from trees. Such a powerful vacuum could have travelled for many miles before the tornado’s energy dissipated(驱散雾等), depositing the fruit over Coventry.

Another theory is that the apples could have fallen from the hold of a plane.

Brian Meakins, 63, was stunned when he opened his front door and found his garden full of smashed apples. The retired forklift truck driver said: “At first I assumed kids must have thrown them because we do get the occasional egg and apple thrown but there are too many for that.”

Jim Dale, senior meteorologist(气象学者) from British Weather Services, said the event was probably caused by “returning polar maritime(沿海的) air”.

“Essentially these events are caused when a vortex(旋涡;涡流)of air, kind of like a mini tornado, lifts things off the ground rising up into the atmosphere until the air around it causes them to fall to earth again.”

“We’ve all heard of fish and frogs falling from the sky and apples are certainly unusual because they have some weight to them but it is not out of the realms(领域、范围) of possibility.”



1. The weather forecast has said that______.

A. there will be a heavy storm B. there will be a tornado

C. there will be an apple rain D. there will be a strong wind

2. What does the underlined word “batter” mean in Para 2?

A. 阻碍 B. 砸到 C. 电池 D. 耽误

3. Which of the following statement is NOT the cause of fruit rain?

A. The apples could have fallen from the hold of a plane.

B. A mini tornado(龙卷风) sucked apples from the ground or from trees.

C. The event was probably caused by returning polar maritime(沿海的) air.

D. The apple grew in the sky and fell off when they were ripe.

4. We have heard of the storms about______ ever since.

A. fish, frogs and pears B. dogs, frogs and apples

C. fish, frogs and apples D. fish, ants and apples


1. A。细节判断题。根据第一段的内容进行判断。

2. B。细节推测题。根据第二段的内容判断“苹果从天而降” 肯定是“砸”在汽车的挡风玻璃上等。

3. D。综合判断题。根据第四、五、六段进行判断A、B、C符合文章内容,但题干要求选择“不是原因的描述”,故选D。

4. C。综合判断题。根据最后一段第一句话和这次的苹果雨判断答案。


We’ve all heard of fish and frogs falling from the sky and apples are certainly unusual because they have some weight to them but it is not out of the realms of possibility.

本句是由and连接的并列句。前一分句中含有falling from the sky为分词短语作fish and frogs的后置定语;后一分句中含有because引导的原因状语从句,从句中含有but连接的并列句。



1. believe v. 认为……有可能。该用法常常用在被动语态中。

(1) 用it做作形式主语,主语从句为真正的呃主语。

例如:It is believed that the Chinese economy is developing fast. 人们认为中国的经济正在飞速发展。

(2) 后跟不定式的不同形式表达不同的含义。

例如:Yao Ming is believed to have been retired from Laker Basketball Team. 人们认为姚明已经从湖人队退役。(不定式的完成时表达动作已经发生)

The next Olympics are believed to be held in London in 2012. 人们认为下一届奥运会在2012年在伦敦举行。(不定式的一般式表示动作在将来发生,被动式表示句子的主语为不定式的动作承受者)

The people in North Korea are believed to be in deep sorrow at the death of Kim Jongil. 人们相信北朝鲜人民一听到去世的消息就陷入极度的悲痛之中。



Believe it or not. 信不信由你

make believe 假装

believe in 信任

2. kind of 有点,有几分

(1) She looks kind of pale after her illness. 她病后面色有点苍白。

(2) She kind of hoped to be invited. 她有点儿希望能受到邀请。



1. 人们相信乔布斯是一个电脑天才。

Jobs is______ _______ _____ a talent in computer.

2. 人们相信校车安全问题能够得到纠正。

It____ _______ _______ the problem about the school bus will be corrected.

3. 他有点儿傻。

He was______ ______ a fool.

4. 信不信由你,中国女排已经获得参加伦敦奥运会的资格。

_____ _______ _______ _____ , the Chinese Women Volleyball Team is allowed to take part in the London Olympics.


1. believed to be; 2. is believed that; 3. kind of; 4. Believed it or not.