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I was an apprentice1) entomologist2).


I spent many happy hours belly down on the grass in my backyard, observing ants foraging3) for food and carrying it back to their forever active and freshly dug ant hills.

Interestingly, I haven't seen any ant hills here in the Pacific Northwest4) since moving here in 2006. At least, not like the ones back east. They were everywhere in upstate5) New York. Alabama had a lot of ant hills too, but they were home to the red ant variety6) and you didn't want to be belly down too close to those!

In New York, we had the medium and large-sized, black ants. I remember being mesmerized7) by the antennae8) greetings as they passed each other at the portal9) to their complex chambers underground. I always imagined that they were high-fiving10) each other as they passed―but deep down, I knew it was more significant than that.

Hey, I was curious!





I will admit that it was during this same period of entomological curiosity when I experimented with the magnification11) of the sun's rays. What can I say? Curiosity combined with childhood sometimes leads to bad decisions. And with that childhood blanket defense, I may as well confess that I also explored the magnification of the sun's rays on the backs of my schoolmates necks when we were standing in line at the Assumption School. But, everybody was doing it. Ouch!


I was an archeologist.


As a young, curious boy, I spent days sifting through12) the eroding13) bank of soft dirt at the edge of Lockwood Drive that led down steeply14) into the Annsville woods. I found some really cool things there. Some native American arrowheads and old medicine bottles from earlier days there. Everything that I brought back into the house at the end of those days was a real treasure to me. For some reason, my mother didn't think so. But then, she wasn't an archeologist like me, was she?

Do they still think there is treasure somewhere underneath their feet?

I hope so, because there is.

There really is.










1. apprentice [??prent?s] n. 学徒;初学者

2. entomologist

[?ent??m?l?d??st] n. 昆虫学家

3. forage [?f?r?d?] vi. 搜寻

4. Pacific Northwest: 太平洋西北地区,即美国西北部地区和加拿大西南部地区,主要包括阿拉斯加州东南部、不列颠哥伦比亚省、华盛顿州、俄勒冈州、爱达荷州、蒙大拿州西部、加利福尼亚州北部和内华达州北部。太平洋西北地区亦是一个大都市圈,主要城市有西雅图、波特兰、斯波坎、博伊西、温哥华、维多利亚。

5. upstate [??p?ste?t] adj. 州的北部地区(或边远地区)的

6. variety [v??ra??ti] n.


7. mesmerize [?mezm?ra?z] vt. 迷住

8. antenna [?n?ten?] n. 【动】


9. portal [?p??tl] n. 入口

10. high-five: (运动员等)举手击掌向……致意

11. magnification

[?m?n?f??ke??n] n. 放大

12. sift through: 细细搜寻

13. erode [??r??d] vi. 遭侵蚀

14. steeply [sti?pli] adv. 陡峭地

15. plaster [?pl?st?(r)] n. 【建】灰泥,灰浆

16. traumatic [tr???m?t?k] adj. 造成创伤的

17. suppress [s??pres] vt. 抑制(感情、思想、欲望、习惯等)

18. vacant [?ve?k?nt] adj. 空着的

19. trespass [?tresp?s] vi. 擅自进入

20. Hardy Boys: 哈迪兄弟,指弗兰克・哈迪(Frank Hardy)和乔・哈迪(Joe Hardy),是一系列青少年神秘小说中的主人公。

21. stoke [st??k] vt. 煽动;激起

22. Revolutionary War: 指美国革命战争(American Revolutionary War, 1775~1783),又称美国独立战争(American War of Independence),是指大英帝国与其北美13个殖民地之间爆发的战争。1776年7月4日,北美大陆会议通过了《独立宣言》,宣告美国诞生。1783年,经过美国人民的艰苦努力,英国终于承认了美国的独立。

23. remnant [?remn?nt] n. 残迹

24. musket [?m?sk?t] n. 滑膛枪,火枪

25. BB gun: BB弹气枪。BB弹指填入气枪中发射的子弹,通常是镀铜或镀锌的小球。

26. adrenaline [??dren?l?n] n. (突发性的)一阵兴奋