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Which scientists do you admire from the past? If you had the chance to travel back in time, who would you most like to meet and what would you ask them?

Find out who the heroes of some of the UK’s top scientists are.

Susan Greenfield is professor of 1)pharmacology at Oxford University and the director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain.

If I had to choose to meet a scientist who is long gone, I’d love to have thought of a female scientist, so I suppose Marie Curie would be one. I’d like to ask her what difficulties she faced as a woman, if they are any different from nowadays and how hard it was for her to 2)establish herself.

I think I’d also like to meet Galileo because he had to 3)defiantly stand up and 4)confront all the 5)prejudices and the 6)dogma of his time――to understand what 7)motivated him. So it’s a bit like Marie Curie I suppose in both cases. It’s not so much to talk about their science, but to find out how they got the courage and the inner strength to stand up to the dogma of their day.

Frank Close is professor of physics at Oxford University. He has written popular books, including The 8)Cosmic Onion.

I don’t know who this person is but I know what they did. I would have liked to have been there when fire was discovered and when the wheel or what we can do with the wheel was first realised. I would love to know whether those discoveries were made by one 9)individual――the Einstein of their time――and if so, what other things that individual did in their probably only 25 years of life because in those days people didn’t live very long. Or was it discovered all over the place by many, many different people? I’ve no idea but I would have loved to have known.

If I’m allowed to have one further choice of a scientist who everybody knows, Isaac Newton, because in addition to doing remarkable things in founding the basic of science as we know it, he was also a pretty 10)bizarre character, but I would only like to meet him on the condition that I’m allowed to know the things that we have discovered in the three hundred years since――to meeting him on a 11)level playing field I think would probably be a bit tough!

Lewis Wolpert is professor of biology as 12)applied to medicine at University College London.

I have absolutely no doubt it would be Archimedes. Archimedes in my view is the greatest scientist who ever lived. And let me try and explain why. First of all he had 13)virtually no one’s shoulders to stand on, but his contributions are simply 14)mind-blowing――he worked out why bodies floated; he worked out why 15)levers worked; he invented the concept of centre of gravity――I mean these are mind-blowing?6)Originality. And even Galileo many, many years later spoke about how important Archimedes?ideas were to him. So for me Archimedes is the greatest of them all, by far. What would I ask Archimedes? I would try to understand how he’d come to all these amazing ideas. Alright so we all know he said Eureka注1. But what led him to these things? How, you know, what was his background, what was his 17)schooling that led him to realise that he could work out whether the crown was 18)brass or gold? It just would be very interesting to know his mode of thought and who had really 19)influenced him. It’s simply amazing. And I think that’s always important to bear in mind that all science――and I mean, all science――has its origin in Greece.

Matt Ridley has a background in zoology. He’s an author and his books include Nature via Nurture and a biography of Francis Crick注2.

Which scientist would I like to go back and meet from the past? Maybe right back to meet the person who invented fire, or who started the whole technological game off some time in the 20)Pleistocene.

But I think really what I’d like to do is go back and meet Charles Darwin, and tell him about 21)Mendelism, tell him about DNA, explain about 22)genetics, watch the light bulb go on over his head perhaps, and then ask him why he took 20 years to publish the theory of natural selection. Why he 23)delayed announcing that to the world for so long, ’cause it’s one of the great historical questions about science.

Simon Singh has a background in physics. He’s written popular science books including Fermat’s Last Theorem注3 and The Code Book.

I remember once I was giving a lecture on the Enigma注4 24)cipher machine, a Second World War 25)encryption 26)device. And after the lecture somebody came up, and they toke a photograph of it using a digital camera. And it just suddenly struck me that, Alan Turing, who helped break the Enigma Cipher, was a pioneer of computer――of trying to understand what you can do with data――and much of the lecture was, sort of, in praise of Alan Turing, and what a remarkable man he was. But if he’d been there, at that moment, to see this image being captured on a digital camera that you could encode images as data, and that data could be taken in an 27)instant and stored on this little device, I think he would have been truly shocked. So it would be fascinating to go back to Alan Turing and meet him, or maybe even go back to someone like Charles Babbage――the true pioneer of the early ideas of computing. Babbage was a Victorian living in...in a sort of mechanical age of the industrial revolution, and he tried to build it――he designed it but never got round to building it……he tried to build a mechanical computing device. And, and to sit down with him, and to show him the power of computing today would be extraordinary.

















注2:弗朗西斯・柯里克(1916-2004),英国科学家。他与美国生物学家詹姆斯・沃森(James Watson)于1953年发现了遗传物质DNA的双螺旋结构。两人曾获1962年诺贝尔医学奖。

注3:“费马大定理”(Fermat’s last theorem)是法国数学家皮尔・德・费马(1601-1665)在1637年写下的一个著名猜想:当n大于2时,方程式Xn+Yn=Zn没有任何正整数解。此定理在1995年被英国数学家安德鲁・怀尔斯(Andrew Wiles)证明。
