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作者单位:350001 福州,福建省立医院急诊科


【摘要】目的 分析急性百草枯中毒(acute paraquat poisoning,APP)患者病程6h037djk.html" target="_blank">早期动脉血乳酸(lactate, Lac)值及 6 h 乳酸清除率(lactate clearance rate,LCR )的特点,探讨与 APP 患者预后的关系。方法 对 2009 年 1 月至2013 年 12 月住于福建省立医院急危重症监护病房(EICU)的 APP 患者临床资料进行回顾性分析,根据服毒后 28 d 的转归将患者分为存活组及死亡组进行对照研究,判定入院初始动脉血 Lac 及 6 h LCR 对于患者预后的预测价值。结果 共纳入符合标准的 132例APP 患者,年龄 15 ~ 71岁, 30岁(18岁)[M(IQR)];男性 70 例,女性 62 例;服毒剂量 5 ~ 200 mL,20 mL(37.25 mL)[M(IQR)];服毒至就诊时间 4 ~ 312 h,6 h(8.75 h)[M(IQR)]。经随访服毒后 28 d 死亡 68 例,存活 64 例,病死率 51.51 %。死亡组的服毒剂量明显高于存活组,服毒剂量预测患者 28 d 病死率 ROC 曲线下面积为.86(95%CI:0.80 ~ 0.92),截断值为27.5 mL,灵敏度 75%,特异度 85.9%,Youden 指数0.609;死亡组的入院初始动脉 Lac 值、APACHEⅡ评分值明显高于存活组,入院初始动脉血Lac 值预测患者 28 d 病死率的ROC曲线下面积为0.99(95%CI:0.99 ~ 1.00),截断值为 5.050,灵敏度 98.5%,特异度 100%,Youden 指数 0.985。死亡组的6 h乳酸清除率明显低于存活组,6 h LCR预测患者 28 d病死率的ROC曲线下面积为0.99(95%CI:0.97 ~ 1.00),截断值为 17.28%,灵敏度 100%,特异度 97.1%,Youden 指数 0.971。结论 APP 患者病程早期动脉血 Lac 值及 6 h LCR 能作为预测患者预后的指标之一,对预后的判断具有较高的临床价值。


Prognostic value of initial arterial lactate and 6-h lactate clearance rate in acute paraquat poisoning Chen Min, Chen Feng, Zhu Rijin, Wang Xiaoping, Song Haiyang. Emergency Department,Fujian Provincial Hospital,Fuzhou 350001,China

Corresponding author:Chen Feng,Email:

【Abstract】Objective To investigate the correlation of the initial arterial lactate (Lac) and 6-h lactate clearance rate (LCR) with prognosis in patients with acute paraquat poisoning (APP). Methods The included 132 APP patients (70 males and 62 females, age ranging 15-71, 30(18)[M(IQR)] treated at a single center between January 2009 and December 2013. Patients were divided into two groups: group A,survivors > 28 days after admission (n=64); and group B,those died ≤ 28 days after admission (n=68). The prognostic values of arterial Lac and 6-h LCR during the acute stage of poisoning were evaluated. Results Paraquat dose ranged from 5-200 mL,20 mL(37.25 mL)[M(IQR)].The average time from poisoning to arrival at the emergency department was ranging 4-312 h,6 h(8.75 h)[M(IQR)]. Total mortality was 51.51%. There were no differences in age, gender, and length of time elapsed from poisoning to diagnosis between two groups. Survivors had a significantly lower dose of paraquat ingested compared with nonsurvivors (P< 0.05). An ROC curve analysis determined that the dose had an area of 0.86(95%CI:0.80- 0.92)and the volume cut-off point was 27.5 mL to predict the prognosis in patients with acute paraquat poisoning (75% sensitivity,85.9% specificity,Youden index 0.609). The initial arterial lactate level was higher in nonsurvivors than that in survivors. The ROC curve analysis indicated that the initial arterial lactate level had an area of 0.99(95%CI:0.99- 1.00)and the concentration cut-off point was 5.050 mmol/L to predicti prognosis in patients with acute paraquat poisoning (sensitivity 98.5%,specificity 100%,Youden index 0.985). The 6 h LCR was lower in nonsurvivors than that in survivors. ROC curve analysis showed that the 6-h LCR had an area of 0.99 (95%CI:0.97- 1.00)and the concentration cut-off point was 17.28% to predict prognosis in APP patients (sensitivity 100%,specificity 97.1%,Youden index 0.971) . Conclusions In the early stages of APP, initial arterial Lac and 6-h LCR are closely related to prognosis and may serve as prognostic factors.

本研究发现入院时动脉血 Lac 检测对判断 APP 患者预后具有较好的预测作用,但单次检测结果仅能说明当时的组织氧供与氧耗的关系,不能动态反映治疗措施对氧供与氧耗的动态影响。因此,动态监测动脉血 Lac 变化即计算乳酸清除率比单次 Lac 测定更为重要和准确。临床研究在严重感染、心肺复苏后、重度外伤等领域已证实,LCR 较初始血 Lac 浓度对评估预后具有更高的临床价值,早期 LCR 低是预后不良的独立预测因素[17-18]。本研究发现死亡组的 6 h LCR 明显低于存活组,而 6 h LCR 预测患者 28 d 病死率的 ROC 曲线下面积为0.99(95%CI:0.97~1.00),截断值为 17.28%,灵敏度 100%,特异度 97.1%,Youden 指数 0.971。说明 6 h LCR 能很好地反映 APP 患者病死率,对预测患者病死率具有重要意义。

动脉血气分析是常规、便捷的检查项目,临床容易操作,结果可快速获得,因此早期的动脉血 Lac 及动态的检测 6 h LCR 对 APP 患者病情严重程度评估及预后判断具有敏感性高、方便易行、可操作性强等优点,便于临床医师对 APP 患者预后做出早期判断,利于基层推广应用。


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