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Fast Fashion, Cheap Fashion

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走过繁华的商业街,在Dior、Chanel、LV、Gucci、Armani这些响当当的大招牌和广告间,H&M、ZARA、Mango、Topshop等快时尚(fast fashion)品牌气势丝毫不弱。路上拎着白底红字H&M大手提袋、刚刚买了件打折单品的女孩,幸福的感觉绝不比肩背Chanel 2.55的同道差到哪儿去。不是么?时尚可不只是用金钱来衡量的,它体现的是一种态度、一种精神、一种对新鲜元素的把握。人人都可时尚。咳咳,扯远了~~

“快时尚”标榜的是“快+时尚”――designs move from catwalk1 to store in the fastest time to catch current trends in the market。快时尚品牌的设计师不停穿梭在各大时装周(Fashion Week)秀场和世界各时尚城市,捕捉时尚信息来设计。一件快时尚小裙,从时装周初获灵感,到设计、制作、上架,时间不超过一个月。快时尚品牌店橱窗更是平均一周更新两次。

快时尚的另一张王牌是“平价”――尽管很多时尚中人不想和“平价”(或者说“廉价”)扯上关系――Fashion trends are designed and manufactured quickly and cheaply to allow the mainstream consumer to take advantage of current clothing styles at a lower price(时尚的新款服饰经过快速而廉价的设计和制作,使得大众消费者能以低廉的价格尝试流行的服饰风格)。快时尚店总是有那么一些打折款,价格就更是贴心啦。

快时尚品牌绝不吝惜广告投入,大牌模特如Kate Moss,都曾是快时尚的代言人。快时尚也绝不只是时装周的跟屁虫,代表品牌H&M在2004年起开始与大牌设计师联姻,Karl Lagerfeld、Stella McCartney、Madonna、川久保玲都曾与之合作。2 时尚老佛爷Lagerfeld给H&M设计的30款衣饰,在全球500多家店铺同一天上架,宣传册在一个小时之内散尽,衣饰在发售当天被疯抢一空。

据说时尚老佛爷Lagerfeld在宣布与H&M合作后不久,曾被一位灰白头发、穿紫色天鹅绒晚礼服的绅士在派对上拦下。对老佛爷的选择,绅士颇为不解:“How could you? They’re so cheap!(你为什么要这么做?它们多贱啊!)”老佛爷答道“Cheap?! What a depressing word! It’s all about taste. If you’re cheap...nothing helps.(贱?!这字眼太让人沮丧了!这(时尚)只与品位有关。但要是你人很贱……那才真没救儿了)”


1. catwalk: (时装表演时供模特用的)狭长表演台,T台。

2. Karl Lagerfeld: 卡尔・拉格菲尔德,是举世公认最具领导潮流能力的设计师之一,他具有源源不断的新创意,每一季都推出精彩绝伦的新作。因此被人尊称为时尚界的“老佛爷”;Stella McCartney: 斯特拉・麦卡特尼,英国著名新一代时装设计师,是甲壳虫乐队成员之一保罗・麦卡特尼的女儿。以她为时尚品牌Chloe所设计的时装而颇具名气。

Buzz off1! New Ways to Drive Mosquitoes Away!

Mosquito bites could become nothing more than a bad memory in the near future, because some scientists have found a way to make the insects buzz off. They’ve created a gas that deceives the mosquitoes’ senses, making it almost impossible for the insects to sniff out2 human blood.

The finding could be used to make new repellent3 lotions and sprays, as well as things used to keep rooms free of the biting insects.

The discovery would also help provide protection against malaria and other tropical illnesses. Mosquitoes transmit malaria to more than half a million people a year and cause millions of deaths around the world.

In one science magazine, scientists explain how the new gas can deceive mosquitoes. One chemical in the gas can confuse the tiny sensors mosquitoes use to sniff out the carbon dioxide breathed out by people.

But it is not known whether the gas is safe for people. It still needs to be tested before people can use it.







1. buzz off: 走开!(非礼貌说法)

2. sniff out: 靠嗅觉发现,嗅出。

3.repellent: 驱蚊剂。