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“Sons of Stars” refers to the children who are sighted but turn a blind eye to people and things around them, who have normal hearing but turn a deaf ear to every sound, who have well-developed language skills but rarely talk, and whose behaviors tend to be against the normal ways. They are compared with the stars in the sky, because each of them is preoccupied with their own world, just like a star shining alone. Some people think they are geniuses, arguing that gifted people such as Einstein, Van Gogh, and Newton were all found to have strange behaviors. Based on the modern medical methodology, they are probably diagnosed as the cases of autism. However, some other people think those children are just weirdoes. They live in their own world and are aliens to the normal people.


In December, 2007, the UN General Assembly passed the following resolution: starting from 2008, 2nd, April of every year is designated as “World Autism Awareness Day” (WAAD), in order to increase people's awareness about people, especially children, with autism. Moreover, every April is designated as the “National Autism Awareness Month”, which is a special opportunity for everyone to educate the public about autism and issues within the autism community through mess media as well as various activities. As more and more attention is paid to this special group, and the information about autism is more and more publicized, people become even more shocked and concerned when they find the truth that the number of people with autism has been increasing.


In the 1960s, autism was considered a rare disorder that occurred in only about 3 in every 10,000 children. In February, 2007, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced the results of two surveys of autism spectrum disorders covering 22 states. Using the newly-funded Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM), CDC researchers found an average rate of 1 in 150 children with an autism spectrum disorder, with New Jersey at the top, with a rate of approximately 1 in 100. Autism Speaks, the world's leading autism science and advocacy organization, released a rough statistics in 2010, reporting that there were around 67 million people with autism in the world, which was more than the sum of people with cancer and AIDS. The statistics also showed that the children with autism already took up more than 1/50 of children in the US.

Some people believe these figures suggest an epidemic, and there must be "some reasons” -- like a vaccine or something in the environment -- that has caused this so-called "epidemic". In fact, "so much more autism" does not necessarily mean that there is an actual increase in the number of autistic people. Greater understanding of autism, earlier diagnosis of children with autism, more accurate ways adopted for diagnosis, and changes in the criteria for statistics analysis, have made society and culture maintain a more open mind and become more caring for disabilities. Therefore, it is very likely that the huge group of people with autism has always been there, but just wasn’t noticed by people before.



Autism Spectrum Disorders


According to the definitions in medical science, different from what the phrases “self-imposed” and “loneliness” deliver literally, autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. It has long been presumed that there is a common cause at the genetic, cognitive, and neural levels for autism's characteristic triad of symptoms. However, there is increasing suspicion that autism is instead a complex disorder whose core aspects have distinct causes that often co-occur.


“There’s tremendous diversity in the symptoms and severity of autism. Although there’s a lot of diversity, there’s a common denominator: a person with autism has difficulty processing social interaction in typical ways,” says Dr. Fred R. Volkmar, the director of the Yale Child Study Center and co-author, with Dr. Lisa A. Wiesner, of “A Practical Guide to Autism. Parents usually notice signs in the first two years of their child's life. The signs usually develop gradually, but some autistic children first develop more normally and then regress. It is distinguished not by a single symptom, but by a characteristic triad of symptoms: 1. Impairments in social interaction. People with autism often lack the intuition about others that many people take for granted. They show less attention to social stimuli, smile and look at others less often, and respond less to their own name. 2. Impairments in linguistic communication. The higher the severity of the autism, the more affected are one’s speaking skills. Many children with an ASD do not speak at all. People with autism will often repeat words or phrases they hear - an event called echolalia. 3. Restricted interests and repetitive behavior. They usually develop specific routines or rituals and become disturbed at the slightest change. 4. Lower intelligence. Most children with autism are slow to gain new knowledge or skills, and some have signs of lower than normal intelligence. 5. Disturbances in feelings. Some of them may be unusually sensitive to light, sound and touch, and yet oblivious to pain. 6. Other abnormal behaviors. Sometimes they may perform activities that could cause self-harm.