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We’re often astounded by the ability of children to pick up, use and master the latest technological innovations. You frequently hear stories from parents of how they left a tablet computer lying around and after a couple of hours they came back to find their toddler1) using it to play games, look at kittens on the internet or open an offshore bank account2).

The idea that the younger generation is somehow inherently more adept at using technology is slowly taking hold3). In a recent survey by John Lewis4), 71 per cent of parents admitted that they consult their children for technological advice, whether that’s help online (setting up social-media profiles) or around the home (operating the TiVo5)). In other words, while adults are busy putting food on the table, children are becoming our technological overlords6).

But how and why is this happening and why do some parents seem resigned to it? After all, modern user interfaces7) are getting simpler and, at least in theory, are designed for us all to operate. They’re not geared8) specifically towards children and, while it’s often stated that kids find technology easy because they “grew up with it,” their 30-something parents probably grew up with it, too.

“It’s certainly an illusion to assume that kids can do these things intuitively,” says Nigel Houghton, managing director of Simplicity Computers. “It’s more the case that they’re not fearful of looking around, and so they eventually work things out.” Dr Mark Brosnan, senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Bath and author of the book Technophobia, says that children’s apparent expertise has little to do with youth. “If they swipe a tablet screen with three fingers, it looks like an intuitive gesture,” he says, “but it’s because they’ve seen someone do it before. They just have a great immediate experience9) of potential solutions.”

There’s a world of difference between the Windows 95 PCs that many adults cut their teeth on10) and sleek11), 21st-century touch-screen devices; the latter are far more geared towards entertainment and communication, so it’s unsurprising that children spend far more time getting to grips with12) them than time-starved13) parents.

“It becomes about inclination,” says Matt Leeser, head of buying for telecoms and technology at John Lewis. “Whether you’re talking about Windows 8 or a smart TV, it’s a question of whether one can be bothered to learn how to use it.” But it’s also to do with the learning process itself. “When kids get a device, they talk to their mates, and they go through a process of swapping14) information,” says Houghton, whose company specializes in producing simpler, more straightforward computing interfaces. “But when older people see younger people using devices so easily, it provides a sort of deterrent: ‘Oh god,’ they think, ‘I can’t do that. I must be stupid.’”

It’s a conveniently lazy mindset to develop, but it’s one that’s easily conquerable. “I’ve looked at issues related to anxiety and technology,” says Brosnan, “and some of the most confident, happy, least anxious users are silver surfers15) over the age of 65—largely due to the fact that they’re retired, they have some time to spare, and there’s no pressure—no one is watching them and evaluating how they’re using it.”

In other words, a solid relationship with technology seems to be a function16) of leisure time, something that parents can be woefully17) short of. The resulting technological consultation of children by their parents could just be seen as an amusing reversal of authority within the family unit, but it does throw up a number of questions, both financial and moral. “We’re seeing kids leading a lot of technology purchase decisions for the family based upon the trends that they’re following,” says Leeser.

“They’re not really worrying about internet security, for example, or interoperability18). So our role is to offer impartial advice.

“Someone said to me recently that it’s like giving the prisoner the key if you let your kids make your technology purchases.”

The same analogy could be used back at home, post-sale, where it’s the parents’ duty to be clued up19) enough to supervise their children’s use of technology, but kids end up knowing far more than they’re given credit for20). “If I were a child and my parents asked me which websites I shouldn’t be looking at,” says Leeser, “I certainly wouldn’t have told them—and if they’d asked me how to block those websites, I wouldn’t have told them that either.”

Ahad Surooprajally, 45, has a nine-year old son, Habeeb, who’s already running rings around him21). “He has to go to bed at a certain time,” he says, “but then he’ll log into my Apple TV remotely while I’m watching a film and shut it down … Similarly, I had a friend of mine set up controls on the computer so Habeeb has 30 minutes online time a day—but he made himself an administrator and gave himself two hours a day instead.” Habeeb himself finds this screamingly funny, but is coy22) when asked how he came by the knowledge. “Oh, the internet,” he giggles. And do you ever get tips from friends? “To be honest, I don’t really need to,” he replies.

You may think of Habeeb as a whizz kid23) who’s streets ahead of24) his peers, but it’s likely that his peers are just as clued up, because they’ve got the time, the inclination and the access to technology. If there’s a message to come out of this, it’s probably a nudge to technophobic25) parents to devote some time towards getting good advice and to familiarize themselves with new technology—not just to maintain technological order at home, but also because society increasingly demands it.

“The government wants us to be able to do so much online,” says Nigel Houghton. “There are 650 services provided by various departments which are moving online—and there are all the incredibly useful things that internet connectivity can help with, such as getting cheaper utility bills.”

And, seeing as our offspring probably wouldn’t have the patience to help us seek out a new electricity provider, maybe that’s a good place as any to begin striking out26) on our own.





很多成年人早年使用的Windows 95电脑与21世纪造型精巧的触屏设备之间有着天壤之别,后者更适合娱乐和交流。所以,孩子们会比时间紧迫的父母们花更多的时间去仔细研究触屏设备,这没什么值得惊奇的。

“这成了关乎意愿的事,”约翰·路易斯百货公司负责电信及技术采购的主管马特·利泽说,“无论你是在讨论Windows 8还是智能电视,问题的关键都在于你是否愿意费点心思去学会如何使用它。”不过,这也和学习的过程本身有关。“当孩子们拿到一款新设备时,他们会和小伙伴们互相谈论,经历一个互换信息的过程,”霍顿说道,他的公司专门制作更加简便、快捷的电脑界面,“但是,当年长一些的人看到比自己年轻的人在自如地操作这些设备时,会产生一种畏难情绪:‘天哪,’他们会想,‘我就不会那个,我一定很笨。’”






45岁的阿哈德·素罗普拉贾利有个儿子,名叫哈比布,才九岁,但他在运用科技产品方面已经大大超过他老爸了。“哈比布应该在固定的时间上床睡觉,” 阿哈德说,“但是,当我在看电影时,他会远程登录到我的苹果电视上,然后关掉它……类似的事情还有,一次我让一个朋友给电脑设了限制,这样哈比布每天只有30分钟的上网时间。但他却把自己设成了管理员,让自己一天能上两个小时的网。”哈比布自己觉得这么做超级有趣,但在被问及他是如何获得这些知识时,他却闪烁其词。“哦,从网上。”他咯咯地笑着说。那你得到过朋友们的指点吗?“说实话,我不太需要。”他回答道。


“政府希望我们能通过网络做很多事,” 奈杰尔· 霍顿说,“现在各个部门都在利用网络,他们提供了650种在线服务——通过接入互联网,很多极为实用的服务都能得以实现,比如获取更便宜的水电费账单。”


1. toddler [?t?dl?(r)] n. 学步的儿童

2. offshore bank account:离岸账户,也叫OSA账户。在金融学上指存款人在其居住国家以外开设的银行账户。

3. take hold:生根;固定下来;确立

4. John Lewis:约翰·路易斯百货公司,英国伦敦最大的百货公司

5. TiVo:一种硬盘数字录像设备,能帮助人们非常方便地录下和筛选电视上播放过的节目。

6. overlord [???v?(r)?l??(r)d] n. 最高统治者;霸主

7. user interface:[计]用户界面

8. gear [ɡ??(r)] vt. 使适合

9. immediate experience:直接经验

10. cut one’s teeth on:早年学习(或使用)

11. sleek [sli?k] adj. 线条明快的,造型优美的;光滑的

12. get to grips with:〈喻〉开始应付(难题、挑战等)

13. time-starved [?ta?mstɑ?(r)vd] adj. 时间宝贵的,时间紧迫的

14. swap [sw?p] vt. 交换

15. silver surfer:银发(年纪大的)互联网使用者

16. function [?f??k?(?)n] n. 应变量,随他物的变化而变化的事物

17. woefully [?w??f(?)li] adv. 可怜地;可悲地

18. interoperability [??nt?(r)??p?r??b?l?ti] n. [计]交互性(指交换信息及共同使用已交换信息的能力)

19. clue up:〈口〉对……知道的很多,对……精通

20. give credit for:认为某人有(某种优点或能力)

21. run rings around someone:显然胜过某人;大大超过某人

22. coy [k??] adj. 含糊其辞的;不愿表态的

23. whizz kid:神童,奇才

24. streets ahead of:比……好得多;远远超出

25. technophobic [?tekn???f??bik] adj. 对新技术感到恐惧的

26. strike out:独立闯新路;开辟(道路等)