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Venture Capital and the Emergence and Development of Entrepreneurship: A Focus o

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[a] Department of Financial Studies. Redeemer’s University,

>> venture capital and the emergence and development of entrepreneurship: A focus on Employment Generation and Poverty Alleviation in Lagos State Study on Tourism Poverty Alleviation Comparison Benefit and Development Path in National Poverty Areas An Analysis of Britain and American Poverty and Poverty Alleviation and Development Pattern Zhushan’s Ecological Poverty Alleviation Industry Poverty Alleviation and Development in Continuous Destitute Areas: Based on the Status Analysis of the Wuling Mountains Region Poverty Alleviation and Development Path Analysis: A Case Study on Rocky Desertification Area of in Yunnan Guangxi Guizhou Province in China Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria Through Investments in the Manufacturing Sector E-Commerce Poverty Alleviation in Longnan City How Much Venture Capital Affects Enterprises Innovation in China? The Relationships between Different Venture Capital Backgrounds and Enterprise Innovations Research on Tax Preference Policy of Venture Capital Foreign Venture Capital Changes to Grab Opportunities in China Venture Capital Dries Up as Economy,Stock Market Struggle Current Satisfaction With Government for Poverty Alleviation of the Wulingshan Region in China Investigation Report on Current Situation of College Students' Employment and Entrepreneurship The Emergence and Development of the American Entrepreneurial Universities and Its Enlightenment Marxism and the State: Its Origin and Development The Analysis of Rural Human Capital Accumulation Effect on the Transfer of Labor Employment A Research of Tourism Poverty Alleviation Model of Reservoir Region:Case study of the Three Gorge of The Poverty Alleviation Model of Local Government Inclusive Innovation: A Case Study on Contiguous Poor Regions in China 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l-78k.

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(1)Test of Statistical the Hypothesis

Hypothesis 1

H0: Venture capital activities have not significantly resulted in emergence and development of SMEs in Lagos State

H1: Venture capital activities have significantly resulted in emergence and development of SMEs in Lagos State

Table 2

(Section A) Response on Key Issues Linking the Relationship Between Venture Capital Activities and Emergence and Development of Entrepreneurship in Lagos State

S/N Variables Responses (in %) Venture Capitalist (25) LASMI & Agency Bank (8) Rank

SA % A % U % D % SD % SA % A % U % D % SD %

1 Insufficient cheap and long term capital is a major factor affecting the emergence and development of entrepreneurship in Lagos State. 12

48% 2

8% 1

4% 8

32% 2

8% 4

50% 1

13% 1

12% 2

0% 0

0% 3rd

2 Venture capital is not available to SMEs in Lagos State due ignorance. 16

64% 7

28% 1

4% 1

4% 0

0% 3

38% 2

25% 1

12% 1

12% 1

12% 2nd

3 Availability of VC leads to the existence of new indigenous entrepreneurship in Lagos State. 17

68% 3

12% 2

8% 2

8% 1

4% 5

63% 2

25% 1

12% 0

0% 0

0% 1st

4 Government has made enough effort to ensure that funds are available for entrepreneurial activities in Lagos State 10

40% 5

20% 3

12% 2

8% 5

20% 2

25% 1

12% 2

25% 2

25% 1

12% 4th

Source: Author’s Computation. September, 2012

Table 3

Question 1 of Questionnaire Administered: Insufficient Cheap and Long Term Capital is a Major Factor Affecting the Emergence and Development of Entrepreneurship in Lagos State.

Options Venture Capitalist (25) LASMI & Agency Bank (8)

Point (x) Response (y) xy x2 y2 Point (x) Response (y) xy x2 y2

SA 5 12 60 25 144 5 4 20 25 16

A 4 2 8 16 4 4 1 4 16 1

U 3 1 3 9 1 3 1 3 9 1

D 2 8 16 4 64 2 2 4 4 4

SD 1 2 2 1 4 1 0 0 1 0

Σ 15 25 89 55 217 15 8 31 55 22

Source: Author’s Computation. September, 2012

Table 4

Calculation of Correlation (Using Average Aggregate (SD) Response)

Options AA Point (x) AA Response (y) AA (xy) AA (x2) AA (y2)

SA 5 8 40 25 80

A 4 1.5 6 16 2.5

U 3 1 3 9 1

D 2 5 10 4 34

SD 1 1 1 1 2

Σ 15 16.5 60 55 119.5

Source: Author’s Computation. September, 2012.

Note: AA = Average aggregate

r = 0.41(41%)

Decision: The “r” calculated of 0.41 ≤ 0.5 level of significance. The null hypothesis is accepted. Venture Capital activities have not meaningfully resulted in emergence and development of SMEs in Lagos State.

Hypothesis 2

H0: There is no significant relationship between SMEs and job creation and poverty alleviation in Lagos State

H1: There is significant relationship between SMEs and job creation and poverty alleviation in Lagos State

Table 5

(Section B) Response on Key Issues Involving the Relationship Between SMEs and Job Creation and Poverty Alleviation in Lagos State

S/N Variables Responses (in %) SA % A % U % D % SD% Rank

5 Establishment and development of SMEs leads to employment creation and poverty alleviation in the State. 50

71% 8

11% 2

3% 7

10% 3

4% 1st

6 Unemployment and poverty in Lagos state is due to inadequate entrepreneurship emergence and development. 47

68% 12

18% 2

4% 6

2% 4

9% 2nd

7 Lack of start up capital and high SMEs mortality rate due to inadequate working funds has resulted in unemployment and high level of poverty in Lagos State. 46

66% 15

21% 1

1% 3

4% 5

7% 3rd

8 Innovative ideas without set up capital to convert them into project reality die without implementation. 45

64% 14

20% 3

4% 4

6% 4

6% 4th

Source: Author’s Computation. September, 2012

Table 6

Question 5 of Questionnaire Administered: Establishment and Development of SMEs Leads to Employment

Creation and Poverty Alleviation in the State

Calculation of Correlation (using “SD” response)

Options Point (x) Response (y) xy x2 y2

SD 5 42 210 25 1,764

A 4 8 32 16 64

U 3 4 12 9 16

D 2 7 14 4 49

SD 1 9 9 1 81

Σ 15 70 277 55 1,974

Source: Author’s Computation. September, 2012

r = 0.67 (67%)

Decision: The r calculated of 0.67 ≥ 0.5 level of significance. The alternate hypothesis is accepted. There is significant relationship between entrepreneurship and job creation and poverty alleviation in Lagos State. However 67% shows a weak positive correlation.