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New York City

New York City, or 'The Big Apple' doesn't need too much of an introduction. One of the most exhilarating and outrageous, famous and infamous, densely packed masses of humanity in the world, New York, New York has a hyperactive rhythm of life that you'll either love or hate. Covering an area of 785 square km, and with a population of 8 million, wherever you go or whatever you do in New York you're bound to be left dazzled and a bit stunned by the excesses you'll encounter on both ends of the scale.



Too many to list here, you could spend weeks (and thousands of dollars) in New York if you attempted to have a good go at seeing all the city has to offer the tourist. In this issue of Travel, we'll just give you the sights that you couldn't leave New York without missing.

1. Central Park

A huge rectangle of green vegetation located right in the middle of the skyscrapers of Manhattan, in its quieter areas Central Park can be a welcome escape from the madness and traffic in the daytime, although some parts are slightly busier with street breakdance performers, cyclists and rollerbladers. Seen from on high, the park cuts a beautiful natural green swathe through the grey-black super-modern high-rises, and is a cityscape to rival Hong Kong's Victoria Peak and Rio's statue of Christ the redeemer.

2. The Empire State Building

New York's original skyline symbol, the Empire State Building, is a limestone classic built in just 410 days during the depths of the Depression. It stands 102 storeys and almost 449m (1472ft) tall. The famous antenna was originally to be a mooring mast for zeppelins, but the Hindenberg disaster ①put a stop to that plan.

3. Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Upper East Side is home to New York's greatest concentration of cultural centres: 5th Ave above 57th St is known as Museum Mile. The big daddy of these is the Metropolitan Museum of Art ('the Met'), New York's most popular tourist site, which functions something like a self-contained cultural city-state with three million individual objects in its collection.

4. Museum of Modern Art

The new MoMA, is undoubtedly one of New York's finest museums. In its new location on W53rd St, between Fifth and Sixth Aves, the MoMA is a perfect excuse to explore its 100,000-plus paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs, architectural models and design objects. Its collection of masterpieces includes Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, Van Gogh's Starry Night and Piet Mondrian's Broadway Boogie-Woogie. Claude Monet's Water Lilies rates a whole gallery to itself.

5. Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty stands at the crossroads of the Old World and the New. The Lady with the Lamp represents not only the shining ideals of democracy but, over the years, has become a shorthand visual for the immigrants' lament inscribed on her base: 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...' It's a 354-step climb to the statue's crown, the equivalent of climbing a 22-storey building, and if you want to tackle it, start early to avoid the crowds - it's hard to contemplate the American dream with your nose to the tail of the person in front.

6. Times Square

Dubbed the 'Great White Way' after its bright lights, Times Square has long been celebrated as New York's glittery crossroads. The Square went into deep decline during the 1960s when the movie palaces turned XXX-rated and the area became known as a hangout for every colourful, crazy or dangerous character in Midtown. A major 'clean-up' operation removed most of the sleaze and now the combination of colour, zipping message boards and massive TV screens makes for quite a sight.

Shopping, Eating and Entertainment

With the size and orientation of New York, this section is best split into geographical areas where you can choose that atmosphere that best suits you.

1. SoHo

Although the pulse of New York's finest art galleries beats in West Chelsea these days, SoHo (from 'south of Houston') retains its trendy appeal with a bumper crop of upmarket designer-clothing stores and shoe boutiques selling oh-so-precious curios. The district is a paradigm of inadvertent urban renewal, having transmogrified from the city's leading commercial district in the post-Civil War days to a tuned-in artists colony in the 1950s, to the impossibly expensive platinum card excesses of today. Its beautifully restored cast-iron buildings are some of the best examples of this style in the world.

2. Tribeca

This neighborhood of old warehouses and loft apartments has a fair share of restaurants and bars, along with Robert De Niro's Tribeca Films production company. It's not unusual to spot a star ②hanging out at a local restaurant or bar, and Tribeca's desolation chic makes the area a favorite for fashion photographers. Though not as touristy or architecturally significant as SoHo, the neighborhood went through an amazing transformation prior to September 11, with huge lofts, top restaurants, historic bars and a strong shopping and arts scene.

3. West (Greenwich) Village

The Village is one of the city's most popular neighborhoods, and a universal symbol for all things outlandish and bohemian. It's still a vibrant area, packed with cafes, shops and bars, all of them huddled around Washington Square Park, purportedly the most crowded recreational space in the world.

The Village (as New Yorkers call it) is kept humming by the endless supply of New York University (NYU) students and nostalgic tourists. Once known throughout the world for its swinging, smoky arts scene, the neighborhood can seem downright somnolent these days. The area's reputation as a creative enclave can be traced back to at least the early 1900s, when artists and writers moved in, followed by jazz musicians who played at famous (still functioning) clubs like the Blue Note and Village Vanguard. By the 40s the neighborhood was known as a gathering place for gay people. The coffeehouses on Bleecker St ③hark back to New York's beatnik 50s and hippie 60s. Bob Dylan reputedly began his career in the Village, Jimi Hendrix lived here and the Rolling Stones recorded here.

Getting Around

New York is infamous for its allegedly incomprehensible, dangerous subway. Although it's noisy, confusing and sometimes hot as hell, the subway is really not that difficult and is statistically safer than walking the streets in daylight. It's the fastest, most reliable way around town and most of Manhattan's sights are on its lines.

City buses run 24 hours a day. Bus maps are available at subway and train stations, and well-marked bus stops have 'Guide-a-Ride' maps showing the stops and nearby landmarks. Between 10pm and 5am you can ask to be let off anywhere along your route, even if it's not a designated stop.








“上东区”拥有纽约最大的文化中心聚集地:从第57大街之后开始与第五大道相交的地区被统称作博物馆街。这些博物馆中最棒的要数纽约最受欢迎的旅游景点――大都会博物馆了(简称“the Met”),它收藏有300万件单件物品,有点儿像一个独立的文化城邦。










虽然目前,纽约最好的艺术馆活跃在西切尔西区,但苏菏区(得名于“south of Houston”)凭借着其出售昂贵珍品的大量高档品牌店和精品鞋店而保持着它的潮流吸引力。这个地区是城市悄然变迁的一个范例,从独立战争后该市最重要的商业区,到20世纪50年代追随潮流的艺术家们的聚居地,再到当今昂贵得出奇的白金卡泛滥成灾的地区。它那修葺一新的铸铁建筑是世界上此类建筑中一些最好的范例。










1. Old World and the New

文中,在谈到自由女神像时,提到了这个词组。其中,“The New World”指的是“西半球”,即“南北美洲大陆”,而“The Old World”指的则是相对于美洲而言的“东半球”,不过,在更多的情况下,一般代指“欧洲”。

2. smoky


exhilarating /iG`zil9reitiM/ adj.使人兴奋的

outrageous /aut`rei_9s/ adj.令人不可容忍的;疯狂的

infamous /`inf9m9s/ adj.声名狼藉的

hyperactive /,haip9(:)`r2ktiv/ adj.极度活跃的

rectangle /`rekt2MGl/ n.长方形

swathe /sweiN/ n.带子

redeemer /ri`d1m9(r)/ n.救世主

mooring mast停机系留装置

lament /l9`ment/ n.悲哀

hangout /h2Maut/ n.(流氓)巢穴

boutique /b6`t1k/ n.专卖流行物品的精品店

curio /`kju9ri9u/ n.珍品

paradigm /`p2r9daim/ n.范例

inadvertent /,in9d`v8t9nt/ adj.不经意间的

transmogrify /tr2nz`m4Gri,fai/ vt.转型

tuned-in adj.好赶时髦的

touristy /`tu9risti/ adj.旅游者常去的

outlandish /aut`l2ndiH/ adj.古怪的;奇异的

bohemian /b9u`h1mj9n/ adj.放荡不羁的;波希米亚的

purportedly /p8`p5tidli/ adv.据称

hum /h7m/ v.忙碌;活跃起来

nostalgic /n4`st2l_ik/ adj.怀旧的

downright /`daunrait/ adv.完全

somnolent /`s4mn9l9nt/ adj.瞌睡的

enclave /`enkleiv/ n.被包围的领土;飞地

beatnik/`b1tnik/ n.垮了的一代

① put a stop to 使……终止

② hang out 打发时间;消遣

③ hark back 想到(往事)