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Kebab Peddler: Big-Hearted Philanthropist

By Yao Zhong, Chun Yu

In all probability, Alimu is a born Good Samaritan. A native of Hejing Township in Xinjiang Autonomous Region in northwestern China, Alimu bought a satchel for a classmate with the pocket money he made by recycling rubbish when he was a third grader in the primary school. His brothers and sisters were annoyed by his generosity: why did he help a classmate whereas the family needed the money? Alimu said the classmate was from a family in a poorer financial condition. Born in 1971, he joined the military service at 18. During the three-year service, he helped his comrades-in-arms and received honors for his big-hearted activities from his company and battalion. He also received citation of excellence as a soldier.

After the demobilization, he traveled for years trying to find a place to start his life as a profitable kebab peddler. He traveled and finally he came to Bijie, a city in Guizhou Province in southwestern China and far away from his hometown. He had only 10 yuan in his pocket and an oven to make kebabs. Although one of the poorest cities in the province, Bijie has many big-hearted people. In the first few days, he met many a Good Samaritan in Bijie. A stranger gave him a 2-yuan meal at a roadside food stall. A café proprietor whom Alimu had just met gave him a loan of 100 yuan as startup capital for his one-man street business. Alimu worked hard and in a few days, he was able to return the loan. He decided to stay in Bijie and decided to return the generosity he could feel everywhere. Thus, the kebab peddler from Xinjiang started his new life in a remote city in the southwest.

On February 13, 2003, he went to visit a friend in a hospital. In the ward, he saw an 11-year-old schoolboy languishing in a bed. The boy was suffering from a serious kidney problem and his body was swollen. Yet he was reading a textbook. His mother was weeping by the bedside. Alimu gave the mother all the 200 yuan in his pocket.

In October 2006, Alimu brought 5,000 yuan to Bijie Academy and said he wanted to donate the amount to help students from families with financial difficulties. The cash came in small notes. The academy added another 5,000 yuan and set up the academy’s smallest scholarship named after Alimu. The scholarship goes to 20 students a year. More than 100 students have received help from the scholarship so far. Alimu’s donation touched off a wave of donations from all walks of life in Bijie. The academy now has much more to offer to its needy students.

In November 2007, Alimu learned students in a primary school in a remote mountainous suburb of Bijie did not have school satchels. He bought 181 satchels at a local wholesale market, and borrowed a horse and traveled all the way through mountains to reach the school.

When the news of a killer earthquake in Yushu, Qinghai Province in China’s west, reached him, Alimu went there bringing 10,000 in cash. He bought food and vegetable and distributed the daily necessities among the victims.

Alimu has stayed in Bijie for about eight years and during his stay he has donated about 100,000 yuan. It is calculated that the street kebab peddler needed to sell more than 300,000 kebabs to make the amount.

Alimu’s generosity has touched the people of Bijie and the province and he has received honors for his donations. In 2008, he was honored as a Good Samaritan in Guizhou Province. In September 2010, the CPC Guizhou Committee called for the whole province to learn from Alimu. Toward the yearend of 2010, Xinhua News Agency launched a nationwide campaign online to find out who in the year 2010 touched the heart of the whole nation. Alimu was nominated and voted to the top of the long list. On January 13, 2011, he attended the award-giving ceremony in Beijing.

Alimu is proud of the honors he has received, but he believes what he does is nothing extraordinary. He believes the honors are like winds that will disappear finally. He likes the job of selling kebabs and he will continue to help children go to school. When asked why he is so generous to others and most economical in his own everyday life, Alimu says he used to travel in a bid to find a job in vain and experienced a lot of hardship. One of the difficulties in his job-hunting experience is his poor education background. That is why he chooses to donate money to education so that children from needy families can receive education without financial problems and grow up to be useful to the society.

The guideline behind his generosity is a simple motto: words carved on stone last forever whereas words written in sands stay only for a brief moment. Money is valuable only if it gets spent on meaningful objectives.

After the ceremony, the 40-year-old Alimu came home for a visit. His home county welcomed the lost son most warm-heartedly. He received honors from the county and the autonomous region governments. His mother moved into a cheap-rent apartment in downtown county seat, happily considering it a gift from her son. Zhang Chunxian, the chief of CPC Xinjiang Committee, met Alimu and gave him 10,000 yuan as gift and explained that 5,000 was for him and another half was for his future wife.

A 28-year-old girl named Patiguli called him. She is a college graduate working at a gas station. The telephone dating lasted for two months before they met each other. On March 4, 2011, Alimu paid a visit to the girl’s parents in Shanshan County in Xinjiang and asked the permission from her parents to tie the knot. Neighbors shook hands with him most gladly. The wedding took place on the following day.

Now Alimu and his wife live in a rented house on Wenfeng Road in Bijie. Some people have difficulty understanding Alimu. Why does he still want to be a kebab peddler? He replies he feels happy to be able to help others. He wants to make more money through his kebab business so that he can help more people. His big ambition for the next ten years is to set up a school for children left behind by parents who work away from home.