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Collecting sunshine sounds like something a Bond villain[坏人] might do, but it’s actually something the charming little Sun Jar does every day. Now light up your inner child with this year’s must-have accessory[附件]! Just as a jam jar stores jam, the Sun Jar collects and stores sunshine so that you can use it at night. This perfect garden light or bedroom night light looks simple, but it is adorable[可爱的], eco-friendly and fabulously functional[功能性的].

Inside the waterproof Mason jar注1 is a highly efficient solar cell, a rechargeable battery[充电池] and low energy LED注2 lamps. The idea is to leave the jar near a window so that the solar cell can collect energy throughout the day. This energy is then used to power the lamps, whose light is diffused[漫射] by the frosted glass[毛玻璃]. This provides the soft amber[琥珀] glow reminding us everything we love about the sun. Also, there is a clever light sensor[传感器] inside that automatically activates[激活]the lamps when it gets dark. When fully charged, the jar can glow for 5 hours.

When it’s cold and snowy, get yourself a bit of sunshine at your finger tips to warm these dark and gloomy nights don’t let the sun go down on your day!





注2:发光二极管(light-emitting diode)的缩写。