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摘 要: “信息安全”是一个既富有美感又具有新颖性的价值判断。“信息安全”中的“信息”,指的是的且具有较高理论或应用价值及重要经济价值的特别信息,笔者将这类信息表述为“蕴含价值的信息”。 要通过形象直观的审美教育,传授正确使用信息的方法,做到求真、向善、合美。要以我国信息技术在促进国家软实力建设方面取得的成果为基本教育内容,使信息技术的发展既注重商业经济效益,又要在维护信息安全的前提下,占领国际学术与科技创新的制高点。以审美的眼光分析漏洞与评估风险工作,自然就拉近了与信息安全的距离。审美教育既要从不同角度和侧面生动地反映我国信息建设取得的成就,又要注意强化叙事观念的创新性和震撼力。

关键词: 信息社会审美教育; 信息安全; 建设措施

中图分类号: B83;G20 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1673-9973(2012)03-0046-04

Social Aesthetic Education and Information Safety of Our Country

LI Xin-shi

(Supervise Department, the Chinese People’s Armed Police Unit College, Langfang 065000, China)

Abstract: “information safety” is a kind of value judgment which not only has the feeling of aesthetics but also is novel, the“information” in the talking of“information safety” means the particular information that has much more value of theory or value of practice or it has economic value. The author regards this kind of information as “information that lies in value”. We shall continue our aesthetic education through the ways of image and auto visual, and teach people how to use information correctly, and realize the aim of asking for the true, the good and fit for aesthetics. We shall be engaged in the aesthetic education with the fundamental content that is the fruits our information technology having got in accelerating our soft strength. We shall make the development of information technology fit for the profit of economy, and also in the premise of protecting the information safety of our country, stand in the highest point of the international academy, science and technology innovation. We shall look at the work of analyzing leaks and evaluating risks in the eyes of aesthetics, in this way, the subjects naturally are nearer to information safety of our country. Aesthetic education shall not only indicate the information safety construction achievements of our country in different angles and fields, but also shall pay attention to strengthening the innovation of corresponding ways and how to move people.

Key words: information society; aesthetic education; information safety; construction ways
