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引以为戒 第12期

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1.He got up so late that he missed catching the first bus.句中miss 等于fail to catch(未赶上),再用catch则多余,故应删去。

2.When the teacher entered in, the students were reading. enter等于come in或go in ,再用副词in为多余,故应删去。

3.When he returned back to his hometown, he could hardly recognized it. return 等于 come back 或go back,应删去back.

4.The teacher asked the student to combine the two sentences together. combine等于join together(连接起来),故应删去together.

5.If you study harder, you’ll improve your English better. improve 等于make better,再用better是多余的。

6.The enemy were defeated and fled away in disorder. flee等于escape by hurrying away,应将away删去。

二、学知识不能learn knowledge


We have got (gained, acquired) a lot of (much) knowledge from our teachers.

同样,learn from是学习某人的优点、经验、技术等意思,不用于贬义。例如Learn from comrade Lei Feng. 说“我不学你那样”,就不能用learn from,而应该说:I won’t follow your example.


“我请人照了几张相。”如果译成“I took some pictures.”就错了,应用have a picture/photo taken 句型,have是使役动词,taken是过去分词作宾语补语。该句的正确表达应为:I had some pictures/photos taken.因为照相多为请别人为自己照,若句子的主语用相机自己为自己拍照才能用take a picture/photo 句型。类似的句子又如:

I had my hair cut yesterday.(理发)

He has had his bike repaired and now he can ride it.(修车)

The doctor said that I had to have my bad tooth taken out.(拔牙)

四、How long may I borrow the book.这句话的borrow用错了

borrow 作为终止性动词,表示短暂的、不延续的动作,它与how long(多久)是相互矛盾的。这句话本意是问“这本书我可以借多久?”即我可以保存或持有多长时间,因此应将borrow换成持续性动词keep或have就对了。又如How long did you buy the bike?也犯了同样的错误,应改为How long did you hold/have the bike?或When did you buy the bike?

再看一个类似的错句:It’s two years since I studied English.应注意在句型“It’s+时间+since…”中,since 引导的从句要用非持续性动词,如join,die,go等,译为“做某事有多长时间了”。若用持续性动词则应从动词动作的终止时间来计算时间,即从动词所表达的否定意思来理解,故上句的正确翻译是“我有两年没有学英语了”。若将句中的studied改为 began to study 就变成开始学英语到现在已经两年了。请看以下例句:

It’s a week since he was in the hospital.表示出院已一个星期了,因为be是持续性动词。

It’s five years since we lived here.表示不住在这里已有五年了,因为live是持续性动词。


My brother joined the army two years ago. It’s two years since he joined the army. He has been a soldier for two years. It’s two years since he became a soldier.

The old man died a week ago. It’s a week since he died. He has been dead for a week.

He caught a bad cold a few days ago. It’s a few days since he caught a bad cold. He has had a bad cold for a few days.

五、注意区别prepare和prepare for

说“学生正在准备考试”,是指复习备考的过程,即为考试作准备,若用prepare the examination就不恰当了,应为prepare for the examination,prepare the examination含有准备就绪,即be(get) ready的含义。请看例句:

The teacher is preparing his lessons.(备课)

We are preparing to receive forign visitors.(准备接待)

Mother is preparing the table.(准备开饭)

We are well prepared for (to do) the work.(作好充分准备)

The officer has prepared plans for the battle.(为战斗制订好计划)

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.(抱最好的希望,准备应付最坏的情况)