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山间雅居 第11期

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项目地址 丹麦哥本哈根

设计单位 Norm Architects

竣工年月 2010年8月(新增)

Fredensborg House是位于哥本哈根以北的一栋宁静的别墅。住宅的美学灵感来源于地形错综复杂、房屋排列错落有致的山村建筑,因此建成后的住宅不禁让人联想起欧洲南部建筑、中国的庙宇建筑以及丹麦现代建筑大师Jørn Utzon的建筑作品。








由于Fredensborg House 的设计初衷是提供一个优雅宁静的居住环境,为了实现这一目标,设计师在材质和色彩的选择上,将两者之间的对比度降到最低。为适应周围环境,设计师使用了许多当地木材,从而在设计上形成了古朴而不沉闷,现代而不张扬的装修风格。

On a sloping property north of Copenhagen, the “Fredensborg House” is built on five small plateaus connected by steps. The house aesthetic is derived from inspirations brought about by the labyrinthine mountain village architecture.

The many yellow tile roofs of the house rhythmically overlaps each other - resonating the movements of the slopes in design. The roofs color palette consists of four different yellow and brownish tones in a mix to achieve a natural imperfection. It gives a seemingly harmonious and charming atmosphere like that of a traditional Southern European mountain village. When you walk along the east side of the house through a small path leading uphill towards the main entrance, there will several new volumes be introduced.

The House is structured around 2 axes; the central staircase going from north to south and the axes of 18-meter stretch from the kitchen to the east to the living room towards the west. A wide central staircase characterizes the architectural interior of the house, highlighted by the ceilings varying heights and the vast glass facades looking through the ethereal garden. The spacious staircase serves as a natural gathering place in the house.The lowest plateau of the house contains the dining area and a small washroom. It is divided from the kitchen area by a noticeably grey brick wall with broad steps on each side, dividing the room into three sections. Another viewpoint of the house is the entire façade of the garden, which is made of glass and flanked by double doors facing the garden on each side.

The kitchen is a part of the open “raumplan” but is still partly hidden in two niches allowing the occupants to prepare food without the clutter being exposed to guests. This structure has also left room to build in an oven, ventilation, fridge and storage,etc. The main bathroom is also situated in connection to the central staircase. You enter the bathroom through a small narrow passage that comes complete with built-in storage. The bathroom is in sharp contrast with the bright exterior of the rest of the house and covered in black porcelain tiles giving the room an intimate feeling like that of a luxurious spa.

设计/ Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen & Kasper Rønn翻译/肖俊编辑/刘序雯