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>> 新型城镇化带动城乡劳动力市场一体化的政策建议 坚持新型城镇化引领推动城乡一体化发展 以城镇化引领的望城城乡一体化发展模式思考 城镇化与城乡一体化发展模式研究 论乡村城镇化与城乡一体化发展研究 论小城镇的新型城镇化与城乡一体化 我国新型城镇化与城乡一体化发展评价探析 新型城镇化与城乡一体化疑难问题探析 新型城镇化与城乡一体化规划问题探析 新型城镇化下建构城乡社会保障一体化探究 城镇化进程中推进城乡义务教育一体化机制研究 加快推进城镇化进程 实现城乡一体化发展 城镇化与城乡一体化发展建设浅析 浅析现代城镇化与城乡一体化建设发展 完善城乡一体化发展机制研究 统筹带动 推动城乡一体化发展 兰州市城镇化与城乡一体化协调发展研究 湖北新型城镇化与新农村建设一体化发展对策研究 新型城镇化背景下的皖北城一体化建设研究 城乡经济一体化发展背景下推行新型城镇化的策略探讨 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:,2012.09.26.

[3]推广济南市历城区节约集约用地的做法和经验. 中华人民共和国国土资源部网站,http:///xwdt/dfdt/201208/t20120829_1136252.htm,2012年8月29日.

[4]厉以宁. 中国道路与新城镇化[M]. 商务印书馆,2012年第1版,120;258.

[5]党国英. 在高度城镇化基础上实现城乡一体化[A]. 中国(海南)改革发展研究院. 人的城镇化[M]. 中国经济出版社,2013年6月第1版,104.

[6]张文茂. 北京郊区城镇化和城乡一体化发展趋势[A]. 中国(海南)改革发展研究院. 人的城镇化[M]. 中国经济出版社,2013年6月第1版,134.

Abstract:To drive the integration of urban and rural development by new urbanization is an essential way to realize the sustainable development and a well-off society in an all-round way. For the past few years, Jinan has made a series of useful exploration and got some successful experiences in the field of the intensive utilization of land, agricultural modernization and new rural community construction. However, there are still significant problems that restrict the integration process of urban and rural development seriously, such as low growth rate of urbanization, low levels of intensive development, weaker construction of small towns, and huge income gap between urban and rural areas. It is necessary to improve the innovation mechanism to promote the integration process of urban and rural development effectively by building comprehensive resource-using system between urban and rural areas, establishing the new urbanization drive mechanism and agricultural modernization development mechanism.

Keywords: New Urbanization; Integration of Urban and Rural Development; Jinan; Mechanism Innovation