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The Clever Fisherman

A fisherman(渔夫)went fishing,he sat down by a big river.That day,he was not lucky(幸运).Every time when he brought(bring~brought)up the net(网),there were no fish at all.At last,he said,“I’ll make a last(最后的)effort(努力)before I go home.It doesn’t matter if there aren’t any fish in it.But the last net he brought up was so heavy.The fisherman was very happy.He thought,“It must be a very big fish,so I’m lucky at last.It is not bad working a long time.”He looked into the net,there wasn’t a fish,but a pot(罐)in it.He took the pot from the net and looked at it.It was round,brown,not very big but heavy.What was it in the pot?Was there a fish in it?Was it only water?Were there any coins(钱币)?The fisherman wanted to open it and have a look.He thought that the pot would bring him luck.

When the fisherman opened the pot,smoke(烟)came out.In the smoke,a ghost(鬼怪)stood before him.The fisherman asked,“who are you?”The ghost said,“Hello,man,you’re not lucky to get me up from the river.I have been in the river for three hundred years.After the first hundred years,I said(say~said)I would give any man a lot of money it(如果)he got(get~got)me up from the river,but nobody(没有人)came(come~came).After the second hundred years,I said I would make a king(国王)of any man who got me up from the river,but nobody came.Then,I was very angry(生气).I said I wanted(want~wanted)the man who got me up from the river to die(死),beuause(因为)he let(let~let)me wait in the river so long.Now you got me up from the river,so,you must die.But,before you die,you may ask for something.”

The fisherman thought for some time and said,“Well,before I die,I want to see how the small pot can hold you.”

The ghost said,“OK,it’s easy.Look!”As soon as the fisherman saw the smoke go back into the pot,he closed the pot at once(立刻)and threw(throw~threw)it in the river.








1.At first,was the fisherman lucky when he went fishing one day?

2.What did the fisherman get from the last net?

3.What did the pot look like?

4.Guess what was in the pot.

5.What did fisherman want to do?

6.What came out from the pot when the fisherman opened it?

7.What would the ghost do if a man got him up from the river during the first two hundred years?

8.Why did the ghost want the fisherman to die?

9.What did the ghost say to the fisherman before the fisherman died?

10.What was the end of the story?