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[摘要] 目的 探讨妥布霉素地塞米松联合氯替泼诺治疗前葡萄膜炎疗效及对血清iggigaige影响。 方法 收集72例前葡萄膜炎患者,随机分为研究组与对照组,研究组患者应用妥布霉素地塞米松联合氯替泼诺治疗,而对照组单用妥布霉素地塞米松治疗,观察2个疗程后比较两组患者临床疗效、治愈时间、不良反应发生情况、治疗前后血清IgG、IgA和IgE变化情况。 结果 研究组临床疗效明显优于对照组,治愈时间明显短于对照组,不良反应发生率(2.78%)明显低于对照组(16.67%),两组相比差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05);且治疗后研究组血清IgG及IgE水平明显低于对照组、IgA高于对照组,两组相比差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 妥布霉素地塞米松联合氯替泼诺治疗前葡萄膜炎疗效肯定,优于单用妥布霉素地塞米松,且能明显降低血清IgG、IgA和IgE水平,值得临床推广应用。

[关键词] 前葡萄膜炎;霉素地塞米松;氯替泼诺;IgG;IgA;IgE

[中图分类号] R773.9 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)08(a)-0084-02

The efficacy of Tobramycin Dexamethasone combined with Chlorine for treating with anterior uveitis and its impact on serum IgG, IgA, and IgE

YAN Tingqin1,2 BI Hongsheng3

1.Clinical College of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong Province, Ji'nan 250355, China; 2.Department of Ophthalmology, Tai'an Central Hospital, Shandong Province, Tai'an 271000, China; 3.the Affiliated Ophthalmologic Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong Province, Ji'nan 250002, China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the efficacy of Tobramycin Dexamethasone combined with Chlorine for treating with anterior uveitis and its impact on serum IgG, IgA and IgE. Methods 72 patients with anterior uveitis were randomly divided into study group and control group, the study group was treated with Tobramycin Dexamethasone combined Chlorine, while the control group was given Tobramycin Dexamethasone. All of the patients were followed up for six weeks. The clinical efficacy, healing time, side effects, serum IgG, IgA and IgE changes were compared between the two groups. Results The clinical efficacy of the study group was significantly better than the control group, the healing time was shorter than the control group, the incidence of adverse reactions was 2.78%, lower than 16.67% of the control group, there were significant differences between the two groups (P < 0.05); and after the treatment, the serum IgG and IgE levels in the study group were significantly lower than the control group, IgA was higher than the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion The efficacy of Tobramycin Dexamethasone combined with Chlorine for treating with anterior uveitis is certainly better than Tobramycin Dexamethasone alone, and it can significantly reduce the serum IgG, IgA and IgE levels, and it should be widely applied in clinic.

[Key words] Anterior uveitis; Tobramycin Dexamethasone; Chlorine; IgG; IgA; IgE